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I have to say compared to some groups on facebook we are pussy cats. Yes does get very heated and sometimes a sort of flame war can break out over certain people and subjects. What I have noticed on facebook is with some groups a total cult (I do mean cult in the true sense, you join and you must give your life for them. Or that is the way it comes across),like thing going on. Them against the rest of the world. Seems the Liz Earle group and the Elemis group hate each other with a total venom. Fecking hell its two skin care brands who make millions from customers not two countries who boarders must be defended against the hoards. They become very possessive over the people running the group or the brand as if they are in fact family or even close friends. No they are not, a friendly oh I meet whoever does not make you their personal friend. But that is the way it is treated. Yes I agree the Elemis page should be a professional company lead page, SpaceNK and other brands do it. No idea about the Liz Earle one, never dare venture there, well I don't buy the brand anyway. I know on another group on facebook I belong to which is related to QVC but more open to complaints etc. Keeley is getting very little sympathy over this.

Facebook does seem to breed this sort of culture of obsessive devotion to be it Elemis, Liz Earle or whatever. I belong to a few perfume boards and trust me so many are devoted to certain brands and hate others. Yet nothing like what goes on facebook ever happens. They obsess over batch codes on the bottom of bottles or if I bought a fake, is Creed better than Guerlain etc.
I have to say compared to some groups on facebook we are pussy cats. Yes does get very heated and sometimes a sort of flame war can break out over certain people and subjects. What I have noticed on facebook is with some groups a total cult (I do mean cult in the true sense, you join and you must give your life for them. Or that is the way it comes across),like thing going on. Them against the rest of the world. Seems the Liz Earle group and the Elemis group hate each other with a total venom. Fecking hell its two skin care brands who make millions from customers not two countries who boarders must be defended against the hoards. They become very possessive over the people running the group or the brand as if they are in fact family or even close friends. No they are not, a friendly oh I meet whoever does not make you their personal friend. But that is the way it is treated. Yes I agree the Elemis page should be a professional company lead page, SpaceNK and other brands do it. No idea about the Liz Earle one, never dare venture there, well I don't buy the brand anyway. I know on another group on facebook I belong to which is related to QVC but more open to complaints etc. Keeley is getting very little sympathy over this.

Facebook does seem to breed this sort of culture of obsessive devotion to be it Elemis, Liz Earle or whatever. I belong to a few perfume boards and trust me so many are devoted to certain brands and hate others. Yet nothing like what goes on facebook ever happens. They obsess over batch codes on the bottom of bottles or if I bought a fake, is Creed better than Guerlain etc.
sounds like these peeps are dead idle...
I will just say this... What is the difference between the teenager who repeatedly posts on the Facebook page that another girl is fat, thin, wears awful clothes, nasty comments designed to make her feel really bad about herself, and what is often said about presenters on here?

Fundamentally, the difference is that the girl being bullied on FB is not being paid to appear on TV.
Doesn't their have to be an element of intent for an action to be called a crime? Would it be possible to ever temper one's comments to be 100% sure that a hyper-sensitive reader would not be impacted by them? How could that ever be anticipated or measured?

From a psychological rather than a legal viewpoint I believe individuals have to accept ownership of their feelings and not look to always blame others for their state of mind

J xx
I did hear from Keeley today and was asked to erase this thread, I really have thought long and hard and I feel that would be the wrong decision would set a precedent.

I say this everytime this kind of issue is raised, this site is almost 11 years old, yes if I am honest it is not what I imagined it to be, BUT I feel that as long as people put themself in front of the camera then there will always be comments made against them, I have not been backwards in coming forward with my dislikes.

In the past I have removed threads that break sub judice rules, I don't believe in this instance it is the case.

It is your forum and your decision and we have to respect that, whether we agree with you or not. I am not a great Keeley fan, but just feel that this is doing STs reputation more harm than good, but as I said, your forum and your decision.
I don't know about more harm than good - this thread has had getting on for twelve thousand views.
It is your forum and your decision and we have to respect that, whether we agree with you or not. I am not a great Keeley fan, but just feel that this is doing STs reputation more harm than good, but as I said, your forum and your decision.

To be fair LL: Graham could capitulate to every "celeb" that deigns to post on here, and the ST forum would stuill be slated on FB.

And also to be fair, it was not Graham's decision to make all this public. If someone needs to be told when not to post online, or when to use discretion in order to obtain a desired result, it's a certain person that believes beauty only goes so far. Judging by their username, anyway.

Trying to use emotional blackmail is tacky and unwarranted considering Graham WAS trying to sort the issue out in private.
We've had instances of people who don't contribute to this forum asking for threads to be closed: Cloudier's neice, Keeley and (not sure of this one) Julia's Sophie. It's entirely Graham's decision considering all the ramifications.

