Julia Roberts STILL asking for "Christian" names


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Hi everyone. Been away for a few days. Anyway, can't understand the fuss myself. IMO, there's nothing wrong in referring to 'Christian' names.
Ok, just thought I'd add my two cents.....

I'm coming down heavily on the side of those who think it's a little over the top and there are far more important things to worry about than this.

I know Julia comes in for a lot of flak (mainly about her appearance) but this is taking things a bit too far and totally unjustified in my opinion. I for one think her presenting style is very professional, regardless of what she's wearing, and not offensive in any way.
Good grief what a load of rubbish, people in this country have been using the phrase 'christian name' for years. When I hear these opinions put forward I think how sad it is that someone has nothing better to do in life but dream up these these stupid 'PC' ideas. No wonder there is so much conflict in the world when people start nit picking to this extent.

This is so true!! If the PC brigade did not exist then the world in my humble opinion would be a better place. My grandson had to sing Baa Baa Wooly sheep so as not to offend anyone. I remember when I was little (I have a good memory!!) saying eeny meeny miney mo catch a ****** by the toe, if he squeals let him go. It was used in all innocence which I feel is sadly lacking in childhood today.
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Maz, I do agree with you but I think you'd better edit your post and replace some of the letters in that 'n' word with ****, I'm sure your post will be removed if you don't!
Never read such a stupid thread in my life! :blink::blink::blink:
I'm not sure why some people are rubbishing this thread. :confused:

BurlyBear started by saying he didn't like the use of the phrase "christian name" and others have responded with their opinions.
Hi Starlight,

My post is not intended to offend anyone, I am attempting to highlight the problems of tioday and how people react to innocent rhymes of childhood. I have never called anyone names referring to their colour, culture, religion etc. However, the words we use are only offensive in how people interpret them. I aplologise if I have offended anyone on the forum, it was truly not my intention.
Me again,

As yoou can see from my location, I live in a multicutural region and I live amongst a population of all nationalities and religions. I have total respect for all people regardless of race, creed or culture. The problems are caused not by the population but by the PC brigade/
I know Maz, I'm not offended in the least, i used to sing that rhyme myself!

I just thought I'd warn you about the 'n' word - I was thinking if you're not allowed to say the word on tv that you might not be allowed to write it on a forum either :confused:
The problem with the eeny meeny rhyme is that it started out as 'catch a tiger by the toe' and in some versions 'catch a tinker...' It was only in the early 1900s that the 'n' word was used and later became more popular after Rudyard Kipling used it in his version of 'A Counting Out Song.' It was meant in a derogatory fashion whether children realised it or not.
The problem with the eeny meeny rhyme is that it started out as 'catch a tiger by the toe' and in some versions 'catch a tinker...' It was only in the early 1900s that the 'n' word was used and later became more popular after Rudyard Kipling used it in his version of 'A Counting Out Song.' It was meant in a derogatory fashion whether children realised it or not.

This is what I was saying about the innocence of childhood. Children do not realise/understand what is being said to and between each other. The two previous versions can also be considered wrong- poor old tiger, where are the animal rights when you need them, and where I live, a tinker is used to describe someone from the travelling community, that could be construed as violence towards the minority very discriminating
Up to a point. However, the 'n' word in the rhyme was about slavery and I'm fairly sure that's considered a no-no these days.
i am not a member of the "PC brigade" by any stretch. far from it. i just think its an outdated term to use in what is a multicultural and multireligeous society.

maybe i can go back to calling you females "girls", assuming your a bit thick, and paying you less than me, just becuase thats the way we did it in this country for years?
Up to a point. However, the 'n' word in the rhyme was about slavery and I'm fairly sure that's considered a no-no these days.

I totally agree Iclaudipuss, personally I dont like to see the N word used either.:eek:
Thats right the N word was about Slavery!
i am not a member of the "PC brigade" by any stretch. far from it. i just think its an outdated term to use in what is a multicultural and multireligeous society.

maybe i can go back to calling you females "girls", assuming your a bit thick, and paying you less than me, just becuase thats the way we did it in this country for years?

BurlyBear, I dont see the connection, women still do get paid less than men and are called girls by some. I think personally its far worse to be marching around London with placards wanting people beheaded!
I can't be the only person who grew up not realising Golliwogs were offensive to black people? I loved mine and it never entered my head they were connected in any way. To me it was just a toy.
I always say 'first' name but that's probably only because 'Christian' is too much of a mouthful :eek:
I totally agree Iclaudipuss, personally I dont like to see the N word used either.:eek:
Thats right the N word was about Slavery!

The N word was not about slavery, it was derived from the latin word for black. The rhyme is about slavery.

make up queen Quote:
Originally Posted by Dazzler!
I totally agree Iclaudipuss, personally I dont like to see the N word used either.
Thats right the N word was about Slavery!

I agree with you too , ive never used that word and i dont like that word either it shouldnt never be aloud to be used,

By the time you were born the word had gone out of common usage due to becoming a derogatory term over the years, more due to the way it was being used, than the word itself, like so many other words. When I was a child I had a much loved golliwog and two books "Little Black Sambo" and "Epaminondas" both of which are frowned upon now but never conveyed any subversive messages to me, an innocent child. Even Agatha Christies' book "And Then There Were None" was originally called and published for many years as "10 Little Ns" and both Elvis Costello and John Lennon used the word in songs.

Whilst I do not condone, or use the the N word, I do feel that the PC thing in general has got out of hand. I don't care if its first, given or christian name, or whether I'm called a girl, woman or lady. I hate the usage of Chairperson, spokesperson etc., it makes people sound like objects not human beings and as for Baa Baa Black Sheep and all the other well loved Nursery Rymes and childrens' books which have been made PC, words fail me!
The N word was not about slavery, it was derived from the latin word for black. The rhyme is about slavery.

make up queen Quote:
Originally Posted by Dazzler!
I totally agree Iclaudipuss, personally I dont like to see the N word used either.
Thats right the N word was about Slavery!

I agree with you too , ive never used that word and i dont like that word either it shouldnt never be aloud to be used,

By the time you were born the word had gone out of common usage due to becoming a derogatory term over the years, more due to the way it was being used, than the word itself, like so many other words. When I was a child I had a much loved golliwog and two books "Little Black Sambo" and "Epaminondas" both of which are frowned upon now but never conveyed any subversive messages to me, an innocent child. Even Agatha Christies' book "And Then There Were None" was originally called and published for many years as "10 Little Ns" and both Elvis Costello and John Lennon used the word in songs.

Whilst I do not condone, or use the the N word, I do feel that the PC thing in general has got out of hand. I don't care if its first, given or christian name, or whether I'm called a girl, woman or lady. I hate the usage of Chairperson, spokesperson etc., it makes people sound like objects not human beings and as for Baa Baa Black Sheep and all the other well loved Nursery Rymes and childrens' books which have been made PC, words fail me!

Well said MadGrannySue I do not use the N word. I only used it in my previous post because I was trying to put my point across. The word means nothing but part of a rhyme to children. I spelt the word out because that is the title of the rhyme. As for your golliwog they were just toys and well loved. Even now I do not assiciate them as looking like people. I have never seen any human being look like that!! I feel those who do must be the ones who have the who have a strange view of people and society
Never read such a stupid thread in my life! :blink::blink::blink:
I disagree DD, it's opened up an interesting debate.

I'm not sure why some people are rubbishing this thread. :confused:

Nor me Lippy :rolleyes:

BurlyBear started by saying he didn't like the use of the phrase "christian name" and others have responded with their opinions.
Exactly, and that's what a forum is all about. :pPC:
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