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There is a massive shortage of GP's, seems no one wants to be a GP now. On our local news, some practices have closed as they cannot get replacement doctors. At my doctors' I have phoned to order repeat prescriptions automated hit number 1 and the recorded messages starts at 11 am all doctor appointments and callbacks for today are full. It does say if it is an emergency, hold on to speak to the receptionist.
A lot of people got very rich from the Pandemic. Shareholders in the vaccine drug companies, PPE manufacturers, some with a distinct conflict of interests in the process. The relentless social manipulation to comply by the media. Only one narrative throughout. Question things and you were either a nutcase or a subversive or both. For me, I had nothing to do with the vaccine rollout. Having spoken to nurses and GPs informally (my wife was a senior nurse) quite a few did not want the various vaccines anywhere near their bodies. They viewed them as not properly tested and rushed through. My wife had to endure misdiagnosis of sepsis by a too frightened to come to see her GP over the phone during the Pandemic. She was prescribed packet antibiotics for cellulitis. She died in abject agony from sepsis 21 days later. I was prevented from seeing her until the very end, while we later found out the very people (the politicians) responsible for Planet Fear were partying and snogging in lifts, so terrified were they of coronavirus. Excuse me for being both bitter and deeply cynical over the validity of the whole thing.
Oh that is just awful,please accept my deep heartfelt sympathy on your loss
I totally abided by the social distancing rules. Had nobody in my flat, used to meet one friend in the park sitting at opposite ends of a long park bench. But when I heard about the Downing Street parties, and a Health Minister snogging I realised that social distancing can't have been necessary because politicians who made the rules would have abided by them. And lets not forget Dominic Cummings driving to Barnard Castle "to test his eyesight".
There is a massive shortage of GP's, seems no one wants to be a GP now. On our local news, some practices have closed as they cannot get replacement doctors. At my doctors' I have phoned to order repeat prescriptions automated hit number 1 and the recorded messages starts at 11 am all doctor appointments and callbacks for today are full. It does say if it is an emergency, hold on to speak to the receptionist.
I've had to do my asthma check via a text with an attached check form, no blood pressure taken,never had one of the 45 year old plus health check.
Not seen the asthma nurse since early 2019 .
A lot of people got very rich from the Pandemic. Shareholders in the vaccine drug companies, PPE manufacturers, some with a distinct conflict of interests in the process. The relentless social manipulation to comply by the media. Only one narrative throughout. Question things and you were either a nutcase or a subversive or both. For me, I had nothing to do with the vaccine rollout. Having spoken to nurses and GPs informally (my wife was a senior nurse) quite a few did not want the various vaccines anywhere near their bodies. They viewed them as not properly tested and rushed through. My wife had to endure misdiagnosis of sepsis by a too frightened to come to see her GP over the phone during the Pandemic. She was prescribed packet antibiotics for cellulitis. She died in abject agony from sepsis 21 days later. I was prevented from seeing her until the very end, while we later found out the very people (the politicians) responsible for Planet Fear were partying and snogging in lifts, so terrified were they of coronavirus. Excuse me for being both bitter and deeply cynical over the validity of the whole thing.
I'm so sorry for your loss, I can totally understand your bitterness. I wasn't too concerned over the vaccine, but I knew that people were getting very rich on PPE contracts as I subscribe to Private Eye magazine. My elderly uncle and aunt had just moved into a home as they have increasing dementia. They moved in just before lockdown started and my cousin couldn't visit them, I can't imagine how she felt.
I have a heart problem and I was very unwilling to take any vaccine as I felt they hadn't been tested enough on people that had existing health conditions. I felt bullied/coerced into taking them and I felt ill afterwards. Then I got covid, the vaccines worked then (not) lol. No more vaccines for me - what's in them? I'll take my chances.

Duke of Cheese, I am devastated for you on the loss of your wife and the way all this happened for you. No one should have to go through that.

Thanks for the kind words.

The thing for me is not so much the immense emotional pressure put on us all to comply with those ads with ad agency created types found about with the “to protect me mates..to protect me grannie” scenarios. I can take that. It was watching Johnson and his pals get behind that lectern and tell us what we could and couldn’t do, who we could see and when, and what we had to wear on our faces and when - knowing in the end they were all laughing us and doing the compete opposite. I don’t even believe Johnson ever had Covid. I believe it was very much a ”well if he can get it anybody can’ tactic during those key early days when blind compliance from the majority was being sought.

I and others went with these ridiculous rules to be good citizens. I couldn’t see my wife when she was critically ill because of those bast…Others had to see dying elderly relatives in care homes through open windows, or worse, not at all. While the real truth of it was the rule makers were defying them with a glass and a pork pie in their hands. I can never forgive those politicians for that.
I've had to do my asthma check via a text with an attached check form, no blood pressure taken,never had one of the 45 year old plus health check.
Not seen the asthma nurse since early 2019 .
I was only diagnosed with Asthma in late 2019. I didn't get an annual asthma check until September 2021 when i happened to be seeing nurse about something else. I had one again this year but it was done by phone after keeping note of peak flow twice a day for a week or so. Nurse has made note that next year I am to have it done in person.
I remember the video of Allegra Stratton that came to light. She was Boris' press secretary and was rehearsing for a press conference (which was being recorded). She was being asked mock questions from journalists and one was about the allegations of parties at Downing Street. She was sniggering like a naughty schoolgirl saying it was a business meeting with cheese and wine, and that there was no social distancing.

