Willy wonka's chocolate experince Glasgow!


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Jun 24, 2008
I'd not even heard about this until an advert for an hour long documentary showed up on telly and I watched. It was absolutely hilarious. I don't know if anybody else watched but woweee! The organiser guy clearly has some kind of neurodiversity going on coupled with mental health issues. A scam merchant? absolutely not. I got the sense that he wanted to create an amazing event, and built an astonishingly brilliant website with the help of A.I and had he put as much effort into the event itself it could've been half decent. A few cheap props bought from Amazon/Ebay and the local garden centre, not forgetting Poundland placed in a massive brutalist warehouse is gonna look just like that. From what I understand the casting call came out after the event had been advertised, the people who applied weren't even auditioned, were offered the jobs on the spot and were given a 15 page script of computer generated gibberish to memorise. In interviews one of the actors said that there was absolutely no health and safety in place, so I'm surprised that the event was actually allowed to go ahead in the first place. Hats off the actors who tried the best they could with what little they had to work with and I hope this fiasco allows them to go on to bigger and better things, I hope that everybody gets their money back in timely fashion and arguably some extra compensation as some people had travelled and booked hotels so they could attend the event. I also sincerely hope that the organiser himself will learn from this and get the support he needs for his mental health. For the hundreds of disappointed customers, half who didn't even get through the doors as it was closed down before lunchtime, there's millions for whom this $hitshow has given a jolly good laugh - We love a fiasco!
I'd not even heard about this until an advert for an hour long documentary showed up on telly and I watched. It was absolutely hilarious. I don't know if anybody else watched but woweee! The organiser guy clearly has some kind of neurodiversity going on coupled with mental health issues. A scam merchant? absolutely not. I got the sense that he wanted to create an amazing event, and built an astonishingly brilliant website with the help of A.I and had he put as much effort into the event itself it could've been half decent. A few cheap props bought from Amazon/Ebay and the local garden centre, not forgetting Poundland placed in a massive brutalist warehouse is gonna look just like that. From what I understand the casting call came out after the event had been advertised, the people who applied weren't even auditioned, were offered the jobs on the spot and were given a 15 page script of computer generated gibberish to memorise. In interviews one of the actors said that there was absolutely no health and safety in place, so I'm surprised that the event was actually allowed to go ahead in the first place. Hats off the actors who tried the best they could with what little they had to work with and I hope this fiasco allows them to go on to bigger and better things, I hope that everybody gets their money back in timely fashion and arguably some extra compensation as some people had travelled and booked hotels so they could attend the event. I also sincerely hope that the organiser himself will learn from this and get the support he needs for his mental health. For the hundreds of disappointed customers, half who didn't even get through the doors as it was closed down before lunchtime, there's millions for whom this $hitshow has given a jolly good laugh - We love a fiasco!
I saw it, a good summary above.

Now in my local rag - - -

I can't offer up a story anywhere near as bad as this, but I did attend a show a few years ago that most certainly didn't live up to expectations. Billed as Brighton's biggest Eurovision party I was promised an evening of fun, laughter and entertainment. The "Eurovibes" party was set up in a big top amid the town's Christmas market. A friend and I paid £25 each for a ticket which promised decent seats and a free traditional German sausage meal courtesy of the surrounding market. Cut to the night, friend called me late afternoon to tell me her son was unwell so couldn't go. She said as she didn't think she could get a refund she said she'd email me her ticket so I could invite somebody else rather than waste it. Couldn't find anyone at such short notice so I bit the bullet and went alone (oh said sorry, I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than go).
Ticket said doors open @ 7.30 show commences at 8pm. I decided to get there for about 7.40 as I expected to queue due to being at the tail end of Covid. Got there, there was no queue, just a bloke in hi viz wandering round, I approached the tent and he said sorry luv can you come back in ten mins. I looked around the market. Got back about 3 or 4 other people seemed to be hovering around the entrance, the guy asked for tickets gave them a cursory glance and waved us in. There was a bar set up, obviously no queue. I ordered myself a g&t which was single shot of gin a squirt of tonic served up in a tiny paper cup, I asked for ice and lemon, sorry no lemon and the ice machine's broken - they still charged me £5.60...gonna be a long night, gingerly walked into the main tent to be screeched at by a female organiser "Oi, where you going" " we ain't ready yet, we'll let you know when you can go in" By this time a few more people had arrived. A few mins later we were invited in, same woman snatched my ticket and ushered me to my table which was down the side directly behind a heater so I was freezing cold. I sat there looking at my phone for something to do. Finally at 8.40 a drag queen took to the stage and mimed to a medley of Queen songs then insulted members of the audience in the most grotesque and unfunny manner. The singers and dancers when they eventually took to the stage were awful ( I can only guess they must've failed the audition for the cruise liners), loud, nasal, screechy and off key, costumes were cheap and not even right for the eras they were trying to portray. I managed to hold out until the interval by which time it was approaching 9.30, cold, bored and hungry I decided I'd head home, but then remembered the promised free meal. I approached a steward in the foyer who gruffly told me that the free meal only came with premium tickets, I said it was advertised as all tickets coming with the meal and he said yeah that must've been a mistake and he helpfully told me that the stalls were still open so I could buy my own. I couldn't be bothered to argue or try and find evidence that I was supposed to get a meal..I went home - Good decision . What a shambles!!!!
I went to a car stunt show many years ago, it started about an hour late and then was hopeless.

People were booing.

At the end, most people drifted away, but I and a few others were so angry that we managed to get our money back :)
Not on Willy Wonka scale whatsoever, but I attended a gig last night and it was underwhelming. My friend suggested it because it's something we both love and that is Eurovision. It was the 50th anniversary to the day that Abba won Eurovision on the stage at the Brighton and they were going to have a special concert with the famous Brighton Gay Mens Chorus and real Eurovison legends. Tickets were £50 so I was expecting a lot. We got to the dome and it was there that I discovered that our tickets were standing....whaaat? 50 blinking quid and we didn't even have anywhere to sit!!!! To add insult to injury 'cause we had coats with us, we had not option but to pay £3 to put them in the cloakroom! Thankfully I hadn't been at work yesterday so I hadn't been on my feet all day already. I questioned this with my friend who said I'm so sorry I thought I'd mentioned it but seats were even more expensive unless you were up in the gallery and they'd sold out by the time I went to buy them. Notice on the doors said performance begins at 7.30 the interval is at 8.30 and the second half finishes at 9.30 ....Whaat? 50 blinking quid for less than 2 hours entertainment!!!! We got in and managed to get right down close to the stage and it was 7.40 before anybody took to the stage, time the chorus filed in and the compere (swedish winner from 1999) we didn't hear any music until about 7.50. It was okayish each "legend" sang their Eurovison winning or losing song and then an Abba song, all chose lesser known dirges so that was pretty boring. The rest was sung by the men's chorus but obviously without all the pizzazz and cheese of an Abba performance. At the end of the show, they obviously over run by about half hour to squeeze it all in, and literally they said "Goodnight Brighton" and left the stage, there were shouts for an encore (not from me) but it seemed evident very quickly that that wasn't going to happen - So Goodnight Vienna! I am waiting for the reviews to appear online because I'd love to know whether I was alone in being underwhelmed by it all. Just remembered my last Eurovision based concert was an absolute disaster it's a couple of posts up from here. I'm guessing I'm better off enjoying Eurovision at home or at a house party!

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