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personal attack or not, to respond in a barely readable manner, mentioning police - totally unprofessional.
You're overlooking the simple fact that the people on here are not putting themselves in the public eye by going on telly and having public FB profiles.

We are not "hiding", it's the guests and presenters who are putting themselves out there. If their egos are so large that they do that and THEN go looking on line to see what people are saying about them, then I don't have much sympathy. In the unlikely event that I would appear on QVC as a guest, I certainly wouldn't be coming on here after for feedback!

Empathy should be directed at people who deserve it.

and THAT is the crux of the issue.

it never ceases to amaze me how often this comes up on here in some shape or form

you're hiding behind a computer

post a picture of yourself

how would you like it

think about their poor families

it's a forum for pete's sake! we discuss things good or bad and the ONLY people who are discussed are the ones who CHOOSE to put themselves in the public eye.
You're overlooking the simple fact that the people on here are not putting themselves in the public eye by going on telly and having public FB profiles.

We are not "hiding", it's the guests and presenters who are putting themselves out there. If their egos are so large that they do that and THEN go looking on line to see what people are saying about them, then I don't have much sympathy. In the unlikely event that I would appear on QVC as a guest, I certainly wouldn't be coming on here after for feedback!

Save your empathy for people who deserve it.

Not overlooking any facts thanks....just asked a question about how people would feel.

Whether people are putting themselves in the public eye or not is irrelevant, if someone wanted to find out something about someone else and then 'dish any dirt' it can be done and I'm quite sure people on here wouldn't want that.

On many Internet sites we are advised to create usernames instead of using our real names partly for the reason of annonymity and security so it can't be said that we don't sometimes 'hide' behind them.

As Keeley pointed out in her post, Elemis (and no doubt all the others) check various internet sites for feedback in relation to their products. So I don't think it is about egos, but then that is my opinion and as far as I'm aware there is no crime against that....but I will check at work!
It's absolutely essential on an open forum to be able to crticise things like hand cream, not so sure about very personal criticism of presenters though, although I'm sure I've been guilty of it in the past. I can't really see why putting yourself in the public domain means that it can be open season on a person. I would expect there to be common courtesy and good manners to one another to be excercised on a forum or indeed in real life........unless the person is really vile of course!
So I don't think it is about egos, but then that is my opinion and as far as I'm aware there is no crime against that....but I will check at work!

Shiny, love: doesn't that go for everyone else as well?

As for how we would feel if people were interested in the minutiae of our lives, I'd be perplexed since I'm NOT appearing on telly in people's homes.

And being interested in "celebs'" (I use the word loosely here) lives seems to be part of human nature; there's a whole industry dedicated to doing this (Heat, OK, Hello - the "celebs" who appear in that often being held up to QVC viewers as users of beauty products and people viewers should aspire to) that celebs are happy to conspire with as it keeps them in the public eye. Plus QVC presenters (and guests) themselves aren't shy on sharing snippets of their private lives in order to flog products.

It's difficult to say "enough" to people wanting to know about your private life when you've already opened that door and given people the impression that you're OK with sharing details about your life.
Firstly I have no idea what the mention of police is about, I suspect it is something that has happened via Facebook but as I say I don't know.

What I will say is the comments I have seen on FB about people hiding behind forums names are unfair. I do not use my real name on here as I care about my safety therefore I would not expect others to use their real names on here. I use my name on FB but my profile is secured but on forums there is not the same security so I use a username, just common sense!!

It is Keeley's choice as to whether she comes on here and posts, I know she has in the past but stopped due to QVC telling guests presenters not to, we are more than happy to have guests presenters post on here.

This site is about Shopping Telly and therefore there will be comments about presenters and guest presenters, that is life. Go and read other forums and you will see presenters who are on BBC, ITV etc... getting both negative and positive comments.

As I always say if someone sees a post they think has overstepped the mark then they can use the "report a post function" and of course you can contact Graham or myself direct.

The whole 'celeb' thing is one that people can choose to buy into or not........depends on the kind of person you are I guess.

As for an opinion applying to everyone else, yes, of course that does go for everyone else aswell. But having an opinion is very different to personally attacking some online, I think these days it's called cyber bullying.
This all started far as I know when John Lewis sent out postcards for an Elemis event, saying come meet Emer the new Elemis presenter on QVC. Then it was being asked was Keeley leaving QVC? It seems to be an open thing that she was moving to Cyprus, well on facebook. I asked at my local counter and one sa even said she heard Keeley was moving to Australia! Thought that was a bit far to travel for QVC shows. I asked if they heard Keeley was leaving and got the answer they didn't know. Then they received a letter from Elemis head office telling them to stop discussing Keeley with customers. For me and the staff at my counter is was just a causal inquiry thing. What is happening, is there a new presenter for Elemis on QVC?

