New lows for Flint


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That's rude, in my opinion.

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I dont see that is rude it wasnt a personal comment about her appearance it was something she does that annoys alot of people and she may or may not be aware she even does it , its ruder to slag someone off behind there back
i find this whole thread offensive. all the things you accuse debbie of, the rest do as well. simon for instance declared that the sat nav cost £20.

she has a pleasant voice that is easy to listen to. she doesn't squawk, screech or shout. she doesn't simper or talk to us as though we're in kindergarten. she doesn't interrupt the guests.

she doesn't check herself out in the monitor or pretend she's 3 sizes smaller than she is. she is always very well turned out - clothes (unless it's qvc) hair and make-up.

she doesn't constantly talk about herself and her family and can laugh at herself - and often does. she's down to earth and doesn't pretend she's something she's not.

she is well informed about the products, whatever they are and describes things i want to hear eg the bob mackie tsv. she said several times "the sleeves are VERY long. DON'T get this if you have short arms" hardly hard sell and for someone who finds most tops are designed for orang utans, useful information.

she's kind hearted - example, the cd that mick hucknall signed and gave to her as a gift to her personally, she's autioning to raise funds for breast cancer research.

ok, you can start throwing rotten tomatoes now......
Janie - I agree she's all those things (CH was annoying on the BB hour constantly fishing for compliments) but its the hard sell that let's her down. She was very different when she returned to QVC and it would be nice if we could occasionally glimpse that 'Debbie'.
Janie - I agree she's all those things (CH was annoying on the BB hour constantly fishing for compliments) but its the hard sell that let's her down. She was very different when she returned to QVC and it would be nice if we could occasionally glimpse that 'Debbie'.

darn it. had that in my mind and forgot to add to the list! ok here goes -

debbie doesn't constantly fish for compliments or mention how old her (grown up) children are and then stop speaking and wait.

she doesn't beg for freebies. she doesn't whine about not being able to get one for herself cos all tose pesky viewers have snapped them up before she had chance.

she doesn't keep harping on about how she has a version of what they're selling bought from somewhere else and it's crap. this issomething that really drives me nuts - simon and CH being big culprits. if qvc is so wonderful, why would they have bought it elsewhere.

i personally think they all hard sell. qvc isn't the same as it was when debbie was there before. i also prefer to watch someone selling, which is what they're there for after all, than parading themselves on display. JMHO.
Interesting points of view Janie. Put like that then yes, she is the most professional and efficient at her job.
i find this whole thread offensive. all the things you accuse debbie of, the rest do as well. simon for instance declared that the sat nav cost £20.

she has a pleasant voice that is easy to listen to. she doesn't squawk, screech or shout. she doesn't simper or talk to us as though we're in kindergarten. she doesn't interrupt the guests.

she doesn't check herself out in the monitor or pretend she's 3 sizes smaller than she is. she is always very well turned out - clothes (unless it's qvc) hair and make-up.

she doesn't constantly talk about herself and her family and can laugh at herself - and often does. she's down to earth and doesn't pretend she's something she's not.

she is well informed about the products, whatever they are and describes things i want to hear eg the bob mackie tsv. she said several times "the sleeves are VERY long. DON'T get this if you have short arms" hardly hard sell and for someone who finds most tops are designed for orang utans, useful information.

she's kind hearted - example, the cd that mick hucknall signed and gave to her as a gift to her personally, she's autioning to raise funds for breast cancer research.

ok, you can start throwing rotten tomatoes now......

I do not find Debbie easy to listen to at all, she may not talk to u as if ur a child instead she pushes people into making rash purchases, alot of Qvc audience are vulnerable elderly people and she very aware of that, I disagree about talking about herself she is always asking people to got to her blog and showing pictures of herself on her ipad, I dont tend to hear her say dont buy something instead she encourages people to buy stuff coz of the 30mbg which then most people dont send items back coz of the cost of p&p.No rotten tomatoes thrown just my opinion.
Vulnerable people should be aware they are watching a shopping channel where people are paid to sell you stuff...

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She deserves it, some would say using bullying sales tactics and encouraging peope to spend all the time was immoral too.

First you agree that it was low to direct DF here but then say she deserves it?

