Latest ASA Rulings 30 January 2013


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Here is a link to this weeks ASA rulings in respect of complaints made against Sit-Up (both complaints upheld).

Well done everyone for all your hard work.
Well that was sooo irresponsible & DUMB! What a stupid thing to say, that it's safe for food surfaces & not an irritant when it clearly could be given the ingredient listing & therefore cannot & should not be assumed DOH! ILB, your back up assistance is required to explain what Bid/Sit-up's rationale could have been for this lol :wink:
(You did provide one of the funniest sub-threads on here I've seen ILB re Peter Simon's previous role as Ronald McDonnald btw :mysmilie_483::mysmilie_504:)
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Well that was sooo irresponsible & DUMB! What a stupid thing to say, that it's safe for food surfaces & not an irritant when it clearly could be given the ingredient listing & therefore cannot & should not be assumed DOH! ILB, your back up assistance is required to explain what Bid/Sit-up's rationale could have been for this lol :wink:
(You did provide one of the funniest sub-threads on here I've seen ILB re Peter Simon's previous role as Ronald McDonnald btw :mysmilie_483::mysmilie_504:)

Why thank you...I'd love to have seen the fight.

Regarding the ASS latest ruling I have three points to make.
1. I don't think anyone watching the presentation would have been mislead regarding this point. Cleaning products are by there very nature hazardous to humans, when you take what Mickey Mick said on the context of selling a cleaning product, there really is nothing to complain about.

Ok, I'm going to make this four points...

2. People can find most liquids harmful, yes there are people who Re allergic to milk and even water. If they were selling a bottle of water, should he have warned about possible side effect of skin contact, ie, you skin may get wrinkly. Also, if people are that stupid to think a cleaning liquid would not be hazardous then they should consider drinking as many cleaning chemicals as they can possibly find as, and I assure you, 'they taste really really yummy'. The comments made were made assuming the product would be used responsibly.

3. The second complaint? To quote Gob Bleuth - "come on!". This is such a non complaint I can't even begin to comment on it. Maybe they should having scrolling along the bottom of the screen the dictionary definition of 'dilute' and 'up to' fact, just in case and to cover their ***** they should have Bid customer services representatives in the homes of everyone watching, that's right, you tune to the channel and they send a rep around, I would imagine by helicopter, bursting through your kitchen window like a commando and then tattoo the dictionary definitions of 'dilute' and 'up to' onto the back of their hands, just to make sure they understand that if they clean their crappy cakes up BBQ they may not get the same amount of liquid as they would wiping the kitchen side...

4. And finally, on the subject of diluting, that's exactly what's happened to the complaints by the time the ASS has ruled. This is an organisation that is nothing more than an annoyance for the people they monitor, they have very little power and even less will to use it. They will uphold any complaint against anyone for anything, because it keeps them going, I bet their chief execs on a good six figures. Bid will play along because its easier and cheaper than hiring a good barrister to challenge them in court and splat them. But that day will come.

In summary, nothing wrong with the product, nothing wrong with the pitch and if you can't get 100 bottles diluted then your too dirty, filthy and don't clean your house enough.

Why thank you...I'd love to have seen the fight.

Regarding the ASS latest ruling I have three points to make.
1. I don't think anyone watching the presentation would have been mislead regarding this point. Cleaning products are by there very nature hazardous to humans, when you take what Mickey Mick said on the context of selling a cleaning product, there really is nothing to complain about.

Ok, I'm going to make this four points...

2. People can find most liquids harmful, yes there are people who Re allergic to milk and even water. If they were selling a bottle of water, should he have warned about possible side effect of skin contact, ie, you skin may get wrinkly. Also, if people are that stupid to think a cleaning liquid would not be hazardous then they should consider drinking as many cleaning chemicals as they can possibly find as, and I assure you, 'they taste really really yummy'. The comments made were made assuming the product would be used responsibly.

3. The second complaint? To quote Gob Bleuth - "come on!". This is such a non complaint I can't even begin to comment on it. Maybe they should having scrolling along the bottom of the screen the dictionary definition of 'dilute' and 'up to' fact, just in case and to cover their ***** they should have Bid customer services representatives in the homes of everyone watching, that's right, you tune to the channel and they send a rep around, I would imagine by helicopter, bursting through your kitchen window like a commando and then tattoo the dictionary definitions of 'dilute' and 'up to' onto the back of their hands, just to make sure they understand that if they clean their crappy cakes up BBQ they may not get the same amount of liquid as they would wiping the kitchen side...

