Polling subject suggestions


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Registered Shopper
Jun 18, 2012
Most diva-ish
Most fake
Most cosmetically enhanced
Most irritating
Most fashionable
Best / worst hair
Most stylish

What other suggestions can you think of?
Have we got a fav guest list, past or present?

Julius your irritating presenter one is now up ....
Its something i will do however you can only have a maxium of 25 choices and there are so many guests that it will have to be narrowed down some how
Autumn, do a multiple choice best guest one then I can vote for Stephen and Rosa!!!!!!!!!
Autumn, do a multiple choice best guest one then I can vote for Stephen and Rosa!!!!!!!!!

Lol i will come up with one tomorrow but obviously its not going to be able include all the guests because there are too many but perhaps if i include an "other" option if you favourite isnt listed members can choose that option.
Thanks Autumn, and I AM CONFIDENT that Steven and Rosa will make it into the 25........ cos I know you like watching YC too!!!!!!! :mysmilie_14:
Lol i will come up with one tomorrow but obviously its not going to be able include all the guests because there are too many but perhaps if i include an "other" option if you favourite isnt listed members can choose that option.

You could split it by category e.g. Beauty guest, fashion guest etc. though I suppose that wouldn't give us an absolute favourite.
You could split it by category e.g. Beauty guest, fashion guest etc. though I suppose that wouldn't give us an absolute favourite.

Im going to do a separate poll for beauty as there are tons and tons of guests , Im thinking about doing a male and female poll for the rest and also including the "other" option for people that aren't included :) Hopefully that will please everyone .................. well i hope anyway.
Im going to do a separate poll for beauty as there are tons and tons of guests , Im thinking about doing a male and female poll for the rest and also including the "other" option for people that aren't included :) Hopefully that will please everyone .................. well i hope anyway.

Thanks for taking the time to do these Autumn - this is fun!
You could split it by category e.g. Beauty guest, fashion guest etc. though I suppose that wouldn't give us an absolute favourite.

When we have the winners in the individual polls for best beauty/fashion etc guest, we could have a poll where we just choose from the top 3 in each category to give an overall winner?
I`m not a fan of polls but fair enough for people who like them. In my opinion its more interesting when an off the cuff subject matter comes up for discussion rather than a poll. Obviously I`m in a minority but to each their own as long as ST doesn`t turn into nothing but a massive market research poll. QVC send these things out to people asking what`s your favourite nail polish or which type of jewellery you prefer etc etc etc and pretty soon you get sick of answering them and just delete or ignore them. As long as we have a happy medium and not an overload then for those who enjoy them the polls rumble on.
Im going to do a separate poll for beauty as there are tons and tons of guests , Im thinking about doing a male and female poll for the rest and also including the "other" option for people that aren't included :) Hopefully that will please everyone .................. well i hope anyway.

What about voting for the presenter that 'Best Needs a Makeover and Why' or 'Most Down to Earth Presenter'. If you could do top 3 or maybe just stick to the 1!!?:mysmilie_8:

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