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NIKKID this is a really good site. Also try to get hold of this book is fab, the best I have read. Go easy on eating/drinking soya too, read up on this.

HC - I don't know if you are joking, if not, it is a myth that thyroid meds shift all excess weight. Yes weight increase is part of underactive problems because the metabolism is slowed down, but thyroxine does increase the metabolism to get the body functioning back to normal as much as poss but you still need to diet. Thyrox. makes a diet more effective. It speeds up the heart rate too, obviously, that is why it has to be controlled and meds given/increased carefully.

The fact thyroxine is a synthetic medication does mean that there will always be a deficit to the gland but I wouldn't want to take ground thyroxine from sheep, even though it is available.

That's what I HAVE been doing! Plus getting myself up off my bum and doing more exercise.

But somehow I'm still not losing any weight. My OH, who has been doing the same as me has lost over 4 stones since Feb!

So something can't be right.
Did you read I posted earlier HC? Might be of help. If you have only been on treatment for a year it is very early days. It is nonsense to hear GP's say you will feel better in a couple of months on meds as it depends on your blood results and how long you went undiagnosed. I was 7 years after being fobbed off with every virus under the sun. A newly qualified GP "youngster" diag. me as he was up to date with the signs and your own doc can look at you and not recogn. changes (which I think is a nonsense, bloatedness, frizzy hair, layers of clothes in decent weather!) your own doc should know you and recog. you look unhealthy compared to years back. My own doc. refused to treat me after "youngster" diag. me. What does that say?

If it is a year since last test HC go get a new test and demand it if there is resistance. Unfor. thyroid awareness has to be fought for. Disgraceful I know. Good luck.
AY is always going on about cakes and chocolate, so I think she is eating loads of sweet stuff as well. Loveinamist is correct you need to cut down and exercise to lose weight.

But really the heavy makeup especially the thick black eyeliner and her dress sense have an awful lot to do with the way she looks. There are times when dressed in the trouser suit and lighter makeup and she looks good.

I have an overactive thyroid and did lose weight in the early days but it was more about the shakes and the sweats(thought it was the menipause and ignored it). Six years later mine is heading underactive but I have lost 5 stone in two years. Through starting to eat properly and walking like 3 miles at a time.
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