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Really sorry this appears to of got out of hand ,I agree that this forum should be for people to discuss their own opinions and the only reason I posted on here was in response to Sloan ranger as they made reference to the police been involved and this was something that happened a few months ago and is still been looked into and did ask them to email me direct with how they got this info as it may help with what had happened.I am sorry you feel this is unprofessional but just clutching at straws and surprised Sloan ranger had some knowledge even if slightly incorrect. I did email graham and ask for the thread to be closed. I do have slight problem with my grammar and thankfully the industry I am in is more hands on and have tried to overcome the problem throughout my carreer thank goodness for spell check , but do not always use on facebook as id rather spend time answering as many questions as quick as possible hence sometimes not always using gramatically correct English.I really don't expect for everyone to like me and was never posting in response to this as I agree I am putting myself in direct for people to pass comment.I genuinely love my work and if it comes across otherwise then I am sorry for that .I hope that this whole thread closes as a lot more important issues in the world
Skindeep lovey: it sounds to me like whatever the situation is should be sorted between yourself and Graham privately: if someone has somehow gotten hold of info they shouldn't and leaked it into the public domain then it's unfortunate, but commenting publicly you're only feeding the problem.

Especially if this issue is under police investigation.

None of this is ANY of our business, but by commenting here about it you and others are making it our business.

You've contacted Graham, which is good. He can now investigate the situation.

But you really don't need to talk to us about it.

All the best

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I feel a little sorry for Keeley, in that sometimes she seems slightly out of her depth. I don't doubt she's an accomplished facialist and has worked hard to present Elemis products but I wonder whether the Elemis company have left her to deal with all queries about the products or that the customers are directing their queries and criticisms of the range to Keeley when they should be sent to Elemis HQ. She's struggling to answer that Q in the opening post, whether that's because she struggles to express herself or inadequate information filtered down to Keeley from the Elemis chemists.
If I have a question about a product or ingredient then the company has a duty of care to ensure I receive accurate information conveyed with clarity.

I'd like to hope Elemis the company is supporting Keeley to field the flack that has accompanied the social network explosion. Her role as the QVC face of Elemis has clearly exposed her to more than just a little criticism on a minority forum if the police have been involved.

Jude xx
Last week you were sl*****g off Alison, this week Keeley, Fiona in the past who will it be next week?????????
Last week you were sl*****g off Alison, this week Keeley, Fiona in the past who will it be next week?????????

These are my predictions

1) JR and her jeggins, baggy eyes/arms.
2) CH and her extensions/tweets.
3) JF and just about everything.
Good grief!, just finished a few hours work and thought I'd come to forum for a bit of light relief! - it is still a forum isn't it!

How is the forum, usernames or not, any different to:

If you watch TV, read a newspaper, gossip mag, watch panel shows, comedy, satire etc, positive, derogatory, spiteful, funny comments are abound referring to people in the public eye. Not just celebrities, actors, presenters and sport personalities etc but politicians, the royal family, the disabled - no one is safe from the media and it wouldn't exist if it didn't sell!! (check the view ratings when these threads are running! - good news for Graham!)

I don't know anyone who hasn't had something to say at sometime, maybe about a neighbour, work colleague, relatives etc, it's human nature. I've looked at posts on QVC's Facebook site in the past and decided the majority of what happens here is quite tame in comparrison, so I don't understand why ST takes so much flack. It can get out of hand sometimes but mostly it's entertaining.

If some people find this forum so objectionable I don't know why they don't avoid it altogether?
I feel a little sorry for Keeley, in that sometimes she seems slightly out of her depth. I don't doubt she's an accomplished facialist and has worked hard to present Elemis products but I wonder whether the Elemis company have left her to deal with all queries about the products or that the customers are directing their queries and criticisms of the range to Keeley when they should be sent to Elemis HQ. She's struggling to answer that Q in the opening post, whether that's because she struggles to express herself or inadequate information filtered down to Keeley from the Elemis chemists.
If I have a question about a product or ingredient then the company has a duty of care to ensure I receive accurate information conveyed with clarity.

I'd like to hope Elemis the company is supporting Keeley to field the flack that has accompanied the social network explosion. Her role as the QVC face of Elemis has clearly exposed her to more than just a little criticism on a minority forum if the police have been involved.

Jude xx

I think you have made an excellent point. Maybe it would be better to have an "Elemis on QVC" page on Facebook rather than Keeley's own page. This would mean that questions could be answered by the appropriate person at Elemis, e.g. a question about ingredients could be answered by a more technical person. It would also mean that Keeley wouldn't be left having to deal with all the queries and need to rush to answer as many as possible as quickly as possible. As it would be about Elemis rather than Keeley herself it would also help her keep her personal life personal, which is a point she made in her first post.
Why is this thread still open? I agree with Keeley when she says it has got totally out of hand and there are more important issues in the world.

I'm not sure it needs closing I think the recent posts are making fair points regarding the pressures that accompany the QVC C'leb status, and have moved away from the self-ordained defenders of said c'lebs denying forum members their right to discuss what aspects of shopping TV they like and also what gets on their tits. I don't often get extremely wound up by anything on QVC these days but I do support everyone else's right to post their opinions however subjective within the confines of the law.

Jude xx
Shouldn't that be between you and Shiny? i.e. private HC :angel:

Well, I don't know Shiny and I was always told to make sure people knew who I was talking to when I met a stranger...

According to Keeley's "fans" on her QVC page we're all a bunch of imbeciles and Graham is a hypocrite. One particular fan being a regular poster in this here forum... :thinking:

Funnily enough, neither Keeley or her entourage don't see that arbitrarily slating a whole slew of people you don't know is also a form of bullying - not really the tack I'd have taken if I wanted to claim the moral high ground.
Why is this thread still open? I agree with Keeley when she says it has got totally out of hand and there are more important issues in the world.


If the decision to close threads was based on the fact that there are more important issues in the world then there wouldn't be any threads left open. This is a Shopping Telly forum!
Looks like graham has been on keeleys FB page to defend but his posts aren't there now. Can only see the responses from Keeley fans telling him what a vile place this is. Goodness we're all coming in for a right old slagging off by the fan club! Lots of double standards.....
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Looks like graham has been on keeleys FB page to defend but his posts daren't there now. Can only see the responses from Keeley fans telling him what a vile place this is.

And what a bunch of gits we are; which is a strange thing for someone so het up about online "bullying" to do.
Elemis/QVCs PR people have dropped the ball on this one. I suspect media training 101 might be Keeley's first job on Monday morning. And if it isn't, it flipping well ought to be. Keeley should not be posting here, should not be reading the site and her facebook page should be controlled by Elemis/QVC. As a professional representing a brand then everything you say and do can enhance or damage that brand. The brand can't control what is said about it's products or the people who represent the brand but they should be controlling their own people. And if something has been brought to the attention of the police the Elemis/QVC legal team and PR team should be handling Keeley's online presence with kid gloves.
I agree 100% Tink: how many peeps who DIDN'T have a clue about this issue now do because of the way it's been handled?

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