New presenter eh...


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And me. I think its because i was always under the impression what's said in the drop stays in the drop.

Not really, things talked about in the drop often get mentioned on the ST sections.
I imagine this is exactly how some of the presenters feel when they read stuff about co presenters, uncomfortable.. I dont see it any different to members on here reading a post about one of the other members

But I imagine the only reason Tristar was used was because he posts his thoughts & he reveals stuff about himself , if you have nothing to go on.. you dont comment simple as that really
Me too LEL...I shouldn't like anything I'd said in The Drop to be brought out here into the public section of the forum.
I shall be more careful what i say then. Thanks for clarifying it.

Me too LEL...I shouldn't like anything I'd said in The Drop to be brought out here into the public section of the forum.

I am not saying it happens a lot but it does happen and it is not something we have hard and fast rules about. At the end of the day a forum is a forum and if something is said on a forum it is public, even a VIP could take something you have said and post it anywhere on the internet, not saying they would but it could happen. Everyone has to exercise caution about what they say on the internet.
Well in future we'll have to be more careful, because i think we are more open in the drop and i for one would not like people repeating what i'd said down there,
up here on the open forum. Threads are started down there which are considered NOT suitable for the forum, so i wouldn't like it if something i'd put in the drop was quoted up here, for everyone to see, when thats what the "drop" is supposed to be for. Especially when it has absolutely no relevance to what the thread was about, and the comparision was not necessary
True Min...and I suppose it's easy to forget that not everyone is honourable enough (for want of a better word) to leave it where it was meant to stay. Very off-putting all the same.
I dont think anything said in private on line is 100% private , I will give you an example , I spoke to a friend via a pm on another forum I use , it was a general conversation basically & I mentioned that i had found my ggg granfathers war records from ww1

Then a few hours later I noticed banners for tracing family history , I know it was taylor made for my viewing via tracking cookies , and given the private message convo I had was the only place it was mentioned in cyber space from my pc.. the search I did was from my brothers pc at his house.
I dont think anything said in private on line is 100% private , I will give you an example , I spoke to a friend via a pm on another forum I use , it was a general conversation basically & I mentioned that i had found my ggg granfathers war records from ww1

Then a few hours later I noticed banners for tracing family history , I know it was taylor made for my viewing via tracking cookies , and given the private message convo I had was the only place it was mentioned in cyber space from my pc.. the search I did was from my brothers pc at his house.

yes that happens to me too, but it's a bit different from another forum member repeating something you've said in The Drop up here on the section where everybody and his dog can read it... they don't even have to be a member.
yes that happens to me too, but it's a bit different from another forum member repeating something you've said in The Drop up here on the section where everybody and his dog can read it... they don't even have to be a member.
Exactly BM. And i can't remember anything said down there, being repeated up here, i'm nearly positive, as some people say, its an unwritten agreement we all subscribe to and respect what others have said down there, to not be repeated up here for the world to read.
As has been said anything you put online can be found by others.

The drop has always been for anything other than shopping channels. People still sometimes put up things on QVC forum about products which are nothing to do with buying from QVC. So they get moved. Same with all the other shopping channels forums, they are only for discussing items from them. The drop is just general chat, its not really for people to tell their deepest darkest secrets they don't want the rest of the world to know about. Long ago the drop was free, anyone could wander down and post. So its never been a private hush hush conversation thing, just talking about other things not sold on the shopping channels.
This is in danger of being blown out of proportion and i DON'T. think Vienna meant anything by it.
But we now have clarification of what the drop is for and can ,using our judgement, decide, what we do and don't post. I will be more selective what i say which i think is a shame.
Imo a misunderstanding at worst of the dos and don't of the forum.
As has been said anything you put online can be found by others.

The drop has always been for anything other than shopping channels. People still sometimes put up things on QVC forum about products which are nothing to do with buying from QVC. So they get moved. Same with all the other shopping channels forums, they are only for discussing items from them. The drop is just general chat, its not really for people to tell their deepest darkest secrets they don't want the rest of the world to know about. Long ago the drop was free, anyone could wander down and post. So its never been a private hush hush conversation thing, just talking about other things not sold on the shopping channels.

Thanks Donna , not sure why people are worried about stuff said in there being brought up in conversation on the other forums though if its just general chit chat about products brought from other places
You're a VIP shopper Madge so you can have a look round The Drop..there are all sort of topics to discuss, games to play etc.
Thanks Donna , not sure why people are worried about stuff said in there being brought up in conversation on the other forums though if its just general chit chat about products brought from other places

Its not just about products. Thete's a lot of personal stuff posted about health .
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