4. And finally, on the subject of diluting, that's exactly what's happened to the complaints by the time the ASS has ruled. This is an organisation that is nothing more than an annoyance for the people they monitor, they have very little power and even less will to use it. They will uphold any complaint against anyone for anything, because it keeps them going, I bet their chief execs on a good six figures. Bid will play along because its easier and cheaper than hiring a good barrister to challenge them in court and splat them. But that day will come.

In summary, nothing wrong with the product, nothing wrong with the pitch and if you can't get 100 bottles diluted then your too dirty, filthy and don't clean your house enough.


Indeed but with respect you are missing the whole point of the complaint. There's nothing wrong with the product per se but I don't think anyone suggested there was, it's how the product was described during the sale that's the problem.

That is the nature of virtually all the ASA complaints about Sit Up and no doubt with many, many others that are in the pipeline too. It's rarely the merchandise at fault but rather the merchandiser :happy:
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Indeed but with respect you are missing the whole point of the complaint. There's nothing wrong with the product per se but I don't think anyone suggested there was, it's how the product was described during the sale that's the problem.

That is the nature of virtually all the ASA complaints about Sit Up and no doubt with many, many others that are in the pipeline too :happy:

We're going to disagree again :hi:

This is the nature of most shopping channels and most sales in general. I don't think the ASS rules, when written, were ever considered to be applied to a shopping channel...but to short, sharp 30 second ads during Corrie.
We're going to disagree again :hi:

This is the nature of most shopping channels and most sales in general. I don't think the ASS rules, when written, were ever considered to be applied to a shopping channel...but to short, sharp 30 second ads during Corrie.

I suppose it matters little who actually regulates Shopping Channels, break the rules and they'll be called on.

At the end of the day both complaints were upheld. Whoever complained clearly put forward a very good case.

I guess we should watch this space......
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I suppose it matters little who actually regulates Shopping Channels, break the rules and they'll be called on.

At the end of the day both complaints were upheld. Whoever complained clearly put forward a very good case.

I guess we should watch this space......

Less of a case and more of a moan about nothing.

FYI it's Mikes birthday tonight and their doing a special show, there has already been alcohol and sexyness on screen, im sure later a swear words, some stereotyping and kinkyness will slip in but he is also mentioning P&P like crazy. I bet he doesn't get any complaints.
Less of a case and more of a moan about nothing.

FYI it's Mikes birthday tonight and their doing a special show, there has already been alcohol and sexyness on screen, im sure later a swear words, some stereotyping and kinkyness will slip in but he is also mentioning P&P like crazy. I bet he doesn't get any complaints.

You could be right but it's only the ASA's opinion that really matters.

Well, for now.
Im sorry but what is the point of complaining? the ASA says they have told Bid up to 'take more care'!! big bloody deal. Im not surprised Bid doesnt just make it all up as they go along. To get things wrong or mislead and they get told, sorry advised to 'take care' so whats the consequence of a complaint being upheld?? whats the penalty for bid or the presenter who gets it wrong? ridiculous and pathetic. The ASA seems to be a toothless organisation that is just a kind of talking shop and rarely do anything very much, so it appears. will watch with interest any future rulings but to me, seems quite pointless comlaining if when upheld, that complaint leads to less than just a ticking off. How about some financial penalty?? hit them where it hurts!
Im sorry but what is the point of complaining? the ASA says they have told Bid up to 'take more care'!! big bloody deal. Im not surprised Bid doesnt just make it all up as they go along. To get things wrong or mislead and they get told, sorry advised to 'take care' so whats the consequence of a complaint being upheld?? whats the penalty for bid or the presenter who gets it wrong? ridiculous and pathetic. The ASA seems to be a toothless organisation that is just a kind of talking shop and rarely do anything very much, so it appears. will watch with interest any future rulings but to me, seems quite pointless comlaining if when upheld, that complaint leads to less than just a ticking off. How about some financial penalty?? hit them where it hurts!

I know what you mean but it is definitely worth complaining if you feel any advertiser has mislead.

