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Oh, fabulous to see him up and about outside janie. That must have made your day. I sure hope it did.

As for decent pictures, I just click like fun & then delete about 3/4 of them. The snaps of Meg in the basket were blurry tonight because she was frantically trying to fit her large ... rear end into a smallish basket lol
min - i blame the camera ;) lol. i bought it from qvc when i went on holiday last year and some of the reviews did say the shutter was slow reacting. yes it was a good day thanks :)
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gots me a new collar :sun:

studs :cool:
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i escaped again today - here i am on the stile :happy:

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here i am refusing to smile for the camera :giggle:
Oh janie, he really is a lovely handsome cat, and you do somehow know its a "he", if you know what i

mean. Glad he's got out today, before the bad weather, if it comes. And i'm sure you're a lot more

settled now. Long may it continue x
frazzled - the last couple days he's eaten his full quota :happy: i was a bit tense cos i saw him eating grass today but he has had some of his biscuits so fingers crossed.

barbs - i know what you mean, he does look like a boy doesn't he. he has such a pretty face but he keeps glowering when i try and take a pic. lol. in real life he looks like the first pic i put on here, in the wisteria.

FP - he did that the very first night. i didn't hear anything but came downstairs at 6am to find lou with his collar jammed over one ear forcing it flat - this is why he doesn't normally wear a collar. it's the first thing to go in a fight. when i went outside, there was enough fur to make another cat on the drive - the usual suspect's.
Oh he's a happy pussy cat now janie, had to look at the photo twice, it was a strange angle. I think
maybe minim needs to give us all tips on taking photos (joking). Ah i'm so happy for you and Louis,
that things seem to be settling. Sleep well x
There's a lot more Louie than there is mama's lap -- "Are you all right under there, Janie?". So handsome with his Ozzy Osbourne collar!

Or is it Alice Cooper??

lol! i'm taking his collar off in the evenings. hoping he gets the idea, when it goes on, he can go out. also to give his little neck a rest as he had the tube to put up with for so long. i do have to extend my lap with rolled up fleeces ;)
He's looking great Janie (& that tail of his is epic! lol), you did a great job nursing him back to health there, nice one! (I knew you could do it, even the yukky/scary parts! lol) xx
awwww...thanks kitten but we're a long way from better yet as the vet reminded me when he was ill on sunday. i was kidding myself he's better but he may be on steroids for life. every day he's well is a bonus :)
awwww...thanks kitten but we're a long way from better yet as the vet reminded me when he was ill on sunday. i was kidding myself he's better but he may be on steroids for life. every day he's well is a bonus :)

Life is poo, **** happens - DD's b/f (slim, fit, otherwise healthy & only in his early 30s) will also now (due to a nasty & unlucky to have been picked on from the 'poo things can & do happen to nice people' lottery of poo illnesses!) be on steroids for the rest of his life & will have good weeks & (sometimes very) bad weeks for ever more too. They try & take the view that whilst it's more than a bit crap, something else could have been a whole lot crappier; I know it's hard to be philosophical about such things but I guess you just have to be sometimes! (Still poo though, I know!)

I should've maybe said 'current health' for Louis & certainly on his 'good days' you can be proud that those days are thanks to all your hard work; his 'bad days' are never going to detract from that, your job was/is to get him back to functioning mostly, which you've done, the background illness is out of your direct control & not something you are responsible for, if that makes sense? xx

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