Peter Simon


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It beggars belief how the old duffer has got away with it for so long. He obviously hasn't been told to stop giving misleading price information, so all I can think is I/W must be happy with his presentations.
How does he get away with it?? Really IW why does Peter Simon get away with it? ITS NOT AN ODD MISTAKE!!

He is floging a VAX, he's giving the price comparisons with other retailers, so he gave the other retailers FULL price (which are all around £140) they says "THE IW PRICE IS JUST £30!!!!" whats wrong with that I hear you ask!!!!

Well the FULL IW price is in fact £89.99!!! NO MENTION whatsoever of the 3 flexi payments that IW offer!!!!

Disgraceful stuff all round. This is not Peters fault as its obvious he is being allowed to act in this manner!

Report being submitted to ASA.

I have complained about this to Ideal World.I did it on their FB and eventually got blocked.I also emailed them .I too am going to have to resort to our friends at the ASA.The more the merrier and they have had enough chances.
Did anyone see Dirty Peter's Christmas Greeting, he's sat in a chair (not a Pleather chair) in a very traditional, festive setting (think Bing Crosby but without the talent).

It has to be the most insincere, phony drivel that this lot have spewed out yet.

Excruciating :puke:
It may be that different directors have different views - some may take the more ethical view and tell him via his earpiece that he should clarify what he's said, others (probably most of them) may not even bother. Of course some may be so overwhelmed by the hilarious nature of his presentation, his quick-fire wit and charm, that they overlook which case, they need treatment, and quick! He pulls this trick so often that you would think the ASA have a crateload of complaints piled up on someone's desk, wouldn't you? But the reality is that the ASA have no clout and he gets away with it, because his bosses seemingly turn a blind eye to whatever he does. He should be slapped on the wrists for the smut before the watershed as well. But all they care about are sales figures.

according to him just now in between talking about having the job of pulling the vicars big one its just 3 tenners no mention of any other price
I've also complained to both, Petespants. All IW do is send you a standard-worded e-mail, saying they welcome feedback (the "hidden meaning" behind this is probably that they do bu$$er-all about any feedback they get.
I have complained about this to Ideal World.I did it on their FB and eventually got blocked.I also emailed them .I too am going to have to resort to our friends at the ASA.The more the merrier and they have had enough chances.
I've also complained to both, Petespants. All IW do is send you a standard-worded e-mail, saying they welcome feedback (the "hidden meaning" behind this is probably that they do bu$$er-all about any feedback they get.

I certainly wouldn't waste your precious time complaining to this lot about their 'talent'. They hired them, one can only presume that their appalling style of presenting is totally in line with company policy, I've never seen anything like it.

Just look at the often shocking yet extortionately priced merchandise, the excruciating 'experts' with their genuinely terrible tales and of course the grotesque goons.

It gets worse and worse by the day, it really does. I know Ideal World was never what you might call 'high quality' but it was at least decent. But goodness me, it's now gone past scraping the bottom of the barrel, it's shocking.

What a shame, it's quite clearly ran out of ideas :mysmilie_59:
It may be that different directors have different views - some may take the more ethical view and tell him via his earpiece that he should clarify what he's said, others (probably most of them) may not even bother. Of course some may be so overwhelmed by the hilarious nature of his presentation, his quick-fire wit and charm, that they overlook which case, they need treatment, and quick! He pulls this trick so often that you would think the ASA have a crateload of complaints piled up on someone's desk, wouldn't you? But the reality is that the ASA have no clout and he gets away with it, because his bosses seemingly turn a blind eye to whatever he does. He should be slapped on the wrists for the smut before the watershed as well. But all they care about are sales figures.

The only true way to get the clout to get rid of him, is for the people that watch to not put their hands into their pocket... and if they have to, then not to do it when he is on (the same products appear thousands of times, with other presenters at the same extortionate prices.)
When selling an overpriced, badged up, 'Spear & Jackson' Pressure Washer he yelled : -

'even if you don't need this, buy it'

They don't have a vey high opinion of their audience do they? :mysmilie_59:
Thought the williams waterless cleaner was the greatest thing for cleaning cars or is that for another day
You're right, some presenters do treat their audience as though they are thick, and I can just see the likes of Barra Boy, Pope Pete and Shaun (just to mention 3) having a good laugh at the end of their hours about how gullible their audience are and how much they've sold. You can tell from the smirk on Pope Pete's face that he's struggling not to laugh at times when he's on-screen. I'm sure he thinks his 1970's fan club are still out there, admiring him: few things are sadder or more embarrassing than a has-been TV "personality" who can't accept that their time has past, and they are no longer in vogue.
When selling an overpriced, badged up, 'Spear & Jackson' Pressure Washer he yelled : -

