Julia Roberts STILL asking for "Christian" names


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I tend to agree with Madge, Mike and Moth.

I have always used the term "Christian" name, and don't see anything wrong with it.
This country is going PC crazy I can see for the life of me what is wrong with using the term Christian Name as I've used it all my life as so many people have but after all is said and done whatever your religious beliefs are we are still a Christian country and have been for hundreds of years now
JR really needs to stop this. every time she invites people to text in, she says "you just need to tell us your christian name and where you are".
whats wrong with "first name"?

i cannot believe she hasnt been pulled up on this. i am a white english non-religeous man and i notice it every time she does it. and take my word i am NOT the PC type! bugger only knows what any other religeon or culture thinks of it.

someone tell her that her audience arent all christians?... please?

I was under the impression that there was freedom of speech in this country and for all we know, she might be a Christian.
Either way this is according to the government a christian country.
Besides which she is old enough to have been part of the generation who were brought up to speak in this manner and may find its difficult to change.
Anyway, does it really matter that much.
I too can't stand all this PC nonsense :disgruntled:

So what if not all of her audience are Christians, any sensible person knows that she's not trying to offend or isolate anyone, it's just a saying.

And if non-Christians don't like it - Tough!! Get over it!!

(Oh dear, that was a bit brave of me) :what:
Yep, same age as JR here and that's what I am used to saying and grew up saying, it would be very hard to try and forget the word and use something else at this age.
I'm afraid I hate her doing it, it totally grates on me, as an atheist.

sorry you feel like that but she isnt doing anything wrong, asking someone for their christian name is something thats been done for years and years and i for one will carry on doing it, wether people like it or not
sorry you feel like that but she isnt doing anything wrong, asking someone for their christian name is something thats been done for years and years and i for one will carry on doing it, wether people like it or not

and so will i !!!!
I'm afraid I hate her doing it, it totally grates on me, as an atheist.
Anne I really can't see why it would hon?? As an atheist surely the word Christian wouldn't have any religious meaning anyway if you have no religious beliefs. :confused: Tbh I don't give a toss one way or the other what she says, I'm more irritated being confronted with her baps every feckin time she gets a chance to let it all hang out :rolleyes: :pPC:
I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

I can understand where BB is coming from. Like you, however, I think there are more important things going on in this haphazardly irrresponsible world of ours without worrying about whether or not one offends someone else's religious beliefs.

Perhaps Julia is a christian and would, therefore, refer to a person's first name as their christian name, which is her right. Should she be deprived of that right, just because people with other religious leanings may take offence?

We live in what is supposed to be a democracy. Julia is not breaking the law; she is not blaspheming on live tv or voicing blatent insults.

The world constitutes various religious groups. Because of all this PC rubbish, anyone can find anything you say offensive. Muslims are quick to jump on this bandwagon; to assume that people of other religions are slighting them. If a muslim, or jehovah's witness - to name just two - were to mention their God, no-one would say anything, for fear of being labelled as a bigot!

Get real. If you are going to cause yourself anxiety by worrying, make sure it's something worth worrying about!
My Christian name is Lynda - deal with it! :rolleyes: :scarper:
Good grief what a load of rubbish, people in this country have been using the phrase 'christian name' for years. When I hear these opinions put forward I think how sad it is that someone has nothing better to do in life but dream up these these stupid 'PC' ideas. No wonder there is so much conflict in the world when people start nit picking to this extent.
I have to admit to reading this thread thinking FFS Get a life!!!! what does it really matter what Julia says in the grand scheme of things. There's much worse things happening in this world that warrant getting upset about - this isn't one of them!
Well said Moth! You dont see some other countries changing their ways for us. This is also supposed to be a Christian country!!! :mad::)

The Sovereign of the UK is in fact the head of the 'Christian' Church, so people should just put up or shut up IMVHO and thats coming from a complete agnostic!
Sorry if I offend here, but I wish 'using the term Christian name' was all I had to worry about ! I see nothing wrong with the term by the way.
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