Prestigio tsv


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And if you don't want American mags, fine, just ditch the leaflet. QVC's price for this is still cheaper than most places even without all the added value.

Actually, it was the free magazines that finally decided me to order it.

I had been dithereing all day, and finally ordered it during the final show about 10-15pm.

I was really looking forward to browsing the magazines over xmas.
Actually, it was the free magazines that finally decided me to order it.

I had been dithereing all day, and finally ordered it during the final show about 10-15pm.

I was really looking forward to browsing the magazines over xmas.

I had an online magazine subscription for a while and I didn't like it but that was before I started using tablets to read on. What are the online readers like now or is the kindle software just used?
I think someone should scan in the Zinio offfer, so that we can check what subscriptions are on offer and if they are us magazines.
If you Google Zinio & choose the United Kingdom option you'll find they list loads of UK magazines that are available.
After they put me on hold a couple of times to make enquiries, I was told that "the product team were aware that there were some issues about this and were looking into it to see if anything could be done".

If so, someone will ring me back in the next day or two.
7 reviews on QVC now. Average 3.6 stars.

I am getting more tempted to cancel, it seems the whole thing is set up for the USA, even when you tell it you are in the UK. - - - - - - >

Not for me
"not for me... sending back. had trouble with apps..Google play...all in $, could not convert to pounds. When tried to put QVC app on, could only get US version! said devise was in wrong country! qvc picking up to collect, good customer service"

2 Failed Purchases
"This looked a good buy for Xmas, so much that I purchased 2, 1st one could not connect to App Store but could connect to Internet, advised to return as could not be fixed. Opened 2nd unit this time all worked except that it had a known fault that it was for the US market and a number of UK based Apps that I tried to load stated that it was not valid for my country. Both units now being returned and order cancelled, not happy."

sound quality
"i found this tablet not as good as the one i purchesed for my grandaugter the sound was very tinney and not as loud when you did not have earphone on also it did not show picture of album in the music so i am sending it back it was not a bad price but if you consider the price of my grandaughters it was not good."

Prestigio Tablet 8"
"After trying several tablets, I now have found one that is excellent. It is easy to use. Photographs look great on it. I would recommend this tablet to everyone."

Sound Quality Very Poor
"Received this tablet very quickly from QVC ordered when it was a TSV.
Tried the tablet with the music that came pre-loaded on the tablet only to find the sound quality very poor, it sounded very tinny. It was like having an old transistor radio with very poor speakers.
With the earphones supplied the sound quality was OK.
Phoned QVC and they're picking up for a refund."

This tablet eases the pain of the previous model
"What a little belter. What a difference the dual core makes. The smaller screen is hardly noticeable. And for the price this one is a winner."

"I received mine this morning and I have been playing on it or 3 hours now. It is very easy to use and after many purchases from qvc I have decided to write my first ever review because of it'!!
Thanks qvc!"
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I have finally managed to read all the posts on FB, but only because I had a notification of a reply and could jump straight to it.

Because of the problems of accessing it, I am pasting it all here, for my own benefit (so you don't have to read any further unless you are really interested LOL) - - - - - >

Kathleen Jennings Did any one buy the Prestigio tablet TSV? got mine today....easy to set up although when I tried to get BBCiplayer it said it wasn't available in this country!! and the free emagazines worth £50.00 turn out to american magazines useless if you get the gossip magazines full of celebrities 'famous' in the states but not here...or my fave home interiors if I see anything I'd like to buy I can't because the shops are in the US.......

Val Dawson Mine still on the 5 hour charge.not tecki hope it is as easy as they say. Or will send back

Nicola Atkinson So do I mine going in charge after the camera I treated my self to lol

Seirian Tomos That's not good. Not a mention that they were American magazines when pushing the sales.

Claire Hopkins Liddell I'm on wait list for it. Don't know if to cancel now. x

Hazel King I don't know about this particular tablet , but check you have set your location correctly in setup or user account to UK , it may be pre set up as US .

Kathleen Jennings Hi Hazel. Yes I have put the UK as location that's why I'm finding this tablet frustrating....xx

Chloe Richards Thats the problem with the rushed demos they say all the things it can do but they touch on the things it cant do

Alan Jenkins I recorded some of the presentations, this was not mentioned at all. The subs were one of the reasons I went for it, I was looking forward to sampling lots of different mags (90 I think they said).

Now I am thinking about cancelling, but waiting until some reviews appear on Q.

This was totally dishonest, another job for trading standards IMO. How do they get away with it?

William Watson I along with others made various comments about these Prestigo deals this is the fourth change this year-as I said before I bought first one & because of the demo hype and had to return within days - in high tech. Y really only get what you pay for - now using an Acer very fast & responsive dearer free apps No fancy gimicks

Kathleen Jennings I sky+ the presentations I'm gonna watch them again to see if I missed anything......

Nicola Atkinson Sending mine back in the morning my location was set up as uk could only get not uk and no I player at all not happy at all

Nicola Atkinson Also it froze on me defiantly not worth the money x

Kathleen Jennings Might phone' talk me through it' if I can be bothered.....

Kathleen Jennings Pipa Gordon bought two for each of her children they are gonna have a great Christmas....