Of course she encourages people to buy - that's her job - QVC is a shopping channel - as in exchanging money for goods!

She deserves it too right, she is a bully and had upset quiet a few viewers. Does she care about the viewer? No!!!

A bully? Upset quite a few viewers? Oh, for goodness sale. She is a saleswoman - if she is not to someone's taste then they can change channel - it's called personal choice.

We are not 'viewers' in the same way as there are viewers of the BBC... we are customers, consumers, targets for sales... that is the reality.

QVC is a shopping channel first and foremost... if we are entertained then that is a bonus.
Vulnerable people should be aware they are watching a shopping channel where people are paid to sell you stuff...

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

There's showcasing a product ~ explaining it's uses, giving measurements blah blah blah, then there's making out it's going to change your life and you're missing out big time if you dare not to buy it. I just thank goodness my mother didn't watch the shopping channels as she would have been their dream viewer. She was forever receiving letters and offers from catalogues and companies offering her this and that wonderful deal and she would faithfully send off cheques right left and centre. Needless to say my wonderful mum was losing her rationale and was a prime target for vultures. When I see the hard sell performed I feel sick and so sad for all the vulnerable people out there who are unable to see it for what it is. There should be a line they don't cross, but sadly most of them often do and some more than others.
There's showcasing a product ~ explaining it's uses, giving measurements blah blah blah, then there's making out it's going to change your life and you're missing out big time if you dare not to buy it...... When I see the hard sell performed I feel sick and so sad for all the vulnerable people out there who are unable to see it for what it is. There should be a line they don't cross, but sadly most of them often do and some more than others.

I'm sorry to hear about your mum and I do understand what you mean about the hard sell... however, there's really no difference between what QVC does and what TV ads do everyday.

Landrover sells me the dream of adventure, Gold Blend sold us 'romance', all the Christmas ads are showing us perfect happy families in their perfect homes... that is what selling is all about... selling the 'dream' of perfection, solution to your problems or whatever.

Really good salesmen/women tell you the positives not the negatives - they try to make you believe that you simply cannot live without their product. That's not really immoral - it's just doing their job.
darn it. had that in my mind and forgot to add to the list! ok here goes -

debbie doesn't constantly fish for compliments or mention how old her (grown up) children are and then stop speaking and wait.

she doesn't beg for freebies. she doesn't whine about not being able to get one for herself cos all tose pesky viewers have snapped them up before she had chance.

she doesn't keep harping on about how she has a version of what they're selling bought from somewhere else and it's crap. this issomething that really drives me nuts - simon and CH being big culprits. if qvc is so wonderful, why would they have bought it elsewhere.

i personally think they all hard sell. qvc isn't the same as it was when debbie was there before. i also prefer to watch someone selling, which is what they're there for after all, than parading themselves on display. JMHO.

I agree with all you say, Janie but one.......she may have a pleasant voice, but not when she is hard selling , when she does that, her voice changes into a kind of sell frenzy.
I think she is blessed with good looks and good hair and appears well dressed , no one contradicts that , I think many of us take offence to her wagging finger.
The first time I ever did a presentation as part of my course, we had to video tape ourselves and watch and listen. I was horrified to learn how many times I said "and". and how many times my hand went up to fiddle with the chain around my neck Another person could not believe how many times he said "you know" and how he kept licking his lips. Another girl was conscious of sniffs.
The second time, most of us were conscious of these and we did not do them as many times as before. I am sure Debbie herself sees herself pointing her finger at the viewers.
I liked Debbie before and have said so. She seems to have changed. Most people do not like pointing fingers, in many cultures it is considered very rude.
I do not think anyone has slagged her "person" almost all the complaints are of her hard sell and her wagging finger.
Let her do her hard selling by explaining about the goods and describing about them, that is what viewers want. It is the " order it now" "it won't be here in the morning" "oh, my God" " what!! half of it has gone?" " I am telling you now order it now, try them at home, try them all at home and if you don't like them, send them back" " buy one for yourself and get one as a present" " buy this order, divide them as presents, it is good value" kind of talk that is not fair.
Does she think of the postage of, lets say 3 dresses that some old dear has bought to try at home , each dress with a P&P of £4.95? The person who has ordered them finds none of them fit her , so she has to send them back, more money in postage (luckily not as much as QVC's) Some are depending on carers, they don't want to be a nuisance, so they keep them, all 3 of them. This causes them distress because it is money they cannot really afford.
I agree with all your points about DF, Janie, and have to say that I am personally ambivalent about her. However, I have heard her suggesting people buy multiples of sometimes quite expensive items, or the other one I hate; "get it for your friend - you know she'll thank you for it".
I also agree with caretodiffer - there are some really vulnerable people out there who will succumb to that type of talk - my sister being a case in point. Heavily in debt, seemingly unable to stop "treating" herself and others (being generous seems to be her thing - but at what cost?). Yesterday she told me that she had ordered 2 lots of £60 Gatinau sets, when she has never tried the brand! My sister would never go online to look at reviews, or think to send something back. She said it was an amazing deal as buying one set individually would have cost £180. The acid test, would she have gone into s store and spent cash on all that lot?

