Pipa Returns


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I think that because they're all much the same these days, presenters must feel stifled, so I guess it's survival of the fittest in QVC-land. It may not be the job it once was - times are hard, perhaps?
I think her hair looks great it suits her but she is still as loud as irritating as ever. She is unbearable, I can't stand her voice or her screeching. Her popularity baffles me. I watched about 5 minutes of her the other day on a show she she drove me up the wall, when she basically took over the whole show and never even stopped for breath. Sorry to her fans, but I am not glad to see her back at all. I wish Debbie Greenwood would come back instead of over-bearing bossy Pippa.
Hair.. oh yes, Very Nigella!

Actually its a shame Pipa has succumbed to the JR hair straightening bug. Pipa's natural curls (before she left) suited her quite well, and softened her features.

They often say 'new man - new hairstyle' so maybe this is Pipa's way forward into a new relationship, if thats her goal

Glad she is her bubbly self still, albeit enthusiastic
I'm glad to see Pipa back on Q. her hair looked in super condition. Loved the colour but not sure about the style yet.
I like Pipa although I haven't seen her yet to comment on her hair style. I am always envious of anyone who has hair which grows very quickly. I have quite thick hair but it grows out rather than down so would take me well over a year to grow into a short bob.
Have to say I don't like Pipa's hair at all, I think it elongates her face too much, puts years on her, and she's lost all her individuality. She's just someone who reminds us of someone else now.
Even though I do like her very much I agree about the yeah yeah yeah. I don't remember her doing that until about 2 years ago - wonder what brought it on so we can get it stopped? Hope the break hasn't changed her too much.

I notice those who liked SG have gone off her since her return - even I who never liked her at any time have noticed a change of style and not for the better.
Not keen on Pipa. Never have been. I think she tries too hard to seem vibrant and avant-garde, changing her hair with the weather! Her singing sounded like a chicken being strangled! For a woman of her age I would expect a little more consistency and elegance.
Not keen on Pipa. Never have been. I think she tries too hard to seem vibrant and avant-garde, changing her hair with the weather! Her singing sounded like a chicken being strangled! For a woman of her age I would expect a little more consistency and elegance.

Yes I get the impression she wants to be seen as quirky and edgy. Which I am not buying. I have never heard her sing before through.
Just catching Pipa's new look for the first time and the jury is still out. However does anyone else think she looks like Genieve who used to be the fashion expert and left to go to IW?
I think she looks awful, the long hair makes her look long in the face she reminds me of a Spaniel and her voice sounded like one on that CD she made (I didn't buy it).

Look at the picture on there with half her face, half in shadow. Look into her eyes and you see someone who is sad and hurting, who has gone through a great loss. It's an interesting photo. Makes her look like something out of 1983's "Educating Rita." I can imagine here inside at party whilst Rita is outside scribbling a note to excuse her attendance.

Look at the picture on there with half her face, half in shadow. Look into her eyes and you see someone who is sad and hurting, who has gone through a great loss. It's an interesting photo. Makes her look like something out of 1983's "Educating Rita." I can imagine here inside at party whilst Rita is outside scribbling a note to excuse her attendance.

Photos can be very subjective. I certainly see no great hurt or loss in her eyes. I think you may be projecting this onto her image. And whilst I have yet to see her on air she certainly is looking cracking in these photos IMO!
I think her hair colour is nice, and it goes well with the green of her eyes. I think she is trying to adopt a more elegant image, but she does look forlorn.
Sorry Julius, but I don't agree at all. She has a new life and a new man, why would she look forlorn.

I like her new hair colour and length and previously I liked her hair short and spiky. The new colour shows off the colour of her eyes and her skin looks really nice.

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