New lows for Flint


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It's odd, as I used to find her quite down to earth. Now she really comes across as hard sell at all costs. Yes all the presenters are there to sell, but there is no subtlety in her presentations.

Maybe she needs to consider the current economic situation before spouting the desperate twaddle she comes out with. An instant switch off for me.
I'd not really noticed the finger wagging until it was mentioned on here but now I find it really awful, someone should speak to her, they try to have this upmarket image and Debbie Flint makes it more like a car boot sale every time she comes on air. I particularly hate the way she often says "we're coming up to a break now which will give you time to place your orders" as if the gullible viewer is hanging on to all her spiel in bemused wonder and then needs 30 seconds to order all the tat she has been banging on about
If Joseph hadn't retired from Q in 1993 I'm sure he would have had something to say to her:

QVC was started in Pennsylvania in 1986 by Joseph Segel; founder of the coin and memorabilia supplier The Franklin Mint. Having watched a videotape of the Home Shopping Network, he felt he could do better. Segel insisted his presenters sell by informing. They would have to gen up on their products beforehand, and there would be no staring down the camera, hard-selling – the high-pressure tactics of the infomercials were out. Products were never "cheap", "cheaper" or "a bargain", but "good value". The presenters should convey the idea that they're shopping with a best friend.

"I look for voice tonality," says Tina Halvorsen, QVC UK's guest presenter manager. "Lots of our viewers keep QVC on all day, like a radio."

As any Apprentice fan knows, producers constantly direct their presenters via an earpiece. In the gallery, a live database tracks precisely how well a product is selling, and how much stock remains. Anything that triggers a sales spike – a certain phrase, or stroking a jacket's lining – is encouraged to be repeated. If sales-per-minute numbers are not good enough, it's on to the next item. An underperforming product might get a second chance in another time slot. After that, it's out.

"Even if you're presenting something that you personally don't like, the head you have to put on is: 'Well, my neighbour across the street would'," says Julia Roberts, QVC's longest-serving presenter (no, she's not that Julia Roberts). "You do a Worzel Gummidge."

QVC presenter Julia Roberts: she says her viewers look on her as a friend. Her audiences love her. They come and chat in the supermarket. "Then you can see them thinking: 'I don't actually know you! I feel really stupid!' I take that as a compliment. They think I'm their friend." Judging from the number of enthusiastic montages on YouTube, she's also got more male friends than QVC's demographic would suggest. "I don't even want to know!" she wails.

In the gallery we watch Dale Franklin – son of one of the Wrigley Doublemint twins – selling gold rings. "One thing you never hear us say on QVC is, 'Buy these as an investment because they're going to go up in price'. We don't know. Buy it because you love it. Buy it because it's something perhaps you want to pass down to your family . . ."
i can't stand the way she TELLS viewers to buy 2 or 3 of something. Yeah, we're all made of money aren't we!

She looks ridiculous in that photo of her in that tight dress. You can almost hear the girdle groaning with the strain.
Voice tonality?? That has been mentioned on here before. Allison Young makes a mockery of that!! She often sounds as though she is calling the cat in for the night instead of a soft and smooth voice explaining why we need all the hundreds of beauty products.

My husband legs it out the room like a greyhound when I switch a show on and he hears her. He says he can't stand the shriek.
She is doing another TSV.. TomTom I did not pay much attention to her, as I was reading the posts on this forum.....watching her now
she is now saying that Xbox for £299.88 is a good present:eek: she is wagging her finger now:eek: More index finger wagging ....:mysmilie_10: I am changing channels:whew:
I used to like her but now days shes unwatchable. I also hate the fact how she says about splitting items up for presents and works out how much each present will cost however leaves out the p&P which is often £5/£6 which adds alot on to the overall price, and that finger of hers deserves a presenter blogg of its on.
Someone tweeted her about her finger wagging a few days ago and linked her to this forum, so she is aware of it.
Would be interested to see how they monitor the sales 'made' by the presenters. Do they just look at the amount of stuff sold in the particular show on the day or do they then look at the actual figures after the 30 day MBG period, if they have the ability to do that? When I worked (in a bank for 20 yrs), they originally based everything on what was sold to customers on the day but then realised there was drop-off as customers came back and cancelled so then came up with the bonus measurements being based on the net result after cancellation periods. It would be interesting to know how this would work on QVC....
I doubt whether they would take returns into account when calculating presenter sales. It's the presenters job to get you to order, it's not their fault the product is shite when you get it home.
I agree Capriossi, sending her here on a tweet to read our messages was a bit low and very rude.
She deserves it, some would say using bullying sales tactics and encouraging peope to spend all the time was immoral too.
She deserves it, some would say using bullying sales tactics and encouraging people to spend all the time was immoral too.
She deserves it too right, she is a bully and had upset quiet a few viewers. Does she care about the viewer? No!!!
I think Our Debbie is probably a tough old bird - if she's been working the shopping channels for 20 odd years she's likely to have a skin as thick as a rhinoceros. She'll know that you can't be loved all of the time by everyone in this type of job, so I doubt she's too bothered about adverse comments about her - here on this forum or elsewhere.
Some would say slagging someone off behind their backs is even ruder :tongue:

I have thought about it, jibbyroo and I know it is hurtful to see people slagging you behind your back..........but here, it is not slagging behind her back, because it is open for her to see and I am quite sure she is aware of this forum.

I think she should try and curb her bulling sale technique after reading these comments and realise that we don't like her wagging fingers at us. Let her use it as constructive criticism and cease doing it so often. she should realise that it is not nice to brain wash viewers into buying stuff, just to get money for herself.

There are many very vulnerable viewers , who are undergoing medications for various illnesses, and not well enough or capable of mingling with the high street shopping rushes...( one of the main reason for being online shoppers.) These people may not be able to think clearly for themselves. There are vulnerable viewers out there who think that since they had gone through rough times, think they deserve to pamper themselves, or people who work so hard that they think they a treat..............these are vulnerable people and who can so easily be bullied or brainwashed into buying something they really don't need.

Sometimes listening to some adoring telephone callers and SMS senders, I realise how lonely their lives must be, or how vulnerable they are to really believe that the presenters (whose sole interest is to sell and make money for themselves) are friends and care for the viewers. They look up to these sales people and even hero worship them.

I have only once rung QVC, to say that the only perfume I could tolerate while going through chemo was Pure Grace........I rang only to share the knowledge with viewers, because only people who have gone through chemo or any other harsh medication will understand that they cannot tolerate some smells, and also that they are not allowed to wear any perfume whilst having treatment in a room full of people having IV treatments.
Some pregnant women and migraine suffers also cannot tolerate heavy smells.

I am hoping some QVC presenters will read our posts. especially some of our criticisms and take note of them.

I wonder if it will even prick their conciousness..........I bet all they want is to sell, sell and sell to make money.
No I doubt the presenters are worried about parting people from their cash, they are sales people. They all seem to have prospered greatly from their jobs judging by their blogs with frequent updates from their fabulous lives telling us all about their homes, lavish holidays and outings etc. Debbie F being the worst offender with boasting about all she does and her wonderful busy life. Good luck to them, we all earn what we can but all they see are £ signs I would think.

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