I am not laying this at DF's door - don't know who the presenter was on that particular show - but I do know that I used to get sucked in by the spiel of "this is such good value - at this price you can buy an extra set as a reserve or for your present cupboard." Thank goodness I know better now.
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I absolutely agree that there are vulnerable people in our society that might buy stuff they don't want / need etc because of the sales patter but is it QVC's responsibility to ensure that they only sell to those that are financially stable, not depressed, are mentally competent etc? No - just as it is not up to John Lewis to make sure that you are not on a spending spree whilst experiencing a psychotic breakdown.

Hell, I've just bought a KitchenAid mixer - did I *need* it? No. Did I buy into the sales 'story'? Yes... I'm a sucker.

If I hadn't seen that mixer demonstrated on the telly then I would probably have walked by it in John Lewis without more that a passing sigh... there is major psychology used in marketing and sales which should never be underestimated. But, these techniques are there for a reason and that is to make something desirable and make you want to buy it.

Back to those in our society who may be vulnerable - and I really don't mean this in an unkind way - it is not personal, QVC is a business and they are there to sell... if a person has a credit / debit card and the ability to use a phone unsupervised then that will be the 'proof' that the person has the 'mental capacity' to make a buying decision.

I can see this from both sides but QVC is what it is - it's a shopping channel and it's there to sell us stuff. It's not there to judge or care for us or save us from ourselves... we are their cash cows and they are not our 'carers'.

Finally, I really would be interested to hear your suggestions as to how we could support those who are vulnerable to prevent them from over-using QVC whilst still maintaining a service for your average customer.
I don't like hard sell anywhere be it a car showroom, an estate agent or on Q. Over the years , I've been sucked in whose fault is that ,mine. Imo Df and CH are the hardest sellers,DF. appears the worst because she blatantly does what the others try to hide. The presenters are there for one reason and one reason only ,too sell . No amount of talk about their families ,pets, holidays etc disguises that. Unfortunately there are the more vunerable who believe the presenters are their friends, you only have to hear the T. callers who gush about how lovely this one or that one is The presenter only cares about. the glowing review said. caller is about to give but a lovely. to hear friom you please call again. or a compliment about the part of the country they come from ensures the job is done, happy callers ,and free publicity for the products.

I guess we all watch for different reasons but the important thing to remember is that. it is a shopping channel and the presenters. are sales assitants whose job it is to sell using whatever means necessary.
I agree with all you say, Janie but one.......she may have a pleasant voice, but not when she is hard selling , when she does that, her voice changes into a kind of sell frenzy.
I think she is blessed with good looks and good hair and appears well dressed , no one contradicts that , I think many of us take offence to her wagging finger.
The first time I ever did a presentation as part of my course, we had to video tape ourselves and watch and listen. I was horrified to learn how many times I said "and". and how many times my hand went up to fiddle with the chain around my neck Another person could not believe how many times he said "you know" and how he kept licking his lips. Another girl was conscious of sniffs.
The second time, most of us were conscious of these and we did not do them as many times as before. I am sure Debbie herself sees herself pointing her finger at the viewers.
I liked Debbie before and have said so. She seems to have changed. Most people do not like pointing fingers, in many cultures it is considered very rude.
I do not think anyone has slagged her "person" almost all the complaints are of her hard sell and her wagging finger.
Let her do her hard selling by explaining about the goods and describing about them, that is what viewers want. It is the " order it now" "it won't be here in the morning" "oh, my God" " what!! half of it has gone?" " I am telling you now order it now, try them at home, try them all at home and if you don't like them, send them back" " buy one for yourself and get one as a present" " buy this order, divide them as presents, it is good value" kind of talk that is not fair.
Does she think of the postage of, lets say 3 dresses that some old dear has bought to try at home , each dress with a P&P of £4.95? The person who has ordered them finds none of them fit her , so she has to send them back, more money in postage (luckily not as much as QVC's) Some are depending on carers, they don't want to be a nuisance, so they keep them, all 3 of them. This causes them distress because it is money they cannot really afford.