If broadcast advertisers persistently run ads that breach the Codes they (pardon the pun) run the risk of being referred by the ASA to Ofcom. They can impose fines and even withdraw their licence to broadcast. Indeed this has actually happened although i'm not for one moment suggesting that Sit Up are anywhere near fitting in that category, not at all.

Also remember that it must cause an advertiser great inconvenience to deal with complaints which in itself is hopefully enough to make them act, which is all we want.
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I will perservere then, if I see or hear anything really outrageous. Im surprised they dont receive many many more complaints from viewers or shoppers. I think if it makes for an inconvenience for them it is least something people can do, give them a bit of a headache, which lets face it is what they often give us when we watch them
I will perservere then, if I see or hear anything really outrageous. Im surprised they dont receive many many more complaints from viewers or shoppers. I think if it makes for an inconvenience for them it is least something people can do, give them a bit of a headache, which lets face it is what they often give us when we watch them

All that concerns me is claims about products on sale that simply cannot be substantiated, or even worse claims that are simply untrue. I have had major issues regarding associated purchase charges too but to their credit this seems to have been (mostly) dealt with now and fair play to them.

The seemingly tall tales, the 'I have bought this', the ridiculous brand association etc all seem like fair game for the territory. Sit Up are not alone in doing this although I would politely suggest this style of selling possibly seems to be used more often by them than on any other channels.
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Having watched the other channels, mostly qvc for years I agree about Situps tv being much more hard sell and the presenters anecdotes seem absurd and laughable. The product range seems limited and some of the products seem of low quality and similar things can be obtained from pound shops and stores like Home bargains for much less. The bells and fire alarms and ships horns are ludicrous, but make for amusing viewing. Seems all the presenters tales shoukd be taken with a huge pinch of salt!! Its compulsive viewing for me now though and I wont rule out purchases but will be very careful about checking out prices and other products from other retailers before I pick up that phone.
Having watched the other channels, mostly qvc for years I agree about Situps tv being much more hard sell and the presenters anecdotes seem absurd and laughable. The product range seems limited and some of the products seem of low quality and similar things can be obtained from pound shops and stores like Home bargains for much less. The bells and fire alarms and ships horns are ludicrous, but make for amusing viewing. Seems all the presenters tales shoukd be taken with a huge pinch of salt!! Its compulsive viewing for me now though and I wont rule out purchases but will be very careful about checking out prices and other products from other retailers before I pick up that phone.

Like many shopping channels they do obviously sell a fair bit of what could easily be considered tatt but there are a few decent products too. Just remember that on air items can often be bought for less from their own websites and if your order is £50 or more there is no delivery charge.

Don't bother using the phone to order, unless you want EasyBuy. Another £1.53 saved!
Have those snake/apple serums been back on the network? If there is a product that should be brought to the attention of the ASA, because of the spurious claims made on them, it should be those ones. :dull:
sorry but this seems a very very minor complaint compared to some

also it appears charlie the cleaning demonstrator will probably have got a bollocking for this

he did say as he always does if you have sensitive skin wear gloves, i find him very honest (he has always explained you need a stronger concentration for tougher stains even in the days before the recent deserved crackdown)

i find his demos good and as i have the product it does exactly what he has showed to me anyway
I was tempted to buy the blue stuff but when the demo he was wearing surgical gloves, not only did he look a right prat but how could it be , kind and gentle, when the guest has to wear gloves? put me off. I dont want to be reaching for marigolds when I want to the wipe the sink down!
I suppose they could have maybe avoided censure if they had provided the ASA with proof that the product was unlikely to be an irritant, it appears they didn't.

Similarly they don't appear to have provided any proof that the product was likely to achieve the results they claimed, either diluted or undiluted.

You have to ask yourself why they seemingly chose not to. Maybe the presentation was spot on but in the absence of proof it's hardly surprising the complaints were upheld.
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can only speak how i find

i have used blue magic for a couple of years the first i did not buy from bid the recent one i did

i have very very sensitive skin and it has caused me no reaction at all

"Similarly they don't appear to have provided any proof that the product was likely to achieve the results they claimed, either diluted or undiluted.
Last edited by Wirral70; Today at 05:33 PM."

this just tells me they are not taking this that seriously *this particular complaint* there are thousands of five star reviews for this product on the internet

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