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IMHO, I think it's extremely irresponsible of IW to be selling fireworks. I don't think they should be sold to the general public at all, just groups (ie local councils)
Maybe a celebration at Mr Fryatt leaving
Maybe Mr Fryatt's been tied to one of the fireworks.....:54:
I can believe Ideal World sold fireworks. Times must be really tough for them.

Has anyone else noticed the names of the fireworks?

Terminator; Bone Breaker; and the worst of all Eye Of The Storm.
i really hate that fireworks are on sale to the general public, I was injured 13 years ago by a firework, Ideal world are not allowed to sell, guns or ammunition or anyother fire arms, yet they can sell fireworks (made out of gun powder!) how can they be sure the person buying them isnt some 15 year old with his fathers credit card! i think fireworks should only be available to specialist display companies, instead you can walk into any superstore and buy them right off the shelf
last year in our town some of the young boys tied a rocket to a cat, then attached sparklers to its tail, needless to say the poor animal suffered a great deal, and because the legal system in this country is biased to the criminal not the victem or crime, they got nothing more than a wee slap on the wrist,
we are effectively allowing children to walk around armed, we may as well hand them a gun and be done with it
I agree with you Amanda, I think they should only allow large organised public displays and not sell to individuals. Don't know why those in power dont' pass a law about it!
I'm sure I heard about that poor cat, shame they can't do the same to the kids who did it!

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