Julia R

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My mum's thyroid issue was ignored by her GP with his usual reasoning that all her symptoms were hormone-related, except for the ones caused by a virus. It was only when she saw the photos taken at Christmas that she realised just how puffy her face had become, this was in the early 80s, if it was today we'd have looked everything up & done the doctor's job for him. She had myxedema & was an emergency admission with one specialist saying he didn't know how she'd carried on as long as she had considering the severity of her illness. I have total faith in my vet but very little in the staff at our surgery, soon to be renamed The Marie Celeste.
alter thank you so much for your kind words. I know how conditions such as yours and MS impact on our lives but like you I try to remain positive and I live my life with the hope that there is a big breakthrough just around the corner. Every time I come home from a consultation at Queens Square and see so many people of all ages facing their own struggle I feel that I will do all I can to remain positive. They are starting me on a trial using medication which they believe will stop my brain shrinking. That’s a relief!

I have resisted all sorts of help around the house but things are changing. It looks like one of those small lifts will be installed and I’ll confess all now, a few years ago I bought the Atto for trips to the park, shopping centres, days out etc. Like you I have also found EMS helpful for short walks. I look fine when I am sitting down it’s when I walk that I give the game away.
I don’t want to see Debbie Flint playing around in the studio on the Atto. I am sure the inventor or a member of his team would have been happy to have come in.

Let’s keep strong and positive together!

I’m so sorry you’re both suffering, sending love and hugs. It’s only since we’ve been wearing masks and taking hand sanitizers more seriously that I have not had bronchitis in the last 12 months. Every morning for the past 14 years I cough up mucus, the asthma nurse puts it down to asthma but I’d have said more COPD, but because my symptoms have stayed the same she says no it’s Asthma, so I take an inhaler morning and night.

Evie I’ve had to take Prednisalone steroids when I’ve had bronchitis and it kept me awake too, but the chemist recommended taking them in the morning instead so the insomnia affects wore off, and he was right ❤️🙏 xx
Thankfully, I have never had itchy shins, brain fog, thrush or extreme tiredness. Nor have I ever suffered from depression so I guess I’m one of the lucky ones.

I was unaware there was a problem and, if I hadn’t had a routine blood test, I’d probably still be living in blissful ignorance. As I said, the initial lethargy was put down to having just retired and so no longer living on adrenaline/dashing around. Over the years I have occasionally suffered from hives so I ignored that “symptom,”as well as the fact that I’d developed a drier skin.

The main symptom for me, strangely enough, was cold feet. I don’t mind cold weather at all but cold feet was a different issue, so I bought some thermal socks for winter. 😉
Doc gave Mr L meds for thyroid problems recently. He has had itchy shins for years but recently can’t seem to get warm, his hands are freezing and feels groggy and dizzy and often has panic attacks He has no energy but if he can manage to either get out in fresh air or do a wee bit of DIY he seems to be better.

He had a very stressful job until he retired 3 years ago and didn’t mind being at home but health problems and lockdown have really knocked his confidence this past year. I’m hoping if the weather improves it will make him more positive. Sitting indoors day after day is soul destroying.

Im presently on annual leave/flexible furlough and being in the house is driving me up the walls! I had to go into work today and i was out of the door like a recently released prisoner.
My mum's thyroid issue was ignored by her GP with his usual reasoning that all her symptoms were hormone-related, except for the ones caused by a virus. It was only when she saw the photos taken at Christmas that she realised just how puffy her face had become, this was in the early 80s, if it was today we'd have looked everything up & done the doctor's job for him. She had myxedema & was an emergency admission with one specialist saying he didn't know how she'd carried on as long as she had considering the severity of her illness. I have total faith in my vet but very little in the staff at our surgery, soon to be renamed The Marie Celeste.
Sadly, twilight, your mum‘s story is classic. My beef with my story is that my GP, whom I only saw, did not recognise the changes in me. I could hardly open my eyes due to fluid retention alone. I was close to coma on diagnosis.
I’m so sorry you’re both suffering, sending love and hugs. It’s only since we’ve been wearing masks and taking hand sanitizers more seriously that I have not had bronchitis in the last 12 months. Every morning for the past 14 years I cough up mucus, the asthma nurse puts it down to asthma but I’d have said more COPD, but because my symptoms have stayed the same she says no it’s Asthma, so I take an inhaler morning and night.

Evie I’ve had to take Prednisalone steroids when I’ve had bronchitis and it kept me awake too, but the chemist recommended taking them in the morning instead so the insomnia affects wore off, and he was right ❤️🙏 xx
Thankfully, I have never had itchy shins, brain fog, thrush or extreme tiredness. Nor have I ever suffered from depression so I guess I’m one of the lucky ones.

I was unaware there was a problem and, if I hadn’t had a routine blood test, I’d probably still be living in blissful ignorance. As I said, the initial lethargy was put down to having just retired and so no longer living on adrenaline/dashing around. Over the years I have occasionally suffered from hives so I ignored that “symptom,”as well as the fact that I’d developed a drier skin.

