Lulu has said that in the past she had botox but it didn't work for her and so she created her own range. Well, as I mentioned on here a few weeks ago when I'd seen her on Loose Women, she so obviously has had something done and I agree with the OP, how is she allowed to make false claims that the condition of her skin is ALL down to her skincare range?
Looking at her this afternoon, her face is so greasy and shiny looking and....she has just this second said that her skin colour is a better colour now. Well, I don't think so, she looks pale and waxy looking.
And what is it with this 'yaah' accent of hers? With the odd Scottish word thrown in. She is so false and annoying.
Oh and I've just heard AY call her Loo, like someone else mentioned.
Sheesh, the pair of them make me so mad.:devil: And I particularly can't stand Lulu!