presenter salaries


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Registered Shopper
Mar 29, 2013
I suppose this is a very taboo subject. I just wonder, do the presenters who have been there longest earn the most? I suspect some 'big' names earn the most.
Is this so you can decide if they are spending their salaries on items which pass your approval?

I know I wouldn't like to work to 2am and then travel home out of London
In a lot of companies, those who have been there for the longest and who have the most experience get paid a higher wage than 'newbies.'

However, my wage packet isn't my main incentive for going to work. It's the love of the job and I'd hate to think that the parents I work with and the L.E.A. summize on whether I'm worth the money. I just do the best job that I can for the children. Teaching is also a job that you can’t forget once you are home. We also work at home in the evenings and during the holidays so it’s rare to be able to ‘switch off.’

When I watch QVC (which isn't often nowadays because a lot of the products bore me) I don't give what they are paid a second thought. I just hope that they inform me about the product and if they chip in about their friends and family too then that doesn't bother me either. We all do it, although not all of us are thrust in front of a TV camera. Talking about yourself and engaging with others is part and parcel of being human.

I assume that all the presenters love their job – and good luck to them, whatever wage they are on.
Is this so you can decide if they are spending their salaries on items which pass your approval?

I know I wouldn't like to work to 2am and then travel home out of London

You seem to be jumping on me all the time! if you dislike me that much, you are certainly following me and commenting on everything I say. You say I generate feelings of dislike, you don't do a bad job, I feel so bad for even being here. Surely we are at liberty to discuss these type of things.
You seem to be jumping on me all the time! if you dislike me that much, you are certainly following me and commenting on everything I say. You say I generate feelings of dislike, you don't do a bad job, I feel so bad for even being here. Surely we are at liberty to discuss these type of things.
You seem to assume that anyone who disagrees with you dislikes you. Just because we don't all agree doesn't mean forum members dislike each other. How can loveallthingsitalian dislike you when they don't actually know you?
I`d hate to think people were speculating how much I earned and I may be speaking out of turn here because I`ve sort of jumped into this thread but whatever people earn is only ever whatever the company they work for is prepared to pay. So if QVC are happy paying it and the presenters are happy working for it, then speculation is wasted. Sorry Tristar but questioning whether anybody is worth what they`re being paid is always going to be controversial.
I`m currently on short term sick leave from my job, hence being under the wife`s feet lol and hence being able to watch QVC for the first time ever and I arrived here after googling reviews on something I was interested in buying. Some people where i work don`t yet get paid sick leave, I do and I`d hate to think they were bitter towards me because I had something they didn`t. Once they`ve worked for the company as long as i have and given the same committment then their turn will come. Often the same applies to salaries.
You seem to be jumping on me all the time! if you dislike me that much, you are certainly following me and commenting on everything I say. You say I generate feelings of dislike, you don't do a bad job, I feel so bad for even being here. Surely we are at liberty to discuss these type of things.

Just because someone doesn't agree with you it doesn't mean they don't like you. You have been told this numerous times!
....Surely we are at liberty to discuss these type of things.
Hmmm Tri interesting comment. Im not interested in what others earn personally and I'm not sure where this sort of question goes other than into a downward spiral. It's not relevant to the products, presentation or anything else I can think of so it's questionable whether the Q forum is the right place to ask it - just my opinion.
well I guess we will never know. Soap stars and the like have their wages discussed in the media all the time yet it seems tv shopping presenters are immune from such discussions. Its amazing just how protected tv shopping presenters are!
You seem to be jumping on me all the time! if you dislike me that much, you are certainly following me and commenting on everything I say. You say I generate feelings of dislike, you don't do a bad job, I feel so bad for even being here. Surely we are at liberty to discuss these type of things.

For gawds sake!

It's not always about you - some people have more important things to do than stalk you online!

This is a public forum and people will have differing opinions - just like in the real world... Suck it up or don't participate - you have a choice.
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I also thought on a forum devoted to tv shopping Im amazed their has not been a thread discussing this.
yet nobody has an opinion or is allowed to have an opinion on presenters salaries, this forum is devoted to discussing tv shopping and presenters are bound to come under the spotlight.
I also thought on a forum devoted to tv shopping Im amazed their has not been a thread discussing this.
I'm not Tri because it's not the sort of thing I think about when I'm packing my shopping at Sainsburys either lol
You seem to be jumping on me all the time! if you dislike me that much, you are certainly following me and commenting on everything I say. You say I generate feelings of dislike, you don't do a bad job, I feel so bad for even being here. Surely we are at liberty to discuss these type of things.

I'm not even going to comment on this dribble other than to say you seem to be obsessed as to who agrees with you or doesn't.
I was out with work colleagues last night and the conversation turned to salaries. I wish it hadn't as there was some nasty surprises. But to be honest, I think people should keep what they earn to themselves, it's no-ones business really is it? I am a private person though. A friend I was with last night wears her heart on her sleeve and tells people absolutely everything there is to know about her. I think this makes her very vulnerable. Going back to presenters salaries, I would have thought they got paid along the same lines as presenters on other programmes, with maybe a commission or bonus related to sales in their programme. I know it is easy work for the probably large salary they get, but I wish I was in their position!
I was out with work colleagues last night and the conversation turned to salaries. I wish it hadn't as there was some nasty surprises. But to be honest, I think people should keep what they earn to themselves, it's no-ones business really is it? I am a private person though. A friend I was with last night wears her heart on her sleeve and tells people absolutely everything there is to know about her. I think this makes her very vulnerable. Going back to presenters salaries, I would have thought they got paid along the same lines as presenters on other programmes, with maybe a commission or bonus related to sales in their programme. I know it is easy work for the probably large salary they get, but I wish I was in their position!

I actually never thought about sales targets influencing their salaries. Interesting, maybe that's why presenters are extra enthusiastic on certain items.
Whatever they get paid, its what they negotiated and we can only guess at what it is. Put another way, you attach a premium because once you're regularly on TV you then become a target thus your price includes the hassle that comes with it. And lets not forget most of them tend to be self-employed and get contracted to appear rather than a permie job - an interesting tax situation and regularly exploited by footballers. Brand Beckham on the payroll or is that an outsourced contractor ;-)

In this day of social media, I guess there's now an added premium due to the vitriol and ever present viral video to contend with destroying any credibility. Let alone the forums....rather, if they sell a lot and consistently then the pay is justified. The shopping channels have a rather understated method of determining that - they have an almost instant view of the sales so there is no hiding. If they had that for my job then they might start questioning my output even though my skills are measured in a different way.
Many many years ago on A thread came up and someone who worked at QVC answered questions(off the record), then they disappeared. No doubt QVC found out and they got a warning about discussing QVC's business on a public forum. Same person told us about Liz Earle and AY not getting on, the special lighting etc used for certain guests.

No the presenters do not get a percentage the more they sell. This was asked

Oh and once someone found out(goggle is your friend), how much JR earned. It was not as much as many thought.
Surely we are at liberty to discuss these type of things.

Personally I don't have any interest in what anyone else is paid. For me it is a subject strictly between the individual and their employer. I would never dream of asking a colleague or anyone else what their salary was, and equally would be pretty upset if anyone asked me.
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