presenter salaries


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You seem to be jumping on me all the time! if you dislike me that much, you are certainly following me and commenting on everything I say. You say I generate feelings of dislike, you don't do a bad job, I feel so bad for even being here. Surely we are at liberty to discuss these type of things.
Sorry Tri but no, I don't think it's right to make assumptions about a presenter's salary or guess. It's a very personal thing. We are the viewers, not judge & jury on debating what they earn. I find this rather intrusive tbh.
Also threads/posts on here are in the public domain. If I was a shopping channel owner or an employee of I would be a tad unsettled that people were openly, publicly discussing such things.
Whatever they get paid, its what they negotiated and we can only guess at what it is. Put another way, you attach a premium because once you're regularly on TV you then become a target thus your price includes the hassle that comes with it. And lets not forget most of them tend to be self-employed and get contracted to appear rather than a permie job - an interesting tax situation and regularly exploited by footballers. Brand Beckham on the payroll or is that an outsourced contractor ;-)

In this day of social media, I guess there's now an added premium due to the vitriol and ever present viral video to contend with destroying any credibility. Let alone the forums....rather, if they sell a lot and consistently then the pay is justified. The shopping channels have a rather understated method of determining that - they have an almost instant view of the sales so there is no hiding. If they had that for my job then they might start questioning my output even though my skills are measured in a different way.

What an interesting reply. Thanks. I did think the subject did have some merit for discussion, whatever your viewpoint.
I was out with work colleagues last night and the conversation turned to salaries. I wish it hadn't as there was some nasty surprises.
Our employment contracts state that anyone who discusses their salary with other employees can face disciplinary action.
No one knows what salary I'm on and I don't go around discussing it or summizing on what others earn. I have a managerial post in the school and so obviously know what the staff in my department are on, but if I really wanted to know about the rest of the staff then I can look on the Teachers' Pay scale. But frankly - it's none of my business.

It doesn't matter one iota what people earn, in my opinion. It's the person that counts. I just count myself very lucky that, in the current economic climate, I do have a job and I'm sure that all of the presenters (on any of the shopping channels) are grateful for work too.
Personally I don't have any interest in what anyone else is paid. For me it is a subject strictly between the individual and their employer. I would never dream of asking a colleague or anyone else what their salary was, and equally would be pretty upset if anyone asked me.

I was brought up to believe that it is very bad manners to ask anyone about their income or how much they paid for anything and applies even to family members.
I do not think it is appropriate to discuss presenters salaries on here!
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