I'm sure you've all seen it but it's on YouTube if anybody needs a reminder of what that lot are like.

For some reason she felt the need to resign after it got on the news...
I can't remember the last asthma check up I had, well before lockdown, for sure. One doctor at my practice, no matter what I had to see him about, always made me to a peak flow. I have two of them and never bother doing a test, even have stickers on them when I need a steroid and or antibiotic going by the peak flow results. The stupid things make me angry, especially I have a chest infection, as I cannot get the flow up to what I want.
Boris has earned over £1 million from speaking engagements since he was PM, his usual fee is £one-quarter million each.

On the radio 4 satirical programme "Dead Ringers" (all imprssionists) today, Boris is teaching King Charles how to deliver his xmas speech, full of Phowars etc etc, until the king sounds like Boris, very funny. There is also a Matt Hancock sketch. It is a hilarious show.
I was only diagnosed with Asthma in late 2019. I didn't get an annual asthma check until September 2021 when i happened to be seeing nurse about something else. I had one again this year but it was done by phone after keeping note of peak flow twice a day for a week or so. Nurse has made note that next year I am to have it done in person.
Well my next asthma check will be by text!! that is unless I ring up and ask to be seen in person.
I can't remember the last asthma check up I had, well before lockdown, for sure. One doctor at my practice, no matter what I had to see him about, always made me to a peak flow. I have two of them and never bother doing a test, even have stickers on them when I need a steroid and or antibiotic going by the peak flow results. The stupid things make me angry, especially I have a chest infection, as I cannot get the flow up to what I want.
My dentist hasn't returned to his practice since Covid. He's offering a 'telephone service' which presumably means he's still getting NHS money. I broke a tooth earlier this year and phoned. The advice I got was to find a dentist to deal with it (no **** Sherlock, I hadn't thought of that). Frantically ringing round trying to find a dentist to treat. Found one locally, terrible reviews on Google, he said he wasn't taking on new patients but would treat the emergency. He was actually very nice, did the job efficiently and agreed to take me on as a patient so I got a good outcome this time.
I don't think she's the only one who made money out of the PPE fiasco.
Probably not ,but I expect she may well be the only one who bought a Yacht, racially abused someone whilst partying on it, in addition to buying mansions for her scrounging adult children.

Boris has earned over £1 million from speaking engagements since he was PM, his usual fee is £one-quarter million each.

On the radio 4 satirical programme "Dead Ringers" (all imprssionists) today, Boris is teaching King Charles how to deliver his xmas speech, full of Phowars etc etc, until the king sounds like Boris, very funny. There is also a Matt Hancock sketch. It is a hilarious show.
I love love love that show. Remember the Liz Truss 'I know' stuff & the football (one million percent) gags
A lot of people got very rich from the Pandemic. Shareholders in the vaccine drug companies, PPE manufacturers, some with a distinct conflict of interests in the process. The relentless social manipulation to comply by the media. Only one narrative throughout. Question things and you were either a nutcase or a subversive or both. For me, I had nothing to do with the vaccine rollout. Having spoken to nurses and GPs informally (my wife was a senior nurse) quite a few did not want the various vaccines anywhere near their bodies. They viewed them as not properly tested and rushed through. My wife had to endure misdiagnosis of sepsis by a too frightened to come to see her GP over the phone during the Pandemic. She was prescribed packet antibiotics for cellulitis. She died in abject agony from sepsis 21 days later. I was prevented from seeing her until the very end, while we later found out the very people (the politicians) responsible for Planet Fear were partying and snogging in lifts, so terrified were they of coronavirus. Excuse me for being both bitter and deeply cynical over the validity of the whole thing.
This is terrible, so sorry for your loss.

Husband thinks that the government are trying to privatise everything.
My mum had a fall recently and cut her head. We had to go to A&E and it was a 6 hr wait. Waiting room full of sick people, corridors full of people on gurneys waiting for beds, a totally depressing sight. Until you see it first hand it does not hit you how bad it is.
Middle of last year I waited 14 HOURS in our A & E. from 9 am until 11pm on my own (no accompanies allowed), and attached to a drip. It took 2 or 3 hours to get a procedure done, ---- see a triage nurse almost immediately, then a 2 hour wait to see a doctor, another 2 hours for CT scan, another 3 hours for results, see another different doctor (repeat everything again), more bloods taken, another 2 hours for results, see a 3rd different doctor and his junior (repeat everything again), early evening and finally given a cup of tea and sandwich, sat for 5 hours until a bed is available at 11 pm.

I know we pay N.I but the NHS has had it. It needs dismantling and starting again. No amount of money thrown at it will fix the problems. If it means a 2 tier system then so be it. Those that can afford a few quid a month to go private should be able to do so, ( I understand that current private health plans don't cover anyone over 75, so this should be rectified), which would then ease the load on a free care system for those who cannot pay.

We go abroad and never expect to be treated for free in hospital and have no qualms at paying for travel insurance to cover costs, so why should it be any different here. I would happily pay a tenner to see a GP if I could see one within 48 hours ( I think a packet of fags almost cost that amount), because its clear we will never return to the days of just pitching up at the surgery and waiting our turn to see a doctor.

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