Now I read a few facebook pages, QVC and Debenhams(the latter for the weekly competitions which I have never won. Not that I am bitter or anything), and one relating to QVC. Now there does seem to be some sort of undercurrent going on about this. People on the Liz Earle page and others being accused of something(sorry I have no actual idea what), no idea what they did or if it was something totally different. Its all like an who done it, clues about things mentioned but no 'well this happen or that happened or who did what.'
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To be honest I am stunned that Keeley would be so unprofessional as to behave in such a manner on a public forum.
As far as I am aware she is a beauty therapist who has bagged herself a pretty good slot on QVC flogging Elemis products for the company..nothing more.
She is very defensive in general,but her posts don't come across as very well thought through at all, and I wonder how the company will view this sort of thing.

The whole 'celeb' thing is one that people can choose to buy into or not........depends on the kind of person you are I guess.

You say that like it's a bad thing :smirk: I presume you tut at AY when she mentions the Cheryl Coles, the Beyonces, the J-Los etc as people viewers should aspire to when she's trying to flog beauty products then? :wonder:

As for an opinion applying to everyone else, yes, of course that does go for everyone else aswell. But having an opinion is very different to personally attacking some online, I think these days it's called cyber bullying.

I agree, and it is something that is highly subjective - something that only the recipient can decide. But as both Graham and Sazza have stated that anyone who fears that posts have overstepped a boundary should contact them about them I would say that this is being properly dealt with: if "skindeep" has reported a post or posts as bullying then that is between Graham and "skindeep" to sort; I would have thought the last thing a victim of bullying would want was for people to keep harping on about it.

Especially if it was about a purported "invasion of privacy": if "skindeep" is averse to people going on about their private business, do you think your posts are helping matters? :thinking:
Email was sent yesterday to you graham awaiting response many thanks

Not being funny: but shouldn't that be kept between yourself and Graham?

I don't see what making that post is supposed to achieve.
I have never seen so much negativity in one place, as I have on this forum. I take it all those who are criticising Keeley have never met her in real life. She is a really nice person and down to earth and passionate about her work.

How would you like it if people started a forum and was criticising users on the forum, dont think that would go down too well.

All I can say is that I hope Keeley continues bringing her valuable expertise to us and keep up with the good work with Elemis. In my opinion I think a lot of people were put off buying the Xmas TSV because of the comments people had post. I for one was not taken in by the comments on here and purchased and I really like the handcream. If you want to criticise handcreams and the products that people buy off qvc then I suggust you should keep your opinions to yourself and carry on shopping in Superdrugs etc... and purchase handcreams that take forever to sink in and skincreams that leave a residue on your face.
How would you like it if people started a forum and was criticising users on the forum, dont think that would go down too well.

They have: it's called the QVC FB page.

And what do I think about them? Not a jot.

But thanks for asking :nod:
I have never seen so much negativity in one place, as I have on this forum. I take it all those who are criticising Keeley have never met her in real life. She is a really nice person and down to earth and passionate about her work.

How would you like it if people started a forum and was criticising users on the forum, dont think that would go down too well.

All I can say is that I hope Keeley continues bringing her valuable expertise to us and keep up with the good work with Elemis. In my opinion I think a lot of people were put off buying the Xmas TSV because of the comments people had post. I for one was not taken in by the comments on here and purchased and I really like the handcream. If you want to criticise handcreams and the products that people buy off qvc then I suggust you should keep your opinions to yourself and carry on shopping in Superdrugs etc... and purchase handcreams that take forever to sink in and skincreams that leave a residue on your face.

1. I'm sure Keeley is a lovely person in "real life", but she has a public Facebook profile and the comments on this thread were to do with the content of a reply Keeley herself had posted on a PUBLIC social networking site. She should know that anything she says PUBLICLY is open to scrutiny and criticism.

2. Keeley is no different to any other person who has a PUBLIC profile. Now I wouldn't categorise her as a "celebrity", but again she has an active and PUBLIC Facebook profile and she appears on QVC television. She is no different to anyone else who has a media profile and knows that public criticism comes with the territory. She should be adult enough to realise that and accept that with all the hundreds of compliments she gets from her Facebook fans, she is also going to receive criticism. Get over it.