J xx
well I missed all the action until today, now know more about Elemis and moving to Cyprus then I ever wanted, have learned that all one has to do is call one a bully and then there should be no more discussion as there could be legal ramification
think I go and have more tea and think about the post from Kat 73 and if I should consider legal action as I feel she called me a bully
Could I suggest this topic is now locked (if that's the right phrase), not deleted. That would leave it available to be read but no more posts. All views seem to have been raised and we don't seem to be getting anything new coming out now.
Not posted about this before but have been reading with some amusement. Heres my two penneth.

I think Keeley deserves a written warning from her bosses at Elemis. Her conduct is quite disgraceful & IMO very unprofessional & nothing more than attention seeking. She can chuck a strop as much as she likes if she reads this but the truth hurts ! And giving an opinion is NOT bullying.

Dictionary definition of bullying :-

Use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. I don't think anyone on here has done that to Keeley.

Graham I think has acted very fairly & reasonably & has done his best to pour oil etc.

As for that lot on FB. Whatever !!!!!
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Could I suggest this topic is now locked (if that's the right phrase), not deleted. That would leave it available to be read but no more posts. All views seem to have been raised and we don't seem to be getting anything new coming out now.

I disagree.

J xx
I think it's a very reasoned discussion. No one is fighting, or being disrespectful. We are agreeing or disagreeing and backing up our points of view. While ever that continues why should it be locked down? Especially as the protagonist herself chose to contribute early on. It rather smacks of "dollies being thrown" for keeley to ask for it to be closed down now she's finished speaking.

Who DO these people think they are? The self importance is quite astounding.
People on this forum and facebook are expressing their views, as they have a right to, as long as they do so according to forum guidelines.
I am more concerned as to how wise it was for a representatine of a company to engage in the sort of exchange I have read on this forum and on facebook. I suspect that the management team at Elemis must be horrified. It is, in my opinion, unprofessional, embarrassing and does not reflect very well.
People on this forum and facebook are expressing their views, as they have a right to, as long as they do so according to forum guidelines.

I totally agree.

I am more concerned as to how wise it was for a representatine of a company to engage in the sort of exchange I have read on this forum and on facebook. I suspect that the management team at Elemis must be horrified. It is, in my opinion, unprofessional, embarrassing and does not reflect very well.

It was a disaster!
I'm not a huge Elemis fan although I have bought a few bits and bobs in the past. I still watch the shows though and I think Keeley seems very sweet and passionate about her products and I enjoy watching her presentations. Imo calling her an idiot and an imbecile is firstly cruel and secondly untrue. her explanation of the product wasn't great, but not everyone is brilliant at expressing themselves all the time and I don't think poor grammar warrants calling someone an imbecile.
However this is a shopping telly forum and everyone is entitled to say what they feel about presenters who are attempting to part us with our hard earned cash. I'm sure I've often criticised presenters for things they've said and then the next time I've watched them I've thought they were great! I'm quite sure they take it with a pinch of salt and hopefully keeley will too and this will all be water under another bridge!
Could I suggest this topic is now locked (if that's the right phrase), not deleted. That would leave it available to be read but no more posts. All views seem to have been raised and we don't seem to be getting anything new coming out now.

There is nothing wrong with spirited discussion. I agree if it becomes nasty & spiteful then maybe then it should be shut but for the time being I have not seen anything that warrants that.
There is nothing wrong with spirited discussion. I agree if it becomes nasty & spiteful then maybe then it should be shut but for the time being I have not seen anything that warrants that.

I think everyone is doing their best to give calm & measured responses/ opinions after the explosion of accusations & recriminations levelled yesterday.
I'm a bit late to this thread & just catching up with what everyone has said.
I honestly can't see that anything has been said that would constitute bullying or harassment, just people expressing honest opinions on a subject that started very legitimately concerning ingredients of a product that seems to stress it's "natural" credentials but seems to contain things you wouldn't expect.
I'm frankly quite astounded that the elected spokesperson for the company seemed to find something in this to take offence at.

Elemis really wants to take a hand in this, their reputation is not being improved.
I've always thought it a bit odd that both they, and Decleor & others, seem just to put forward one main representative to speak for the company on QVC. Almost pandering to them beginning to think of themselves as some sort of company celebrity.
Shoot me down if you want but I've just read this thread and Keeley has done herself no favours. Dare I say that she comes across as a precious little madam!
If Elemis employee's discuss her then they are sent letters telling them not to, if she's discussed on a public forum, she wants the thread removed.

Yes Keeley love there are more important things going on in the world right now, and if you're so passionate about then I take it you'll be resigning from your cushy little Elemis number. l'll look out for you at the Syrian embassey, or will you be too busy topping up your tan in Cyprus.......using only the highest quality Elemis suncare of course!

Get over yourself!
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