I received mine yesterday! Well I purchased two kits in different shades of foundation! I ordered the light originally and then watched a show later on.. 10am I think and they said the fair was very limited stock so I panicked and ordered the fair too! Both came yesterday and I needn't have worried about the shades! The fair and light are extremely similar! I could barely notice a difference on my skin. I put one side of the face in fair and the other in light and could not notice a difference at all.. except in one mirror I have which it was very slightly a bit darker on the light side but hardly at all! Indiguistable outside in daylight. I have to say it is the best match I've ever had in a foundation! Even better than Bare minerals in fairly light and this is a pretty good match!
I will sell the rest of one kit.. i'm not sure if I will keep one of the foundations or sell it. I might as well use it as it suits my skin so well!
I'm working on a video review of the kit for my youtube channel bellabeautyblogs, and I took some photos with me wearing only products from the kit. One side of my face has makeup, the other not.
I'll try and post them here as well if anyone is interested.
Here are my first impressions.. as I think your opinion does change the more you use products..
this is my first time trying any of Mally's products.
Foundation: As I said above the shades I purchased.. fair and light look very similar on my skin but they look quite different when they have just been pumped out of the bottle onto the back of my hand. It has a lightweight feel, doesn't feel like you are wearing foundation. Coverage is light to medium, but buildable I would think. I didn't use any primer, just applied after using moisturiser. I hardly needed concealer.. but probably would use one but didn't yesterday as only wanted to test products from this kit. Gives very natural look. It was still on my skin at midnight, 12 hrs after application.
Eyeshadow stick: My eyelids didn't seem to like the texture of this stick and colour seemed to fade away quite quickly. Had to apply again after applying other products to get a deeper colour. My eyelids are not normally oily, maybe would be better with eyeshadow primer or powder shadow first. Some product noticeable after 12hrs. Not the nicest shade but still nice for a neutral look.
Mascara: Applied 2 coats to top and one to bottom (Mally's voice ringing in my ears.. lol)
I am lucky to naturally have medium lashes so pretty any mascara works but this one held curl well, and lengthened more than most i've tried. Very long lasting was still there 12hrs later when I went to bed.. but under my eye there was a tiny black line from my bottom lash.. that is why I don't normally use mascara on the bottom lash. I'll have to see if this happens often or if it was just a one off!
Liquid Defender Blush: Very bright colour! Very little needed as product goes a long way and is pigmented.. can be blended very nice to give a rosy glow to the cheeks. Gorgeous texture! Felt like silk! It feels like a primer blush as the name suggests. Still faintly there after 12hrs.
Eyeliner: Nice formula glided on well, deep dark brown, didn't tug on eye.. lasted very well and was still very noticeable on eyes after 12hrs! Not sure I would buy it again by itself as I have lots of eyeliners but a nice eyeliner. I like the automatic type, shame it didnt have a smudger on the end but that is me just being picky!
Lipgloss: I wouldn't call this a lipstick, it really is more like a gloss and I have far too many glosses already so I don't think i'd purchase again. Very nice strawberry scent.. reminds me of sweets!
Bright pink colour - feels nice on lips. Disappointed as didn't last very long at all. Only 10-15 mins i'd say. Not sticky and is moisturising on the lips.
Overall I liked the kit