Observations on Carmel, Anna and Mikheal (not sure how to spell it)


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Hey everyone... i'm new to this forum. Some interesting posts.
Hi Richkid12, WELCOME to the
forum. Hope you enjoy it. Bet , like us all, you"ve been watching for a while he he :cake:
Can't stand any of them to be honest.

Carmel - Still reminds me of Bid TV. Also, does she get her accent from Nadine from Girls Aloud? It's bloody awful.
Anna - Useless
Miceal - Pathetic.

But I'd take any of them over Craig Rowe. Still hate him.

It's amazing the OP bunched this group of presenters together as they are, in my view, so annoyingly amateurish, and shame on QVC for inflicting them upon us. I agree with all you say, apart from the last point. Craig is by no means a favourite of mine, but I do rate him more highly than the other three numpties!Whilst I wouldn't want to see anyone lose their job, QVC need to consider the viewer and let them go.
I don't really care much for any of 'em, though Carmel, aka Barbie, has at least improved somewhat & to give her credit, she does at least try to fit in and look interested in what she's flogging, ditto lickle bouncy Miceal, which is more than can be said for Anna, who hasn't improved at all, doesn't fit in at all, looks utterly bored nearly all of the time & is duller than ditchwater, I fear presenting just isn't her 'thing' sadly....!

I care not for any of their 'personalities' really, I just want them to look interested, sound knowledgable, not overdo the BS & tell me the 'need to know' stuff, which is why BB's darling is by far & away the best presenter on there,; she might be a hard-faced old baggage & a total diva in RL but when I watch/listen to her I know I'm going to be able to make a want it/don't want it decision on whether or not I actually need this whatever it is item in my life, or not! lol

At the end of the day, I wouldn't really penalise any of them for being fake or false; I don't want to be their friend/have them round for tea/take them on holiday with me or anything else & vice versa, so as long as they do a decent presenting job & don't actually lie to me they can be as false as hell; the bottom line being that despite QVC's fostering of the 'one big happy family' idea, I know they do not actually give a flying whatsit about me personally & I don't give a ***** about them either...! lol

I struggle a bit with the blatantly stupid or BSing ones of course, hence my dislike of airhead JF & I sincerely hope QVC are not planning on dumping that weasly faced dimbo with the weird ringlets, that keeps popping up on the jewellery shows, on us, she really is one step down in shopping telly ranks & definitely belongs on the channels that announce their final 'scramble to the phones now' prices with a klaxon!

Here endeth the rant. :dull:
Mic...oh the Irish guy, don't know how to spell his name! I like him as a presenter, he's rather good at it. Carmel isn't too bad either. I have to say their accents get to me after a while. This may arise from living in N.Ireland for a spell and almost marrying an Irish man!! No offence whatsoever, I'm Welsh, so it's probably a case of pot/kettle!!

Anna - she thinks she is above what she does. And she may well be! Her vocabulary is outstanding - stick her on Countdown and put poor Carole into retirement!!

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
Oh and Welcome from me too Rich! I scroll through these posts too fast and miss half of them most of the time!
All 3 are absolutely awful, at a push Micael is bareable - Carmel and especially the horrendous Anna - are an immediate turn off ... indeed I have never purchased one item whilst any of these 3 have been presenting - and have only managed 5 mins of any show with the girls on, even if its something I like.

But I find Anna the biggest turn off, although she does at least look a bit better having now dropped the 80s daygo make up, although sadly the presenting style - insincere, v false and patronising remains (the gurning as someone else has said, is purely irritating, unflattering and she looks ridiculous)- I just can not warm to her at all (sorry if that upsets anyone).

I did think I may warm to them, as I did to Craig, who I now really like, but sadly its not hapened - indeed I was astonished to see that Anna has somehow managed to survive all the negative fback, and she is (badly) presenting yankee candles, someone upstairs obviously seems to like her ...............
I think they all have contracts, so they're here for quite a while. If she mentions mountains again, yes we all get
you climbed a mountain, but we don't want to hear about it again and again and again. Boring
I quite like Carmel now. She comes across as a sweet person and her presenting style is inoffensive to me. Don't mind Miceal ~ I don't switch off when he comes on. What can I say about Anna! Get her off!!! She's absolutely awful with her peculiar faces, wrinkly nose, staring eyes, ridiculous sentences and blatant insincerity. When I do watch her I'm so fascinated by her posturings I haven't a clue what she's selling. I wonder what her sales record is? She could well be a lovely person underneath it all, but she's really not suited to QVC imo.
What ever contracts they have they're all freelance and you can bet that Q have the power to stop using their services any time they like.

And given that Q is a hard nosed retail operation where every second on air counts, you can also bet that people wouldn't be on if they didn't meet the sales targets.

Whatever our personal opinions, these people sell.
Caught the first 15 mins of the Lulu hour at noon today,don't know why but I did, Ann Dawson was presenting. Don't really mind Ann usually, but she was on selling overdrive today, it was like her life depended on it, even Lulu couldn't get a word in. Maybe they have all been told to up their sales figures.....or else.
Caught the first 15 mins of the Lulu hour at noon today,don't know why but I did, Ann Dawson was presenting. Don't really mind Ann usually, but she was on selling overdrive today, it was like her life depended on it, even Lulu couldn't get a word in. Maybe they have all been told to up their sales figures.....or else.

Yes, she was very pushy.... And that voice!! It does my head in.

I wonder about the presenters work schedule. Ann Dawson is hardly every there. Jill Franks seems to go to America regularly (not regularly enough for my liking, mind you!), Kathy does mornings and no weekends, which would suit me well and Jilly only seems to be on very late at night and TSVs.
Yes, she was very pushy.... And that voice!! It does my head in.

I wonder about the presenters work schedule. Ann Dawson is hardly every there. Jill Franks seems to go to America regularly (not regularly enough for my liking, mind you!), Kathy does mornings and no weekends, which would suit me well and Jilly only seems to be on very late at night and TSVs.

That is because she has other business interests - I think she runs her own company. I hope she is more suited to that than being a presenter; she always looks like a fish out of water to me, not a natural tv host at all. Both Debs Flint and Julia Roberts were born to be on tv and it shows. Anne Dawson seems like more of a mumsy/wifey figure who is not at all comfortable in what appears to be an alien habitat. Kathy Taylor is on a comparable level, but not to such an extent. I agree with another post and commented in the same way: Carmel, Anna and Miceal should be shown the door as they do not meet QVC's high standards. Ideal World may be a fitting environment for them.
i like michel he is one of my fav presenters and the best by far out of the new trio. he has settled down well.

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