3. We live in a free and democratic society and freedom of speech is a cornerstone of our society. Many websites offer a review system of the products it sells. This forum is no different to that concept. People are free to express their OPINIONS about what they like and don't like, so long as the way they express them complies with house rules. I certainly don't expect to be told not to express a negative opinion about a product because it hurts Elemis' sales figure. Anyway, didn't the Elemis Christmas TSV sell over 100,000 units? Clearly a few negative opinions on this forum didn't adversely affect sales that much in any event.
and purchase handcreams that take forever to sink in and skincreams that leave a residue on your face.

Wasn't that a complaint about PCMC?

And this is a site about shopping telly - where people are free to review products and service they receive. That includes sales techniques in shows. Graham and Sazza have said so NUMEROUS times.

But thanks for patronising us by telling us what we can and can't do. That's definitely one way to win an argument :smirk:
I have never seen so much negativity in one place, as I have on this forum. I take it all those who are criticising Keeley have never met her in real life. She is a really nice person and down to earth and passionate about her work.

How would you like it if people started a forum and was criticising users on the forum, dont think that would go down too well.

All I can say is that I hope Keeley continues bringing her valuable expertise to us and keep up with the good work with Elemis. In my opinion I think a lot of people were put off buying the Xmas TSV because of the comments people had post. I for one was not taken in by the comments on here and purchased and I really like the handcream. If you want to criticise handcreams and the products that people buy off qvc then I suggust you should keep your opinions to yourself and carry on shopping in Superdrugs etc... and purchase handcreams that take forever to sink in and skincreams that leave a residue on your face.

People are entitled to state whether they like or dislike a product.
1. I'm sure Keeley is a lovely person in "real life", but she has a public Facebook profile and the comments on this thread were to do with the content of a reply Keeley herself had posted on a PUBLIC social networking site. She should know that anything she says PUBLICLY is open to scrutiny and criticism.

2. Keeley is no different to any other person who has a PUBLIC profile. Now I wouldn't categorise her as a "celebrity", but again she has an active and PUBLIC Facebook profile and she appears on QVC television. She is no different to anyone else who has a media profile and knows that public criticism comes with the territory. She should be adult enough to realise that and accept that with all the hundreds of compliments she gets from her Facebook fans, she is also going to receive criticism. Get over it.

3. We live in a free and democratic society and freedom of speech is a cornerstone of our society. Many websites offer a review system of the products it sells. This forum is no different to that concept. People are free to express their OPINIONS about what they like and don't like, so long as the way they express them complies with house rules. I certainly don't expect to be told not to express a negative opinion about a product because it hurts Elemis' sales figure. Anyway, didn't the Elemis Christmas TSV sell over 100,000 units? Clearly a few negative opinions on this forum didn't adversely affect sales that much in any event.

Summed up beautifully.
There is it seems something more going on than anyone on here knows, for the police to be involved and for Elemis employees to be told NOT to discuss Keeley my reading would be that there is something far more serious than a spat between devotees of different beauty brands.
Unfortunately we live in a world where some people think being in the public eye makes you an easy target and reading Keeleys responses she does come across as defensive but if there is something going on about we dont know about then maybe she feels she has good reason.
I do t agree that people shouldn't comment on their personal views regarding products or even how presenters/guests come across to them, but, I do think that sometimes it can become very personal and potentially very hurtful quite quickly. I like Keeley, I know sometimes she says things that don't appear to make sense but that's part of the reason I do like her, she is clearly passionate about Elemis and doesn't always read " from the script". I was a devoted Elemis user until recently but have now switched allegiance to a salon brand not available anywhere but in a salon but for many years I would not use anything else. The pseudo science of the beauty industry is not confined to one brand they are all as bad as each other
and carry on shopping in Superdrugs etc... and purchase handcreams that take forever to sink in and skincreams that leave a residue on your face.

I'm no legal expert, but isn't such a comment libellous?

I'm sure that sj17 isn't using the fact that he/she is using a pseudonym to make such a sweeping statement about a high street chain's reputation. I'm sure that sj17 would only be too happy to repeat that statement under his/her real name... :wonder:

I'm also sure that Shiny would agree with me that if that's NOT the case, then something is very wrong with what sj17 has posted :smirk:
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