The main symptom for me, strangely enough, was cold feet. I don’t mind cold weather at all but cold feet was a different issue, so I bought some thermal socks for winter. 😉
Gosh Toril, I also have cold feet and am just waiting to see a Rheumatologist about that. My big toes have gone a strange purple colour down the side, and when they warm up, they feel like they are burning and so do my legs. I also have shiny skin on part of my lower leg. I do seem to have some symptoms for underactive thyroid, I will be very interested in what the blood test shows if anything.
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Itchy and scaly skinned shins are symptoms of an underactive thyroid. Chronic thrush also because female hormones are totally messed up. Slow healing bee/wasp stings also that ooze plasma for days. There are over 200 symptoms of an underactive thyroid that include physical and mental. There are the classics, tiredness, weight gain (that no amount of dieting shifts until you are on thyroxine treatment and your appetite is suppressed anyway so weight gain is a kick in the teeth), dry hair and skin, period problems and brain fog, then on top of them the delights of a concoction out of the 200. Your symptom mix is unique to you. I recommend this book https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0722539428/?tag=shoppingcom03-21 which has a tick chart of symptoms you can fill in as a way of encouraging your doc to test you. The ideal would be for every person to have a test when well so that when/if things go off the medics can know what your personal healthy goal magic blood test “number“ is to bring you back to optimum health quicker. Unfortunately, thyroid patients are often kept undermedicated to prevent the speeding up of the heart, which frightens GP’s and therefore they have unhealthy, unhappy, borderline depressed mostly women on their books for decades. Anybody feel they are suffering fight your corner, it doesn’t help that different testing laboratories have different reference ranges for the all important TSH test. The colder the climate the country you live in the more thyroxine you will need so if you emigrate to a hotter you will need meds adjusted after a time there. Good luck.
Wow, 200 symptoms! Interesting about the testing labs having diffrent reference ranges. Will check out the book you recommend LIAM. Thank you.
Julia really needs to wear the correct size as the waist section has disappeared
She’s just said she’s wearing medium rather than the large she also tried, which probably fit her better in the middle but was larger on the shoulder


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Julia really needs to wear the correct size as the waist section has disappeared
She’s just said she’s wearing medium rather than the large she also tried, which probably fit her better in the middle but was larger on the shoulder
I'm not saying this to be bitchy about Julia, but you can see that it's intended to be a close fitting dress and not a baggy cover all. Imvho it's not a particularly nice dress anyway, and Julia's hideous choice of footwear isn't helping either. The model in the pic is very waif like, someone with a little bit more meat on them would probably look ok in it, and it would definitely look better worn with a pair of flat sandals in a brown or neutral coloured leather.
Monsoon, another expensive brand.. I wouldn't pay nearly £60 for it...even with the free p&p.
The boots don’t help

Did she actually say she tried a large? At least she has moved on from “I’m a small”
Yes she tried the medium then tried the large but that was larger on the shoulder.
I just don’t get this oh it was a little too big on the shoulder line, I’ve heard her say previously.
But you surely you go with your larger area so to ensure the item of clothing fits that area correctly.
Its just like the saying this coat fits on the shoulder but if I wanted to button or zip it closed, then I would need to go up at least a size.
When I was diagnosed with thyroid problems it was because I went to the Dr with an irregular heart beat. After blood test I was prescribed medication for an overactive thyroid and sent to see a specialist. She did another blood test and phoned me in a panic because I had been misdiagnosed and actually had an under active thyroid. This was about 14 years ago now.
Haven't had my annual blood test because of Covid and just carry on with my Thyroxine.
I was told that it's because my Mum had it it is genetic.
Julia really needs to wear the correct size as the waist section has disappeared
She’s just said she’s wearing medium rather than the large she also tried, which probably fit her better in the middle but was larger on the shoulder

Oh good grief! 😳

I’ve got three words, and not the three you’d automatically think, or maybe they are.........sack the stylist 🤢
When I was diagnosed with thyroid problems it was because I went to the Dr with an irregular heart beat. After blood test I was prescribed medication for an overactive thyroid and sent to see a specialist. She did another blood test and phoned me in a panic because I had been misdiagnosed and actually had an under active thyroid. This was about 14 years ago now.
Haven't had my annual blood test because of Covid and just carry on with my Thyroxine.
I was told that it's because my Mum had it it is genetic.
Misdiagnosed??? That's an appalling mistake & thank goodness it was discovered before you were affected.
I have just seen a Gok Wan with AK.How can he go on about so much about bog standard garments.A design detail which is a cuff in a contrast colour, button through shirt dress with button placket? How original, never been seen before! How deluded is this person, does he think he is talking to idiots?
I caught a glimpse of Gok today and, I hate to say it, that huge odd shirt that he was wearing looked as though it had just been dragged out of the laundry basket. He was wearing it the other day so maybe that explains it. 😳

If that’s the latest fashion then I’m going to stay dull and ordinary.
Julia really needs to wear the correct size as the waist section has disappeared
She’s just said she’s wearing medium rather than the large she also tried, which probably fit her better in the middle but was larger on the shoulder
She always uses that excuse

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