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Silver Fox

Registered Shopper
Mar 14, 2010
I simply can't understand why people buy food such as meat, sausages & pies on QVC.Any positive comments?Even those who are housebound or more country areas surely have some better means of supply.Isn't there a ruling now to say that for e.g Cumberland Sausages are made in Cumbria? anybody out there buying?
Wouldn't touch it with a barge pole, particularly chicken. I just would not fancy eating chicken that comes by mail. Also having suffered twice severe food poisoning from chicken not cooked through thoroughly in restaurants ( one lot that put me in hospital !! ) I now never eat chicken when I am out as I just don't trust its been cooked thoroughly enough.

I was not at all impressed by the Kings Realm guest recommending not to overcook it. IMO totally irresponsible advice being given out & what she was carving up still looked undercooked to me. I was told years back by a doctor who was a consultant in Microbiology to always cook chicken / poultry so its falling to bits to ensure everything is killed off.
i wont buy sausages for £36 or chicken breasts for £40 but my mum did buy some steaks and was not impressed so never bought any more.

she buys from tescos and marks and spencer and said it was no better maybe worse.

she is not a poor pensioner and house bound so would buy more from qvc meat wise but even she would not part with her hard earned lol.

i was in marks and spencer and bought some marked down roasting beef for £5 a joint served 7 easily and was beautiful.

someones buying from leq america and uk just not me!
Not me either. We have a butcher near us who produce their own meat and although more expensive than the supermarkets, it costs much less than Kings Realm. I also prefer my meat fresh, not having to defrost it overnight. Frozen meat in the supermarket always costs less than fresh too, so it's very overpriced in my opinion. When you add the £7 P&P to the already inflated price, how many of us would dream of spending that amount of money in one go at a butchers shop.

As for the packaging, I ordered some sausages a couple of years ago when it was Buccleuch. When I opened the box all the sausages had come out of their packs and were lying in the bottom amongst the dry ice. I rang QVC and they said not to eat them as the dry ice could be dangerous. They were out of stock so I never did get to try them, just got a refund.
I'm disgusted!!! They're not even saying that the chicken is free range.

It probably isn't. When you think how many thousands they have in stock, of 12 'in number', that's 6 birds per order. They would have to have a very large farmyard.
he just said that they come from various suppliers in somerset devon and cornwall... "king arthurs realm". i wonder which farmyard all the bullshit comes from :happy:
I'm disgusted!!! They're not even saying that the chicken is free range.

I only eat organic meat anyway. I won't touch stuff thats shot up with hormones, chemicals etc. :puke:

Clare is stuffing her face at the moment.
When I turned on last night, I had to do a double take at the screen. The QVC banner was partly covering up the display on the table and so their big white letters read FAT for a moment (instead of EAT!). I wondered if QVC had suddenly taken to honest product promotion? :D Unfortunately, the man from KR was standing right behind it too! Wasn't the best opening shot.

(mum writes)
This stuff is well overpriced. My other son (the non-veggie one) buys chicken legs from Asda. 24 legs for £5 and they're nice quality - not rotten old meat injected with water and rubbish to make them look better.

When I was younger, I also had a couple of very nasty experiences when eating chicken, one meal resulted in me suffering with dysentery. Listening to the advice given about the chicken last night certainly didn't give me much confidence in the company as a whole. Didn't stop Jilly (spelling?) stuffing her face with pretty much anything that wasn't nailed down. Made me feel a little nauseated to be honest.
did you see our resident beauty expert stuffing her face too , and using fingers !!!!!!!
I think you would probably get the equivalent food from Iceland being that all their food is frozen. :grin:
Just out of interest, I emailed QVC this morning to ask what the meat content of the sausages was. IMO this should made available on the web site.
I only buy mine from M&S as they do a 97% meat content and they are certainly a lot cheaper than the Kings Realm ones and I only have to buy 6 in number.
I'm thinking the 30 day money back guarantee could lead to some very interesting returns.:devil:
I agree the chicken looked undercooked on the midnight TSV - we will have to wait to see if Jilly comes down with a dicky stomach ! Lol

We always cook chicken or any form of poultry till it falls off the bone, like the other member said you just cannot take the risk.

QVCs prices are ridiculous for this Kings Realm meat - support your local butcher and save yourself some money.
Just watching the Real Pie Co show - the pies look revolting and very expensive. £42 for six "large" pies. They look large due to a hefty pastry lid and the meat pies look very dry and devoid of any gravy etc.

M&S make delicious fresh chilled not frozen pies at half the price.

Sausage rolls - 10 for £17. You can't beat Gregg's sausage rolls.

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