I don't really care much for any of 'em, though Carmel, aka Barbie, has at least improved somewhat & to give her credit, she does at least try to fit in and look interested in what she's flogging, ditto lickle bouncy Miceal, which is more than can be said for Anna, who hasn't improved at all, doesn't fit in at all, looks utterly bored nearly all of the time & is duller than ditchwater, I fear presenting just isn't her 'thing' sadly....!
I care not for any of their 'personalities' really, I just want them to look interested, sound knowledgable, not overdo the BS & tell me the 'need to know' stuff, which is why BB's darling is by far & away the best presenter on there,; she might be a hard-faced old baggage & a total diva in RL but when I watch/listen to her I know I'm going to be able to make a want it/don't want it decision on whether or not I actually need this whatever it is item in my life, or not! lol
At the end of the day, I wouldn't really penalise any of them for being fake or false; I don't want to be their friend/have them round for tea/take them on holiday with me or anything else & vice versa, so as long as they do a decent presenting job & don't actually lie to me they can be as false as hell; the bottom line being that despite QVC's fostering of the 'one big happy family' idea, I know they do not actually give a flying whatsit about me personally & I don't give a ***** about them either...! lol
I struggle a bit with the blatantly stupid or BSing ones of course, hence my dislike of airhead JF & I sincerely hope QVC are not planning on dumping that weasly faced dimbo with the weird ringlets, that keeps popping up on the jewellery shows, on us, she really is one step down in shopping telly ranks & definitely belongs on the channels that announce their final 'scramble to the phones now' prices with a klaxon!
Here endeth the rant. :dull: