If eating all that meat makes you look like that revolting man, count me out.
he's the one who once said to anne dawson "ive yet to meet a woman who didnt like my sausage"
If eating all that meat makes you look like that revolting man, count me out.
Don't you mean "Last Chicks"? :mysmilie_47:
Somebody on the qvc fb page has recommended Donald Russell meats as a alternative... Free delivery on orders over £80 so stick that in your pipe and smoke it QVC. http://www.donaldrussell.com/
he's the one who once said to anne dawson "ive yet to meet a woman who didnt like my sausage"
I have to admit to being appauled that QVC would sell food that hasnt come from free-range animals, regardless of the price! In this day and age they should be truly ashamed! IMO all non-free range farming should be banned anyway!
he's the one who once said to anne dawson "ive yet to meet a woman who didnt like my sausage"
I've used Donald Russell and thoroughly reommend them for quality meat; I only buy during special promotions :cheeky:
Jude xx
he's the one who once said to anne dawson "ive yet to meet a woman who didnt like my sausage"
I was looking at the prices last night and they seem very good value.. A spend is likely at the end of June so I can cook a birthday meal for my elder Sister who celebrates her 39+1:sweat: birthday:cake: at the end of June...