Some would say slagging someone off behind their backs is even ruder :tongue:
I have thought about it, jibbyroo and I know it is hurtful to see people slagging you behind your back..........but here, it is not slagging behind her back, because it is open for her to see and I am quite sure she is aware of this forum.
I think she should try and curb her bulling sale technique after reading these comments and realise that we don't like her wagging fingers at us. Let her use it as constructive criticism and cease doing it so often. she should realise that it is not nice to brain wash viewers into buying stuff, just to get money for herself.
There are many very vulnerable viewers , who are undergoing medications for various illnesses, and not well enough or capable of mingling with the high street shopping rushes...( one of the main reason for being online shoppers.) These people may not be able to think clearly for themselves. There are vulnerable viewers out there who think that since they had gone through rough times, think they deserve to pamper themselves, or people who work so hard that they think they a treat..............these are vulnerable people and who can so easily be bullied or brainwashed into buying something they really don't need.
Sometimes listening to some adoring telephone callers and SMS senders, I realise how lonely their lives must be, or how vulnerable they are to really believe that the presenters (whose sole interest is to sell and make money for themselves) are friends and care for the viewers. They look up to these sales people and even hero worship them.
I have only once rung QVC, to say that the only perfume I could tolerate while going through chemo was Pure Grace........I rang only to share the knowledge with viewers, because only people who have gone through chemo or any other harsh medication will understand that they cannot tolerate some smells, and also that they are not allowed to wear any perfume whilst having treatment in a room full of people having IV treatments.
Some pregnant women and migraine suffers also cannot tolerate heavy smells.
I am hoping some QVC presenters will read our posts. especially some of our criticisms and take note of them.
I wonder if it will even prick their conciousness..........I bet all they want is to sell, sell and sell to make money.