Kimbie vs Destello


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Yeah lots of companies do this, it’s not illegal, maybe a bit shady, but nothing illegal happening. It is called private labelling. I think people would be surprised how much out there is private label, not just Gemporia.
This. It's rife. It's not a new thing.

I've no objection to businesses doing it - they exist to make money at the end of the day.

What I do object to is claims that its "exclusive" or claims that they've designed it, when it's in fact a mass produced Chinese product available from a range of sources.

There's a lot of dodgyness in retail. A lot of people don't realise that something can say "made in Great Britain" on too - even if its been made abroad. If all the components have been made in China, but the final bit of assembly is done in Britain, then it can say "made on Britain".

Legal? Yes. Moral? No.
This. It's rife. It's not a new thing.

I've no objection to businesses doing it - they exist to make money at the end of the day.

What I do object to is claims that its "exclusive" or claims that they've designed it, when it's in fact a mass produced Chinese product available from a range of sources.

There's a lot of dodgyness in retail. A lot of people don't realise that something can say "made in Great Britain" on too - even if its been made abroad. If all the components have been made in China, but the final bit of assembly is done in Britain, then it can say "made on Britain".

Legal? Yes. Moral? No.
Similarly with "hand made" or "carved by hand" or "naturally coloured". The first two terms mean something except when used by a mass producing business and the last term is a naked attempt to deceive - probably.
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This looks hideous! What's with that huge collar? It looks like someone has had to run away from a picnic quickly and chucked the blanket over them along with a dead ferret to keep their neck warm.
Ellis was describing the material of a jewellery roll earlier and she was saying that Hattie made sure she used velvety soft material. As if Hattie is running them up herself in her spare time.

This is what annoys me. I've no problem with them importing this stuff and flogging it on for profit - its no different to the likes of what Wilko, Primark, etc do.

But I draw the line when they claim they're "designing" it themselves or referring to things as exclusive.

The rotating jewellery box that Jess Absolutely Foley was flogging yesterday for £9.99p is on Temu for £2.98

Rotating Jewellery Box

The Jewellery Roll that Ellis did earlier is on Temu for £8.82

Jewellery Roll

It'll be interesting to see how much Ellis flogs the slippers for tomorrow. From what I can see on the VT, it looks like these:

I quite liked the black poncho coat thing with the sleeves! In two minds if its worth £30

There's loads of these things, very similar in style, on Temu for just under £15. Bearing in mind that four different Kimbie items have been spotted on Temu this week for a lot cheaper, I'd bet that if you were willing to spend 10-15 minutes looking, you'd find the exact same item on there too.
There's loads of these things, very similar in style, on Temu for just under £15. Bearing in mind that four different Kimbie items have been spotted on Temu this week for a lot cheaper, I'd bet that if you were willing to spend 10-15 minutes looking, you'd find the exact same item on there too.
I have my own issues with shopping at Temu, but I don't doubt they're unoriginal! Couldn't believe the those little jewellery boxes!
And the cherubs that she’s just presented are even worse.
Jeez, imagine having an afternoon nap and then waking up to see that monstrosity staring back at you. It’s enough to give anyone nightmares
Just looked in at Gemporia in my opinion this channel is going from bad to worse saw the guardian angels words fail me. Hattie is now selling some candles with a carousel attached!! Earlier today it was more Primal?? I cannot watch for more than a few minutes this channel is so bad now. The tat and high prices beggar belief imo.
I'm amazed that they've managed to keep Primal going for as long as they have.

It's overpriced, weak compared to similar products on the market - and whenever you order anything, it's almost always close to its expiry date.

The product packaging looks cheap and nasty, and the product names sound s**t too. 'Noggin' & 'Drink Me Gorgeous'? It just makes the products look and sound tacky.

For what they charge for two boxes of vitamins (plus a third for 'free') - equivalent to 90 days worth - you can get over a one year supply of much stronger, better quality vitamins, from Costco.

Their Probiotics, which Steve always hype up as being among the best on the market whenever he's on air, are only 6 billion CFU. They're priced at £14.99 for a one month supply.

In comparison, Bioglan, one of the market leaders (if not the market leader), sells a 20 billion CFU tablet called 'Biotic Balance' - which are priced at £16 for a one month supply on Amazon (or you can get two boxes for around £20 from Costco).

So for just £1.01p more, you can get one of the market leading brands that are over double the strength.

If Steve's were priced at around a fiver, I'd perhaps consider it - but when they're only £1 less than a far superior product, I wouldn't even entertain the idea of buying them. I wouldn't but them even if they were a tenner.
Adina was selling an interesting looking product tonight.

I hope the description was clear enough as to what these were........

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Anyone watching Kate trying to sell the last of the Destello items? They are SO creased, they look like they have they have been screwed up at the bottom of someone's laundry basket since last April or something. One of them even had an inside out sleeve. Ellis always irons the ones she presents, I think she would be appalled lol! I know its the 'last of sale' but they could have made a bit of an effort
I noticed the same thing when Hattie was doing a clearance hour the other evening. Some of those things looked like something that is ignored at the bottom of my laundry basket. I did also think, in passing, how Hattie felt doing a Kimbie show, when clearly the pieces were no different to the Destello range.
Ellis tried to claim that "You'd pay over £1000 for something like this from somewhere like Prada".

Really Ellis? YOU might pay £1000 for this from Prada - but I'd probably pay a fiver for it from Primarni.

Alternatively, I might apply for a job with Highways Agency and get something similar issued as uniform for free.

If you'd pay £1000 for this Ellis, I suggest making a phone call to Rampton or Broadmoor once you get home and see if they've got any vacancies.

The last time I saw someone wearing anything like this, they were also wearing matching trousers and a hard hat and carrying out road repairs on the M1!



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