I can't eat chewy bread anymore it puts too much pressure on the teeth. I broke my plate eating a baguette and every time I've lost a tooth I've been eating bread, which is ridiculous. I had quite, dare I say it, dainty, even teeth, so my implants surprise people and me in how "real" they look. I think a water pik/flosser is useful for cleaning around and under the teeth is useful. I use the Colgate peroxyl mouthwash or a sensitive gum tooth paste and basic non sonic electric toothbrushes. I wish you well with your teeth, I had awful continual infections before I had the inplants,they were so bad I had to have a proper denture for about a year. On the day I had the extractions, they gave me some blue liquid to mildly sedate me. I didn't think it had worked to start with, as I felt fully cognizant while the extractions were being done, but the instant I got out into the fresh air I spotted a massive orange and white cat, I took into my head that naught but a cuddle with said cat would satisfy me and my friend who came to pick me up was treated to the sight of me, who wasn't exactly steady on my feet, waddling around the dentist's car park in pursuit of this cat. And I had to ask my friend several times afterwards, if there really was a cat, and not a figment of my imagination!