Oh Julia


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sorry that DID sound a tad over defensive didnt it. she referred to herself as being "heavy busted" * and the problems this presents. good for her!

i have the same issues with the size of my.... well... never mind but needless to say i'm a martyr to it!

if you mean hemorrhoids then no. i am pristine in that department :O) but look you made a spelling error! SHOCK! if JR did that the knives would be out.

If you consult your dictionary I think you'll find my spelling is correct BB.:hi:
if you mean hemorrhoids then no. i am pristine in that department :O) but look you made a spelling error! SHOCK! if JR did that the knives would be out.
I'm glad you have come out to play tonight BB. You make me laugh.If I said half the things you come out with I would vilified by certain forumites who see me as a constant source of amusement.
Well I'm a fan of Julia but I don't particularly want to be confronted by her crepey old upper arms :cheeky: She'd look so much better if she covered them up. It's called dressing appropriately for your age. I might be a forty-something vivacious brunette, but I wouldn't go mincing along the street in a pair of those ultra-short shorts a la Joey from TOWIE - if I did I would expect to get a few barbed comments. :hi:
I'm glad you have come out to play tonight BB. You make me laugh.If I said half the things you come out with I would vilified by certain forumites who see me as a constant source of amusement.

loveheart, i can only give you this word of advice. NEVER be worried about being vilified by people on this, or any other forum and that includes me. we are all silly sods messing about on the internet. it is a pastime. it is not real. state your point of view and be proud of it, as i know you do.
loveheart, i can only give you this word of advice. NEVER be worried about being vilified by people on this, or any other forum and that includes me. we are all silly sods messing about on the internet. it is a pastime. it is not real. state your point of view and be proud of it, as i know you do.

Thank you BB, I know it isn't real, maybe others should take note.
loveheart, i can only give you this word of advice. NEVER be worried about being vilified by people on this, or any other forum and that includes me. we are all silly sods messing about on the internet. it is a pastime. it is not real. state your point of view and be proud of it, as i know you do.

I agree wholeheartedly with BB. However, you do have to accept that we all have different opinions whether you agree with them or not. We are all different, thank goodness.
she was lovely when i saw her earlier. she had a kind of flapper dress on. it was ace. i think she is going lighter on her hair which is totally approropiate for someone who probably has a lot of grey coming through now.

i dont know why some of our unofficial guardians of the forum, i.e the "stop being nasty" brigade forget their duties when it comes to Julia. Apparently you can slag her of as much as you like, but criticise anyone else and youre morally corrupt.

what is it about the woman that makes you all so critical. or is it defensive? oh.... no need to answer that ..... She is 53, slim, successful and by most peoples standards a VERY good looking woman.

Claws in, bitches.

now now, you know exactly what it is. i agree, she is all of those things and good luck to her. it's the constant 'extra small' bragging, flirty 'coyness', hair flicking, face pulling, eye rolling, divaesqueness (yes i'm sure that's not a word but you get my drift)
I agree wholeheartedly with BB. However, you do have to accept that we all have different opinions whether you agree with them or not. We are all different, thank goodness.

Exactly, and the intelligent way of responding is to accept it, disagree with it, defend it, move on with your life. There is NEVER a need to get personal, unless it was that way to begin with - which is the only thing that could possibly offend me. You can disagree without being a bitch - well, you should be able to! Whatever happened to free speech? Everyone is afraid of offending someone today. Well I say if you are offended by me not liking the same brand of cheap, plastic tat that you like - tough poo!! Life goes on, we live to battle another day. Very on topic, look up Christopher Hitchens, a hero of mine who said exactly what he liked and was greatly admired for it :tongue: I just wish I could voice my disagreements so eloquently.
And on the subject of JR - I cannot help but like her! I think she is gorgeous, and if I look that good at her age I will be flirting and bragging (ok, maybe not the bragging!!) and enjoying myself (fnar fnar). She is very similar in looks (but thats about it) to a very dearly departed auntie, so I always think of her when she is on. That said, sometimes she does get on my nerves (but nowhere near as much as others) and makes me cringe (pilates hours) but she is just a figure on the screen, so I let it go :)angel: haha!!) Good luck to her I say!
Hello, I'm new :hi:

I'd just like to stick my oar into this debate, as I'm accused of being too harsh about the presenters on Facebook, but having read 33 pages on threads here, I think I'll be right at home....lol

Julia's appearance isn't a problem for me, it's her behaviour that rankles - the flirty girlie, extra small, eye rolling, divaesque, lip-gloss-smacking stuff grates a bit on a 50-something woman, dontcha think? Bit more dignity would become her...

hello, everybody.
There are times when I enjoy a presentation and other times when I don't. If a particular presenter happens to be getting on my nerves and I am not particularly interested in the product I look for another channel. If, however, I am interested I tolerate it with the sound down. I admit that I have said both positive and negative things about presenters ( mostly positive!???) but I do agree that we should let it go. It's only television and nothing personal. :sun:
I like Julia!
I don't mind her being some of the things people accuse her of - though I don't see it myself - I just think she is really good at what she does.
Hello, I'm new :hi:

I'd just like to stick my oar into this debate, as I'm accused of being too harsh about the presenters on Facebook, but having read 33 pages on threads here, I think I'll be right at home....lol

Julia's appearance isn't a problem for me, it's her behaviour that rankles - the flirty girlie, extra small, eye rolling, divaesque, lip-gloss-smacking stuff grates a bit on a 50-something woman, dontcha think? Bit more dignity would become her...

AND THIS IS'NT BEING SAID by some of us old hands on here, but fresh blood (so to speak), so it just proves its not just our t....ts she gets on but many more out there !!!!!!!

Welcome Phoebelondon !!!!!!

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