Well that was sooo irresponsible & DUMB! What a stupid thing to say, that it's safe for food surfaces & not an irritant when it clearly could be given the ingredient listing & therefore cannot & should not be assumed DOH! ILB, your back up assistance is required to explain what Bid/Sit-up's rationale could have been for this lol :wink:
(You did provide one of the funniest sub-threads on here I've seen ILB re Peter Simon's previous role as Ronald McDonnald btw :mysmilie_483::mysmilie_504
Why thank you...I'd love to have seen the fight.
Regarding the ASS latest ruling I have three points to make.
1. I don't think anyone watching the presentation would have been mislead regarding this point. Cleaning products are by there very nature hazardous to humans, when you take what Mickey Mick said on the context of selling a cleaning product, there really is nothing to complain about.
Ok, I'm going to make this four points...
2. People can find most liquids harmful, yes there are people who Re allergic to milk and even water. If they were selling a bottle of water, should he have warned about possible side effect of skin contact, ie, you skin may get wrinkly. Also, if people are that stupid to think a cleaning liquid would not be hazardous then they should consider drinking as many cleaning chemicals as they can possibly find as, and I assure you, 'they taste really really yummy'. The comments made were made assuming the product would be used responsibly.
3. The second complaint? To quote Gob Bleuth - "come on!". This is such a non complaint I can't even begin to comment on it. Maybe they should having scrolling along the bottom of the screen the dictionary definition of 'dilute' and 'up to'...in fact, just in case and to cover their ***** they should have Bid customer services representatives in the homes of everyone watching, that's right, you tune to the channel and they send a rep around, I would imagine by helicopter, bursting through your kitchen window like a commando and then tattoo the dictionary definitions of 'dilute' and 'up to' onto the back of their hands, just to make sure they understand that if they clean their crappy cakes up BBQ they may not get the same amount of liquid as they would wiping the kitchen side...
4. And finally, on the subject of diluting, that's exactly what's happened to the complaints by the time the ASS has ruled. This is an organisation that is nothing more than an annoyance for the people they monitor, they have very little power and even less will to use it. They will uphold any complaint against anyone for anything, because it keeps them going, I bet their chief execs on a good six figures. Bid will play along because its easier and cheaper than hiring a good barrister to challenge them in court and splat them. But that day will come.
In summary, nothing wrong with the product, nothing wrong with the pitch and if you can't get 100 bottles diluted then your too dirty, filthy and don't clean your house enough.