Microplane footfile


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Boris Bear

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
They have just read out the review I put on the website when they were demoing this product. They said there were 176 reviews on the website but they showed two and one was mine.
Boris's review was the one about saving the skin shavings and passing them off as parmesan to save money :4:
Boris's review was the one about saving the skin shavings and passing them off as parmesan to save money :4:

I said I was originally sceptical about it being worth the money compared to high street items but it was a good buy and it's really satisfying to see the skin collecting in the back.
I have to say I absolutely love my microplane file. I tried that awful Pedikur stuff once having tried everything else on my poor feet and that was rubbish. Sadly I took so long to try it I couldn't send it back so if anyone wants it.....!!

I use my microplane a couple of times a week to keep on top of dried skin and it's just wonderful. Feels a bit weird at first as it does 'literally' feel like you're grating away the dead skin but it doesn't hurt and the amount of dead skin you take off is very satisfying.

Feels a bit weird at first as it does 'literally' feel like you're grating away the dead skin but it doesn't hurt and the amount of dead skin you take off is very satisfying.

Apart from it doing a good job on your feet, I bet (if they would admit to it!) a lot of people like the idea of this because, finally, you are not only being given permission but being actively encouraged to do something faintly yukky!
i.e. Squeezing spots is taboo, picking scabs frowned upon (& leaves a nasty mess afterwards!) but to sit there with an ever-growing little pile of shaved off gunk dust from your feet - what could be more appealing than that? lol
Apart from it doing a good job on your feet, I bet (if they would admit to it!) a lot of people like the idea of this because, finally, you are not only being given permission but being actively encouraged to do something faintly yukky!

Lol no that's just you :D

You need to get out more....
Best foot product I have ever bought.....

Have to agree - was so thrilled with mine ,when they first went to air with it last year, i bought another for the inlaws who among other complaints, always seem to have foot trouble! [or did] They rave about it now to anyone who will listen.:40:
Have to agree - was so thrilled with mine ,when they first went to air with it last year, i bought another for the inlaws who among other complaints, always seem to have foot trouble! [or did] They rave about it now to anyone who will listen.:40:

Lol - among other complaints :)

I've tried everything over the years. Mostly they were all hard work and with varying degrees of success. Microplane = minimum effort and maximum results. I threw away my draw full of various other scrubs, foot files, pedikur lotion, etc, etc.

Result is so satisfying though that on first use I wanted to keep gong to get softer and softer feet - lesson learned when I went beyond the hard skin and left myself with a sore patch. Think it was also after years of big efforts I couldn't believe the job was finished so quickly!
I have this too and it is one of the best products bought from qvc (or anywhere for that matter). I have tried all the other things on the market - Pedukur stuff is good but messy and takes ages. This is done with a couple of quick swipes - as qvc addict said - don't do too much though as it hurts. Best to do a little every couple of days.
I ordered one after these rave reviews, you notice your own feet in the Summer and so difficult to find a good product that works fast. I must admit I saw the demo last night, just a bit, it was one of the most revolution demonstrations I have ever seen on QVC so switched off!
Now I'm confused. Are the cheaper versions as good as the QVC one? I'm using a foot file from Bodyshop which is like a large emery board which is ok but am I missing out?
Now I'm confused. Are the cheaper versions as good as the QVC one? I'm using a foot file from Bodyshop which is like a large emery board which is ok but am I missing out?

No idea about the other versions but Microplane is not a foot file. I used them for years and no comparison. This is more of a 'grater' than emery and very efficient - you use it on dry feet. The set is one for getting rid of most of it and then a finer one for finishing to top ups.
No idea about the other versions but Microplane is not a foot file. I used them for years and no comparison. This is more of a 'grater' than emery and very efficient - you use it on dry feet. The set is one for getting rid of most of it and then a finer one for finishing to top ups.

I agree, in fact Microplane were originally know for their kitchen graters.

My best ever beauty buy.
I can easily do it too much :11:
Use of the scholl callus & hard skin reducing cream does help as well.
The Microplane is MILES better than those files you get. I've had so many over the years and thought they were ok but I will still really frustrated at having to use them so often to get anything like decent feet. The Microplane is a whole different ballgame! I also use the Avon AHA foot cream which helps keep down the build up of hard skin in the first place and keeps the skin nice and bright if that makes sense. I tend to get very red skin on my feet and this helps a lot.

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