'even if you don't need this, buy it'

They don't have a vey high opinion of their audience do they? :mysmilie_59:
"It was -5c in Edinburgh last night" NO its was not, It was +5c at the VERY lowest last night
"Its going to only get colder" Any stats showing this?
"Its predicted to be one of the coldest new years in a long long time!" Where is this info coming from?
"YOU NEED these in your home otherwise you will get end up like me with my medical conditions" When did you study medecine?
"The snow IS coming" again Peter wheres this info coming from?
"These radiators are flying out and will sell out" Yeah but worry not! they will definetly be back tomorrow
"£70.62 is all you pay today for this radiator" yes £70.62 is the 1st of FOUR instalments so the full amount is £282.49 FACT but dont tell the viewer this in any detail whatsoever!!

Now all of the above quotes are from Peter himself, Look at all of them its all so so pathetic how more desperate can this person get for the sake of a sale?

Scare sale tactics all the way with no let up, words fail me why he is never..........ever held to account!
IW must stop these scare stories about the weather to get sales old people live in fear of snow and ice for walking in and living in cold conditions especially since there is no evidence for it.
IW must stop these scare stories about the weather to get sales old people live in fear of snow and ice for walking in and living in cold conditions especially since there is no evidence for it.

QVC do it all the time too, only the other day Chloe Everton was talking about the "artic" Winter that's coming our way, whilst selling a coat, they also do it for Wintertrax, Dyson heaters (double up as fans in Summer though, were it'll stop the aged from over heating and hot flushes) Emus, and the list goes on, and on, and on, and............

Peter Simon is still a fool who can't present if his life depended on it, the dirty old fart should stick to being a failed 80s "entertainer" the one thing he's good at, the failed bit that is, not the entertainer.
The langdons are bad for this on QVC he frequently comes on with his phone showing pictures of ice on his car or clutching stupid newspaper stories of arctic conditions from november to april or whatever to sell his snow and ice scrapper that gets crap reviews
Both Ideal World and the appalling QVC are equally as bad at spouting weather scare stories to shill their tatt, make no mistake.

However, I think you'd have to go a long way to find such an unbelievable ripoff as a Ideal World 'miracle' Heater, the prices are truly breathtaking (but on Flexipay).

Come to think of it, you wouldn't have to go such a long way to find a bigger ripoff. Just check out any Kevin Reynolds 'show', you'll find a mega ripoff there :mysmilie_59:

However, I think you'd have to go a long way to find such an unbelievable ripoff as a Ideal World 'miracle' Heater, the prices are truly breathtaking (but on Flexipay).

So we have a heater that heats up a room 'instantly' yet they now provide a free throw and push its ability to be switched on remotely (a feature obviously added to somehow help justify its insane cost). On top of this, they could in theory plug an ability to dry clothes (which you can't easily do with other types of heater apart from oil-filled radiators without a clothes airer), but for some reason they don't do this unless it's to avoid any comparison whatsoever with other types of heater apart from central heating.
"If you've got a bent pile; if you've got something limp and want it up..." - Guess who, selling a Vax carpet cleaner.

Well that's at least one thing he said that actually made me laugh (sort of)...
Well i`ve heard it all now, 20 odd minutes in to the carpet cleaner show, we have Peter who just came out with "As anyone should know, if you have a 14 year old pussy you should not touch it". Also now getting the guest Marie to say "no shrinkidge" and "stiffness", she looks uncomfortable...well worth a watch on replay if you want to see this wazak in full flow :sweat:
"If you've got a bent pile; if you've got something limp and want it up..." - Guess who, selling a Vax carpet cleaner.

Well that's at least one thing he said that actually made me laugh (sort of)...[/QUOTE

Lovell Park. Quote ["Well i`ve heard it all now, 20 odd minutes in to the carpet cleaner show, we have Peter who just came out with "As anyone should know, if you have a 14 year old pussy you should not touch it". Also now getting the guest Marie to say "no shrinkidge" and "stiffness", she looks uncomfortable...well worth a watch on replay if you want to see this wazak in full flow"]

If I was with a group of friends I knew well who also didn't mind this kind of humour occasionally ,then the odd remark from someone would be ok.However,on a tv shopping channel from a man approaching quite mature to an audience he doesn't know is,in my opinion, unacceptable. He is there to sell products- which he doesn't do well as he misrepresents on many occasions.He is attempting to be funny but instead comes across as lewd,creepy,and quite desperate.He'll upset the wrong person one day then the $#! T will hit the flexipay fan.


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