i think you're describing the most extreme and unusual example there. i can't imagine many old dears wearing the stuff they sell - all the dresses are mid thigh for a start. that aside, i still don't think debbie is any worse than the others. i didn't really want to make comparisons, like some do by bringing debbie into every thread but by far the worst at hard sell IMO is AY. only she talks over and interrupts the guest to SHRIEK "over a HUNDRED gone already!!!! you really need to JUMP to those phones!!! this won't be here for the 2pm show!!!" several hours before it even goes limited stock. now again, i understand she's a saleswoman but the reason it annoys me is because she interrupts the guest in mid sentence and it's totally untrue. i really don't see much of the pointing finger and it is pointing at the price/item number NOT the viewer.

i mentioned how nice she looks because most of the presenters are attractive women and many of them still frequently appear dressed like a dog's dinner and/or mutton dressed as lamb. being blessed with good looks and hair has nothing to do with good grooming.

there's not much point in continuing the thread because we clearly don't agree. i ignored the comments for a long time but in the end had to say my piece, especially after hearing the screeching, squawking and downright lies of some of the other female presenters, because again IMO, the thread has a lynch mob feel to it.
I was at the Ideal Home Christmas show last week and if you wanted to see hard sell then that is the place to go.
I was given a demonstration by a "very nice man" selling a "magic" device that all of the posh hospitals use but the NHS can't afford.
In total I must have spent 3 or 4 minuets with his device held on to my wrist after which he switched in to hard sell mode.
When I asked how much this "amazing" gadget was going to cost he showed me a list of numbers ranging from £1200 to £650 of course I was eligible for the lowest one, but and it was a big but I had to buy now. When I asked for some information or a web site I could visit for more details I was very quickly told the they didn't have either as it was a product that had to be tried to see how good it was. I walked away saying I would have to ask my husband before I spent that sort of money (I have been divorced for 12 years now but he still comes in useful sometimes!!).
I passed the same stand several hours later to see an elderly lady being given the same hard sell as I was, only she didn't walk away and was signing up to buy the machine . She defiantly didn't look as though she has a spare £ 650 in her bank to be spending on a machine that may or may not work.
At least with Q you get the chance to send things back if you realize it is not for you and if you are buying on easy pay you only have to pay the first payment plus P&P
I have been one of the biggest detractors of Q over the years but may be they are not as bad as I thought.
Debbie Flint is just by far and away the presenter who uses really high pressure, hard sales techniques. Iv seen similar from double glazing people, kitchen people, insurance sales people, timeshare sharks, Kirby vacum cleaner demonstrators etc and Debbie Flint uses a lot of these very techniques, stressing the easy pay options, using the 'stares' down the camera lens, finger wagging, as a sles technique almost chastising the viewer, encouraging people to buy multiples, triples etc, suggesting people call and order and then call back to cancel, order then send things back ete etc, she does this over and over again, in fact, she concentrates so much on the hard sell, she often forgets to talk about the product or frequently runs out of time to discuss products due to her interruptions to give stock updates or to stress yet again the item number.

QVC should seriously look at Debbie Flint, as other presenters, whilst doing their job and selling, do not go to the lengths Flint does to get orders. just to reiterate to certain people on this forum, I like Debbie when she isnt hard selling, I enjoyed her much more in the old days where she had fun, she sold the goods but did it more gently. I think she is amongst the most attractive female presenters, lovely figure etc but I truly cannot stand her hard sell, It makes me feel physically sick.

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