Georgina 'George' Hawker I got mine yesterday and have to say I am very impressed, it's great for me being on a budget with the four easy pays and I am enjoying using it and just having a play around. It is very responsive and I don't seem to be experiencing any problems and with all the added extras I think it was a real bargain. There seems to be a lot of snobbery around concerning this product but not everyone can afford an i-pad or the like and I'm not sure that I'd want to anyway.

Kathleen Jennings Hey Georgina - Nobody's getting snobby about this product only discussing the pro's and coins. I started this thread because I thought it seemed good value but while playing with I have encountered problems I have tried to get the QVC UK app but it won't let me because I'm in the wrong country!! same response when I wanted to play BBC I player and Sky on top of that great emphasis was put on the free £50.00 magazine subscriptions as a great home interiors magazines reader I thought great save some money but the magazines are american not British which should have been mentioned, a lot of the apps you can buy are in. $, and whilst I wouldn't buy a iPad even if I could afford one I welcome all opinions ........

Chloe Richards Make sure u review the product on the website as i dont think the big bosses take note of much thats said on this page sadly , hope u get ur refund sorted asap, i would also try and claim back the postage as u were mislead

Georgina 'George' Hawker Hello Kathleen I was commenting on the general snobbery on this page concerning other brands of similar products. All technology has pros and cons I suppose but hopefully you'll have a good play with it before deciding on sending it back.

Kathleen Jennings As the postage was so much(£9.95) I certainly will claim it back Chloe and although I'm usually happy with most products I buy from Qvc I am gonna complain about when I ordered the prestigio. It was a telephone order and when I completed my order the operator asked if I was interested a video to DVD kit I said I didn't want any add-on sales she then proceeded to ask if I wanted to buy some WINTER TRAX . I really hate being 'guided' into buying things I don't need.....

Kathleen Jennings No probs Georgina!! Like most people we have to watch the pennies and like you said the price and the 4 easy-pays made it an attractive choice - but I did want to use it for catch .up TV amongst other things but it is not letting me even though I've inputted the right location it is telling me I can't access certain apps (BBC. iPlayer for example) it's saying I'm in the wrong country....!!!

Alan Jenkins Just put a long post up and it all disappeared, possibly deleted by Q as it was a complaint about the misleading info they gave. Not only the mags, but apparently can't even get QVC UK, despite being told it was preloaded.

Alan Jenkins Come on QVC, haven't you got anything to say before I cancel my advance order??????

Kathleen Jennings I thought they said QVC UK app was pre loaded Alan, it doesn't look good if your post has been deleted......

Susan Smith Yes i can only get QVC US, certainly not preloaded. I am also having trouble with skype. Has anyone managed to set it up and actually use the skype?

Chloe Richards If u look at the Q&A page on there website it clearly says u can watch tv via the Bbc i player and itv player . So qvc have miss sold these tablets to customers lets see how quickly they remove them Q&A'S NOW

QVC UK Hi Alan, just to reassure you that we haven't removed any posts. Should we ever need to remove something we'll always post to let everyone know. If anyone has any issues or concerns with the item please email us your details at [email protected] and we'll get back to you x
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Some of you probably think I am going over the top about this, but the fact is I really want a tablet and have been looking for months. I just can't find any that meet all my requirements (which are actually quite simple, see below).

The last Prestigio I bought met all of my requirements, but it was faulty and simply didn't work as in the QVC demo.

This one looks ideal IF IT WORKS (although I'm not quite sure about the smaller screen) but from the above reviews it seems that it has lots of problems.

I looked at the Nexus that someone recommended above, but it had no back camera.

This is what I am looking for - - - - >

Front camera

Back camera

USB connection

HDMI connection

Expandable memory

Screen larger than 7 inch

BTW the Apple mini has been slated in comparative reviews with other 7 inch tablets
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They are aware of the problems of it not working properly in the UK, such as you can only get USA QVC, you can't watch BBC iplayer, etc.

They will be producing a software update to download, which should solve these problems.

It should also then be possible to download UK magazines as well.

PS I've lost track about which forumites bought one. How are you getting on with it?
doea an apple i-pad have all the above strato?

Unfortunately not, otherwise I'd have bought one.

No USB, so putting videos and music onto it is a palaver, and you are tied to using Apple shops.

No HDMI, so you can't watch on your own TV, unless you buy an Apple TV or an expensive Apple gizmo.

No expandable memory, so you are stuck with what you bought initially, which may be too much, or not enough. And each module of extra memory increases the price by a huge amount, up to £160 on top of the basic price of £399.
Great customer service by QVC not , why has it taken u to ring them shouldnt they have put something on there website and FB page about this. Strato id cancel ur advanced orders coz ull end up getting someones return as many people are sending them back according to Fb.
Yes, a bit worried about this, although I am hoping it should be fairly easy to tell (packaging, version of Android, apps on it etc).

I don't want to lose the TSV price as I want it to be OK.
When are they providing an update? It is really bad they launched this knowing there would be issues with I player etc. They should have been honest - people wouls still have ordered, look at the Nexus 7. That needed an update from the BBC.
So pleased I didn't go for this. Thanks, mainly, to the negative feedback I read on this forum.
Stratobuddy i know i have mentioned it before but the Galaxy Tab has expendable memory, to use USB you buy an adaptor off Ebay for £1 that's what im using with mine, there is also a HDMI adaptor for £10, for the price around £180 for the 10.1 dont think it can be beaten imo, as good as if not better than a ipad

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