Julia's Book


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Chapter 73 is about when she went shopping with Sophie and ended up buying her iconic jeggings from New Look :smirk:

Next ... cookbook, perfume, MovieOfTheWeek, ToepostsGalore, JuliaWig, SizeSmallClothing, TalkingBook, JuliaSpectacles, SpeciallyDesignedJulia'Mini'Car (not small), LeggingsAGoGo. *pause for breath* :wink:
Extract from Julia's blog..

I have always been grateful to her for her advice but never more so than when my skin went through a hissy fit in 2009 and she was on hand to help me through it. The whole distressing episode is chapter 53 in my book, my age when it happened, but here is just a small extract.

"By this time, the red raised skin was almost covering my entire face and neck, and I was embarrassed to be seen out in public.

I remember getting on the early morning easyJet flight to Alicante on the 3rd of January feeling tearful and pulling my hair around my face to hide it. It was meant to be a five-day break but almost immediately I knew we had made a mistake as, far from helping my skin, the warm January Spanish sun just made it itchier.

I couldn't sleep at all and spent most of the night sitting watching television, to try and take my mind off my skin, and crying. The next morning I begged Chris to take me home."

... wonder if the other 47 chapters are as riveting as this ...


as Wild Oscar said : “To love one's self is the beginning of a life-long romance.”
Next ... cookbook, perfume, MovieOfTheWeek, ToepostsGalore, JuliaWig, SizeSmallClothing, TalkingBook, JuliaSpectacles, SpeciallyDesignedJulia'Mini'Car (not small), LeggingsAGoGo. *pause for breath* :wink:

:mysmilie_859: you crease me up Snarly x
Ok, if this isnt some sort of joke, or all the money goes to charity then....... simply speechless. Crikey, how those damn homeless complain huh? when there's martyr Roberts suffering with skin problems on her 5 day jaunt to alicante!!!! Suffering, youve known nothing like it!!!! For christs sake, read a book by someone who has overcome something, like our fantastic paralympians, people who have given their lives in the cause of others, Terry Waite, anything bar this pretentious crap by someone who sells crap on a crap channel, using any technique she can lower herself to. Good grief Im sitting here agape that she's giving some away !!!! What are ypou Julia? Mother Teresa? If she doesnt announce that every PENNY profit is going to charity then I for one will be stuck with this beyond belief face for a long long time.
Cheesecake - AtAGirl! Great post :heart: DebraJane, no-one's ever said that to me before, I had to look it up. I have learned so many idioms on this forum. :wink:
Ok, if this isnt some sort of joke, or all the money goes to charity then....... simply speechless. Crikey, how those damn homeless complain huh? when there's martyr Roberts suffering with skin problems on her 5 day jaunt to alicante!!!! Suffering, youve known nothing like it!!!! For christs sake, read a book by someone who has overcome something, like our fantastic paralympians, people who have given their lives in the cause of others, Terry Waite, anything bar this pretentious crap by someone who sells crap on a crap channel, using any technique she can lower herself to. Good grief Im sitting here agape that she's giving some away !!!! What are ypou Julia? Mother Teresa? If she doesnt announce that every PENNY profit is going to charity then I for one will be stuck with this beyond belief face for a long long time.

I don't think you can accuse her of that. She's the least hard sell of the lot of them. Why should the profits be going to charity? Z-list celebs write books all the time. I assume people are happy to buy them otherwise they would never get published. At least she has written it herself.
She can write a book if she likes, we are not obliged to read it. If people want to buy it then she is entitled to earn money from it, who are we to bedrudge a person making a living? I don't choose to read many books on the market, but I don't rant on about how dare they write a book, and they had better give all the proceeds to charity....or else!

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Cheesecake I'm confused by your post. Why should she give the profits to charity?
I've taken the p**s about the book but if she"s written it and people want to read it,good for her. I won be buying it but she obviously thinks there's a market out there for it.
I don't care what she does with the money,its not my business.
do you reckon it will be released to tie in with mothers day? brace yourselves all you yummy mummies!

as soon as it is kindle daily deal for 99p I'll download it so I can carry it with ,me at all times

I wouldn't download it even if it was a free daily deal....:mysmilie_845:
Is it the same as on the website:

'One Hundred Lengths of the Pool, signed hardback book by Julia Roberts. Enjoy a riveting insight into the life of our very own presenter, Julia Roberts, in her exciting new autobiography. Each hardback edition is signed by the lady herself, making this your next must-have read!'

I'm still struggling with the price... £14.97.

Health issue aside, I'm struggling to think of examples that would be much more 'exciting' or 'riveting' than the lives of the average QVC shopper.
I'm not buying it but some people genuinely do have interesting lives. I've read biographies and autobiographies that have been really interesting. And others that have been dull beyond belief. You can't really tell until you get going sometimes.

But clearly someone somewhere agrees that its a good idea or it would never have got published. Good luck to her.
Extract from Julia's blog..

I have always been grateful to her for her advice but never more so than when my skin went through a hissy fit in 2009 and she was on hand to help me through it. The whole distressing episode is chapter 53 in my book, my age when it happened, but here is just a small extract.

"By this time, the red raised skin was almost covering my entire face and neck, and I was embarrassed to be seen out in public.

I remember getting on the early morning easyJet flight to Alicante on the 3rd of January feeling tearful and pulling my hair around my face to hide it. It was meant to be a five-day break but almost immediately I knew we had made a mistake as, far from helping my skin, the warm January Spanish sun just made it itchier.

I couldn't sleep at all and spent most of the night sitting watching television, to try and take my mind off my skin, and crying. The next morning I begged Chris to take me home."

... wonder if the other 47 chapters are as riveting as this ...

Please tell me you're taking the pi$$ and this load of self indulgent bollox isn't really in her book !!??
What a load of tripe I would not waste my money on a book about her life. It just shows how far up herself she is to think that her life is worth writing a book about. My life has probably been a lot more interesting than hers but that of course is only my opinion and I would not expect anyone else to be interested.

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