New Kittens for Akimbo!


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Jun 24, 2008
At the end of the sad Nigel thread I was just about to adopt a pair of rescue kittens and promised pictures. My daughter has virtally filled her iphone with kitten pictures but I have a few on my phone which don't nearly do them justice, but I'm posted today because they're growing so fast.

The larger one is Salem (left photo) and his little sister is Sabrina (right photo) from "Sabrina the teenage witch". They're both fairly vocal (which I love) Sabrina is my little shadow but when Salem wakes up and can't see us he miaows "where is everybody" which is v cute. These first two we took at the kennels where they were waiting to be homed, I'll add more recent posts in the next post.


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More recent photos: Salem has half a moustache and v short white front socks and Sabrina is smaller with longer white socks:


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and just a few more.


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Gorgeous kittens. Thanks for posting all the photos - have enjoyed looking at them all.
They are both completely adorable, I do have a soft spot for b/w kitties I have to say, they seem to have a character all of their own!
Love their markings, so similar yet so different!

Thank you for the lovely comments. Kittens are nature's own anti-depressants but house-work (minimal at best) is on hold for the foreseeable future.
It's some time since we had our last kitty and you have made me very broody! I just love their independent attitude. Enjoy!!
soap-box time!

Really sweet photos of American children reading to cats waiting for new homes...just the tonic for a dull Tuesday morning!

My two rescue kittens are well and truly settled into their forever home so can I just re-emphasise the need for adoption and try to dissuade folk from buying kittens (and rabbits) from breeders. There are too many cats without homes without producing more. I just took Salem to be neutered last week and chatting to the staff realised I hadn't had kittens for over 30 years; we'd always adopted adult cats and rabbits because they're harder for rescue charities to re-home than babies. This was a decision based on being always at home (and Mr Akimbo works from home), plus we're hoping that if we live into our 70s we'll out-live them.

Just to add that if anyone is thinking of having a house-rabbit I'd be happy to offer advice - please PM me because rabbits have complex needs and take more care and attention than cats. In fact cats' and rabbits' brains are a similar size; they'd just wired one would keep an intelligent creature like a cat in a hutch day in day out.

I'll stop preaching now.
update with latest pictures - kittens reach 1 year old!

My beautiful kittens reached 1 year old in May (we don't know the exact date) and they've grown so much. And yet, they're a funny little pair, so different from my other cats years ago!

Because we used to have rabbits we built a fence around the garden that's over 7 feet tall and it worked to keep out the foxes, if only to keep them from pooping in the garden over night when the bunnies were safely indoors. So the kits have started to play outside but we postponed this because the chip register cocked up Sabrina's details and I was worried if she got lost we'd never see her again. But when they did start playing out they loved it! But because of the fence they have never been beyond the back garden, even when they dash out through the front door they don't even venture as far as the pavement only a couple of yards away!
They've done what years of talking therapy and anti-depressants never did and I'm a very contented cat mum! photos attached The big boy is Salem and the weeny girl is Sabrina. from left to right

1 Sabrina in a washing up bowl
2 Salem "tickle my tummy..I dare you !"
3 photo bomb
4 Smush Beans!


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Great photos and such pretty kitties. Just what I needed to lift me as I'm still struggling over having my beautiful girl put down at Easter. She had mouth cancer and slowly deteriorated until we had to make the decision that it was time.

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