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Hope you've had a reasonable night. The snow isn't too bad here. DH just set off for the airport as away on business this week.

can you put snow and airport in consecutive sentences?? i thought they closed the UK if we had half an inch ;)
we both had a reasonable night thanks. he's eaten a little bit of breakfast. waiting for vet to call - i feel i spend half my life waiting for the vet to call. lol
No snow here, very cold and sort of sleety rain and snow, so far :) Glad you'd a reasonable nights sleep. Good luck with the vet :)
i've spoken to the specialist vet who thinks it is a case of the correct dose but incorrect timing and that the steroid is wearing off before the next dose. he wants me to give it every 48 hours and see how we get on with that. he's had a few more biscuits and is asleep in the wardrobe.
Oh thats good news janie, at least he's not heading back to hospital. Lets hope it all settles now. Sounds like
going out really took it out of him, and he's in one of his favourite places, poor louis and you. Its been very
traumatic for you both xx
definitely barbs - i couldn't bear the thought of him being readmitted. little perisher has refused water so far today but he seems content :) the vet is concerned that he's reacted like this and doesn't think he will make old bones :( he said his emphasis is on quality not quantity of life which is why he doesn't want me to keep him in. obviously i agree but it's has made me very sad having it spelt out to me :( i'm definitely keeping him in for a couple days though and then if louis doesn't complain, i think i'll keep him in at night for a while. he hasn't complained about not being allowed out today. he's such a good boy :)
I can feel your pain Janie. I'm glad you're keeping him in for a bit especially with the weather being a problem for next few days. The vet is right about quality of life, but it's so, so difficult. Fingers crossed it's a blip and adjusting his meds does the trick.
just want to say - thank you all so much for supporting me through this (((big hugs)))
What kind of a night have you both had? It is icy here I can hear my neighbours scraping their cars before they set off for work. Not cat going out weather at all. Has he had a drink and eaten?
Keep us all up to date janie, hopefully louis has drank and ate some biscuits and you both slept well xx
thanks everyone :)

we had a reasonable night. louis slept in my arms till 2am. i was sooo tired and dying to go to bed, having had a few semi-sleepless nights but at least andy murray was playing live. lou jumped off just about at the end of the match ;)

today he had a few biscuits for breakfast and he's nibbled throughout the afternoon and evening as well. he's had several drinks. he's fascinated by the water coming out the tap but makes no attempt to drink from the tap. when he hears the tap running, he jumps up on the worktop (not allowed) and waits for me to lift his dish from the floor, tip the water out and refill with cold chloriney water. then i have to hold his dish while he drinks. this is a little ritual we've got into.

he spent the morning in the wardrobe while i went to asda. i had to give him his injection at 3.15 which didn't go very well because he moved so i had to prick him twice. i also made a right pig's ear of loading the syringe and had to do it several times - it all went so well at the vets too! anyway, that disturbed him of course, so soon afterwards he came downstairs and has been restless ever since. he's been walking from room to room complaining. hopefully he'll settle down and we'll have a good night. he's on the back of the sofa glaring at me at the moment. he sends purrrrrrrrrrrrs to you all :)
Oh, that's good to know janie.
As long as you don't start sleeping in the wardrobe with him lol.

There's a clip on you-tube about a cat & water. I'll toddle off to find it ....

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