Kim Mendelson


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Your thoughts? I think she is very snooty and quite big headed and arrogant, also the niceness seems very put on and somehow I imagine her to be a right madame off air, I could be wrong but funny how I think this is the case.

When she is over QVC really hammer it, she does more shows than any other guests from over the pond. Is it pure greed, anyway, Im switching off when I hear her voice and those 'faux' giggles.

Im no Glen Campbell (Thank God) but I do also think her clothes are awful and way over priced.
I really just cannot watch her,her voice irritates the hell out of me and I really dislike her clothes.
She's too hyper for me but she never strikes me as snooty or arrogant. In fact quite the opposite.
Just watching the Kim & Co hour now (15:00) - Where does she get her energy from? Do you reckon she 'crashes' when she gets home? Bit like me after a chocolate finger binge - an hour later and I'm snoozing at my desk? Wonder what her 'vice' is?

Kim uses such loooooonnnnnnggg sentences as well, how does she breathe?

Edted to add... 'oyster' coloured leggings with black 4" heeled court shoes (on the model) is NOT a good look, or am I just out of touch?
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She's ****** crackers in my opinion and this latest range of clothing is the pits, gawd knows who buys this stuff.
She is very hyper! I feel tired watching her! Lol. But she seems like a lovely lady.

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I never wear leggings unless they are black and I have on a top that comes to at least mid thigh. I definitely would not be wearing oyster in anything! I think Kim's OK, I've been watching her for years (shameful admission) and she can be quite good fun to watch on occasion. I don't like the "coulda, woulda, shoulda" or the "4 seasons and all seasons in between". Maybe they have different weather patterns in Canada?

I really like her, she's a bit manic but I put that down to her enthusiasm for her brand - shouldn't knock her passion it's rare to see it these days. I find her both entertaining to watch and compulsive viewing.

Ive been buying from her range for years - I don't always like what she brings but what I do buy lasts and lasts.....
I really like her, she's a bit manic but I put that down to her enthusiasm for her brand - shouldn't knock her passion it's rare to see it these days. I find her both entertaining to watch and compulsive viewing.

Ive been buying from her range for years - I don't always like what she brings but what I do buy lasts and lasts.....

I echo everything Debra Jane said. kim seems like she has never really got comfortable with her TV appearances but I like her. I also own some of the clothes, mainly tops and a few dresses and get compliments on them. I dont like anything this visit so far either though. I dont know why she trots out her stock phrases but I have wondered if French is her first language as is the case for many natives of Montreal.
Say what you like about Kim (and most of us do), but by God, she knows every item number, every colour & every size comparison of everything on air.

She's a nutter (that goes without saying), but she's knows everything there is to know about her range.
Also to the OP, I don't find her 'Snooty, Big Headed or Arrogant' at all. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't be stuck in a lift with her, but I don't thinks she comes across a woman with any airs or graces at all.
She's 100% hyper but I don't think she's snooty at all. I agree with BettyBoo. I don't think she's snooty at all.

Love her or hate her, you cannot fault her knowledge if her range. She rattles off sizes and colours without so much as an intake of breath and then she can dredge up item numbers for various items without too much trouble.

I wouldn't wear a lot of her clothes but the few things I have are brilliant. And do actually wear one of her dresses to work most weeks. Summer and winter. I have thought about buying a replacement for when it wears out but honest to god it's never going to wear out! It's as good now as it was when I bought it a few years ago. I will admit to buying the exact same dress in cerise from eBay for a song because it is such an easy option. It's the crepe fabric shift dress with the knot at the front.
Triststar i'm interested to know what it is about Kim that gives you that impression of her?
I've just pictured myself in those oyster leggings and it's put me right off my fifth choccie finger - shiver!

Id look like an over stuffed sausage!! Lol

I do wear leggings but like the other poster, make sure my top covers my bum etc x

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Say what you like about Kim (and most of us do), but by God, she knows every item number, every colour & every size comparison of everything on air.

She's a nutter (that goes without saying), but she's knows everything there is to know about her range.
Also to the OP, I don't find her 'Snooty, Big Headed or Arrogant' at all. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't be stuck in a lift with her, but I don't thinks she comes across a woman with any airs or graces at all.

"I couldn't be stuck in a lift with her" - or be stuck on a plane with her. Imagine being on a long haul flight with Kim Mendlesen on one side of you and John Barrowman on the other - nightmare!
Say what you like about Kim (and most of us do), but by God, she knows every item number, every colour & every size comparison of everything on air.

She's a nutter (that goes without saying), but she's knows everything there is to know about her range.
Also to the OP, I don't find her 'Snooty, Big Headed or Arrogant' at all. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't be stuck in a lift with her, but I don't thinks she comes across a woman with any airs or graces at all.

Totally agree with you MrMarple...
I do own quite a few pieces of hers and mainly wear it on holiday as it rolls up into small balls and is very lightweight. I love that it dries really quickly and most are non-ironing. Also, even though I have had some bits years and years, it still looks the same as when I first purchased it and I cannot say that about most of my other clothes. That said, I do find her stuff is getting ridiculously overpriced lately, but what I find I like from her shows, I then hunt around on ebay for (nwt)
I seriously think she has some sort of condition, maybe on the autism spectrum. A touch of Aspergers maybe? There's definitely something 'idiot savant' about her in my opinion. At the very least a photographic memory surely? This has been eluded to in the past on this forum.

This is just my opinion of course, but consider this:
Impaired social skills - always brings small talk back to the items, is not comfortable unless she is talking about the clothes
Perfect memory for her items, sizes, measurements and item numbers. This is her focus, how she deals with the world and will always relate back to it.
Giggling - an inappropriate, uncontrolled response.

I find her really warm, highly entertaining and knowledgeable.

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