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Good grief there sure are some horrible people in the world, reminds me why I love animals so much:) Hope you enjoyed the wine Janie and Louis sounds like a very happy puss today. Everything crossed here that each day gets better. Keep your pecker up and don't let those b*tches get you down.
Oh janie im so happy for you and Louis, he made it. His first time out in the big world for months, and he did good.
Glad he's out of the wardrobe :) Never mind those neighbours from hell, i'm a great believer in what goes round
comes round. Nasty people. Im so happy for you and Louis. And Hopey says miaow miaow loulou xx
Sounds like Louis' trip out was far better than yours, even if he came in smelling of pee. Dreadful people! My next door neighbour is an air hostess so she's hardly ever there but when she is she's lovely. I have neighbours opposite but no on the other side. The people who had the house before the hostie were weird but not really a problem. Although they did have a pyscho spaniel. But my cats weren't bothered by the dog so it wasn't a problem.

Hope you have a good day tomorrow. Both of you.
You poor thing Janie. They sound terrible. Our next door neighbours are sheep and the only time they give us grief, is when they break through the wall into our garden! Before we left UK, we had neighbours from hell, 2 doors down. I lived on my nerves for 2 years. I hope Louis is in good form and keeps well x

Me and my big mouth! I opened the curtains this morning and there was a big woolly sheep nibbling the grass in our front garden. I asked 22 to try and get him back through the wall, but he is going paintballing! (My son is so obliging). OH is useless, so I will have to phone the farmer. There are about 10 more of them at the wall baa-ing at her, I hope they don't come through as well. They wreck the lawn.
sorry about the lawn itchy but sheep next door sounds like heaven - do they have lambies?

louis' been sick again this afternoon. very worried. waiting for vet to call. hasn't eaten all day.
Oh janie, poor Louis and you, hard to know what to say, except let us all know, we're thinking of you both (((( ))))
thanks barbs - the on-call vet just rang and said to give lou the injection. she said the same as david, that it's probably just a case of getting the correct time interval - everyone metabolises the drug differently and she thinks maybe louis should have it every 2 days as he's vomited on the third day both times. i hope she's right - i think i've been convincing myself he's better really, even though he's still on steroids. she's going to tell david and he'll advise tomorrow. she said he may also need a small amount of antisickness which can also be injected. he's a little angel, doesn't turn a hair when i do it.
Oh poor louis and you janie, its all just a try and see what happens approach at the minute, so will probably take
things a while to settle down. He probably doesn't know whats happening and you just feel for him although its
for the best. Can you let him out again
I was told by a vet that meds for small animals are all a bit hit and miss so that does fit with what you're being told. Hope Louis is feeling a bit better now.
barbs - i've left the flap unlocked. he seemed so stressed about guarding it yesterday i wondered if i'd made a mistake and he was happier inside! he loves to be outside but he takes the defence of his kingdom so seriously.

tink - thanks :) it's just so disappointing to think his bowel is still inflamed enough to be that dependent on steroids. i think he did so well on the prednisolone, it lulled me into a false sense of security.
FP - he did have an exhausting day yesterday, bearing in mind he usually sleeps all day. i was fretting though because he didn't eat all his biscuits yesterday - wondered if he'd found chicken - and then wouldn't eat anything at all today. he's asleep on the sofa on his furry blankie at the moment. i won't be happy till he eats something.
Janie, I am so sorry to hear Louis is sick again. You must be worried sick. They are so helpless. I really hope he improves soon, the poor little fella must be really fed up of it all.

The daft sheep was put back in this morning. We were out all day at my Mother's and when we got home an hour ago, it was happily munching the grass in our garden again! OH went out and got her back through the wall. It is coming up to lambing season, so soon there will be baby lambs frollicking next door. They are lovely. The cows will also be back in that field in the spring. Its a different story when they get into our garden.
FP - he's already locked in again. i hope we don't get snow - last thing i need with louis' condition being iffy and the vets both a long way away.

the vomiting continued so after much discussion, i went to the vets and collected an anti-sickness injection. he's had that and i'm hoping he'll eat a little, later. hoping against hope he's not sick again because if he is, they want him admitted. all being well, i'll speak to the specialists tomorrow.

itchy - i always wanted to live next to a field of cows but my friend who does says i wouldn't really because they f*rt a lot. lol! i adore lambs though and sometimes have to watch i don't drive off the road looking at them. how lovely to have them next door :)
Oh janie , i'm gutted for you both. Hopefully the injection has helped and the sickness has settled, and maybe
louis has had some food, its all we can hope and pray for. Let us know whats happening, all our thoughts are
with you xxx
barbs - you're right. i can't begin to tell you how disappointing it is. he had a teaspoon of canned food, then a bit later on, 20 biscuits, then finally after much persuasion, a drink. i had to pretend i was drinking it! the things i do for this darn cat! lol. he hasn't complained about the cat flap being barricaded up again and is settled in the wardrobe. hope we have a reasonable night.
At least he's ate and drank something, and you said earlier that would make you happy so remember
that. Its a bit of comfort for today. Tomorrow is another day, and tackle that when it comes, hopefully
you both have a good sleep and a better day tomorrow.xx
Hope he's feeling better this morning Janie. Remember, the vets did say there would be hiccups along the way, so hopefully he'll be back on track very soon. Thinking of you both. ((((xxx))))

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