Julia ...... Hotness !


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People should have their hair however they want to. The only thing I notice with 9 out 10 older people when they go for a shorter style is how much younger it makes them look.

Whatever style they chose it's nice to see it kept in good condition!
The issue is not about whether someone thinks long hair looks unflattering on an older woman, that is of course a matter of personal option and of course, everyone is entitled to this. The OP's soon to be adult son referred to Julia as a 'granny' and given that she isn't, it was being used in the same derogatory sense as 'gay' is used to describe something as rubbish or useless, thus causing offence to people who are gay. It's not PC gone mad, it's a matter of respect, to which everyone is entitled.
The issue is not about whether someone thinks long hair looks unflattering on an older woman, that is of course a matter of personal option and of course, everyone is entitled to this. The OP's soon to be adult son referred to Julia as a 'granny' and given that she isn't, it was being used in the same derogatory sense as 'gay' is used to describe something as rubbish or useless, thus causing offence to people who are gay. It's not PC gone mad, it's a matter of respect, to which everyone is entitled.

Why bring 'Gay' into this, a word he does not use by the way. Most teenagers think anyone over 21 is old . You are taking this way out of context IMHO it was a joke remark which i get you do not find funny and i apologise if it offended you or anyone else. I have given the young man a stern telling off and he has told me to button my lip in future.
Is this granny thing STILL rumbling on and STILL getting the pc mob up in arms?? :mysmilie_490: I agree with Miss Molly, to the average 16 year old Miss Piggy would seem to be the age of a granny so calm down ffs!! Yes it was a slightly disrespectful comment but that's all it was and was probably said without thinking. Btw I've never heard 'gay' "used to describe something as rubbish or useless, thus causing offence to people who are gay" so get off your 'gay' soapbox Dame and stop looking for things to be offended about. :rolleyes:
'Tis the season to be jolly: fa la la la la, la la la laaaaaaaaaaaa!

Allegedly. :tongue:

None of us know Julia Roberts, so why get all irate on Xmas Eve over who does/doesn't like her?

Though if I can be honest, am I the only one who read the thread title ("Julia ..... Hotness !") and thought the poor love had been suffering from hot flushes? :thinking:
'Tis the season to be jolly: fa la la la la, la la la laaaaaaaaaaaa!

Allegedly. :tongue:

None of us know Julia Roberts, so why get all irate on Xmas Eve over who does/doesn't like her?

Though if I can be honest, am I the only one who read the thread title ("Julia ..... Hotness !") and thought the poor love had been suffering from hot flushes? :thinking:

My first thought too!

And as far as gay being used instead of useless or rubbish, my sons used it constantly about 10 years ago, causing a great deal of confusion for me, but perhaps it's a Northern Ireland expression. Certain films/trainers/TV programmes/GCSE subjects etc would be deemed gay and it didn't mean homosexual. Ten years on, I'm still confused about most youth speak!!

And, 'tis most certainly the season to be jolly, HC!! Happy Christmas to all you wonderful people and a big thanks to Graham, who makes it all possible.
I think it depends on the person - long hair looks awful on some people. Short hair looks wrong on others.

But regardless of the hair length, if it's not looked after it doesn't do much for the poor sod under it.
might as well stick my oar in as i received a compliment about my long hair tonight. i'm 59 and it's quite long but layered and also shorter at the front so it's not the pair of curtains look. although i've had long hair for all my adult life (i think probably a reaction to being forced to have boy-short hair whilst longing for plaits and pony tails as a child) i've grown it quite a bit longer over the last couple years. not only do i like long hair on everyone - men, women and children, i find it easier to look after and easier with the dreaded hot flushes.

anyway, every xmas eve i get together with the same bunch of friends, one of whom had moved away and missed 2-3 years. she came up to me tonight and said 'you look really nice - you've got lovely long hair now!) she's 35 so i took that as a seal of approval ;)
At this moment in time my hair is the longest it has been for many, many years and I LOVE IT. It's my hair, my business and I couldn't care a less what others think. I was told at the age of 25, by a hairdresser, that I should not wear my hair and then proceeded to give me the worst haircut of my life!!!!! Have disliked going to hairdressers ever since. It's called personal choice.

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