Julia and Alpha H


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In the case of broken capillaries (caused by chronic sun exposure) using glycolic acid is going to expose new skin (so they will be more obvious) and then by not protecting the skin with sun block you can create more broken capillaries because of more exposure to UV rays which caused the damage in the first place.

The cause of spider veins is not completely known. Sun damage is thought to maybe one of the ways you can produce spider veins, and spf is given, but the levels of Glycolic in this range only going unglue and remove dead cells to exfoliate. We are not talking about glycolic peels here (30% glycolic and upwards to around 70%) and the products that have under 10% glycolic are probably not worth the money anyway - so ineffective are they . You are right the ones you have will be more obvious. Take a look at this short video.

I have a few broken veins around my nose and use the 15% mask daily and the age restoration cream (10%) daily and not a single new one has appeared (this is just my subjective experience ofc). I will be trying the new serum although I would have preferred to have seen some retinol in there rather than the retinyll acetate but again realise they are keeping products gentle not to alienate customers. Oh and retinol in the product could have caused broken capillaries.

theliquid gold only has 5% glycolic and is the hero product in the range. if i could only have one thing this would be it. glycolics are also excellent moisturisers. when you use liquid gold your skin feels very hydrated and firm and the tone of the skin improves overnight. i love the fact
that my pores are much smaller.i have used elemis,clarins,decleor with disasterous results none of these ranges have any proven active ingredients just lovely smells and lovely jars and textures.
Hello - I'm new to this forum, just joined after reading posts for a while. I have very sensitive skin and have tried LE and Elemis from QVC. Both caused itchy red bumps particularly around my jawline. Sometimes the reaction is after a few hours and sometimes it takes days to appear. I have a feeling I may be allergic to essential oils, my doctor is unsympathetic and won't refer me for tests. I am now back to using the Simple range (and only a couple of their products suit me), which although doesn't cause a reaction, I don't feel that it's improving my skin. Some of you guys seem very knowledgeable and I wondered if you could suggest something for me to try.

Any help would be appreciated :)
I recently bought a mixed kit with some Alpha H products (not from QVC) because I felt my skin was in need of some resurfacing and so far I'm really liking the Rejuvenating cream which is 10% glycolic. I only use it at night and it does tingle very slightly. Slighlty sticky texture but not bothered because I'm using it at night. Also like the fact it is unscented.

The kit also contains the liquid gold which is 5% glycolic. I've only used that a couple of times - seems OK and will probably use it once the Rejuveating cream is used up. DOn't see the point of using both and I'm slightly confused why they recommend using the liquid gold every other night on its own for maximum power but the rejuvenating cream which is stronger % doesnt have such a recommendation.

On the packaging it did say itsn't really suitable for very sensitive skins and I do think QVC should mention that in their presentations.
Yes Jabba's daughter used the Liquid Gold once and had such a bad reaction she had to go to a dermaatologist. As Jabba is a nurse she able to pull strings and get her daughter seen quickly.

So remember to patch test any brand before jumping in.
Hello - I'm new to this forum, just joined after reading posts for a while. I have very sensitive skin and have tried LE and Elemis from QVC. Both caused itchy red bumps particularly around my jawline. Sometimes the reaction is after a few hours and sometimes it takes days to appear. I have a feeling I may be allergic to essential oils, my doctor is unsympathetic and won't refer me for tests. I am now back to using the Simple range (and only a couple of their products suit me), which although doesn't cause a reaction, I don't feel that it's improving my skin. Some of you guys seem very knowledgeable and I wondered if you could suggest something for me to try.

Any help would be appreciated :)

i have similar skin very reactive to essential oils this range has very little and no perfume the cleansers are excellent. my fav moisturiser is rejuvinating the best moisturiser i have used and of course the liquid gold.

as extras the glycolic mask and micro cleanse once a week. if you dont like it send the kit back or cherry pick what you liked.
Hello - I'm new to this forum, just joined after reading posts for a while. I have very sensitive skin and have tried LE and Elemis from QVC. Both caused itchy red bumps particularly around my jawline. Sometimes the reaction is after a few hours and sometimes it takes days to appear. I have a feeling I may be allergic to essential oils, my doctor is unsympathetic and won't refer me for tests. I am now back to using the Simple range (and only a couple of their products suit me), which although doesn't cause a reaction, I don't feel that it's improving my skin. Some of you guys seem very knowledgeable and I wondered if you could suggest something for me to try.

Any help would be appreciated :)

:mysmilie_357: Seahorse. I have extremely sensitive skin and it took me a while to adjust to Elemis pro radiance cleanser. I would suggest you try Garnier grape water (green) cleanser, the Garnier rose (pink) one I reacted to immediately. The green one is very calming on me. I am allergic to aloe vera and lanolin as well as perfumes. Hope you find answers to your sensitivity. The green toner in this range is calming as well. There is an eye make-up remover one but I haven't tried it.
its quite suprising how allergic people are to perfumes and some essential oils yet so many high end cosmetics are more smell related than results driven.
its quite suprising how allergic people are to perfumes and some essential oils yet so many high end cosmetics are more smell related than results driven.

Yes it's a nightmare trying to get something that doesn't make me look scaly and bumpy and itchy.... Hmmm sounds a bit dragon like :giggle:

The thing that makes it even worse is I have no sense of smell, so I can't even tell if it's strongly perfumed or not!
i actually do like that about julia but she has to maybe be a little more neutral if she is not sure about something.
i did not see her but generally she is quite sincere.

did not like her going on about the models feet though. she can be quite irritating about small and large big and all that rubbish regarding size. it makes her come across as shallow and silly,childish even.
its a shame i had to say this as i have always like julia but lately:confused:

That is spot on Boffy. I find it really cringey when she asks the models what size shoe they take. FGS these girls are around 5 10" they are not going to have tiny feet! She positively purrs when she mentions how her feet are only size 4. It is childish and pathetic.
I like Alpha H they are probably my favorite skin care range on QVC but I have a couple of gripes with them.

1 - is their so called hero product liquid gold (what they probably mean is their oldest ).
It is true glycolic acid has moisterising properties in that glycolic has water-binding properties making it beneficial for improving dry skin, and moisturisers being better absorbed by the freshly revealed skin. However their so called hero product has alchohol denat as it's second ingredient after water. So any moisturising effects of the glycolic are going to be somewhat counteracted by the drying effect of the alchohol.

*There are several types of alcohol that appear in cosmetics and skin care products and most of them are extremely irritating and drying to the skin. If you have any problems with acne, wrinkles, dry skin, or oily skin, it’s best to avoid skin care products that contain SD Alcohol, Alcohol, Ethanol, Ethyl Alcohol, Methanol, Isopropyl Alcohol, or Alcohol Denat as one of the first 5 or so ingredients.
*from savvyskin.com
It may even be the alchohol rather than the 5% glycolic that is giving people the tingle effect.

2. The lavender essential in their 15% glycolic mask. Why? Just why?

On the subject of - Retin A(tretinoin), Retinol, Retinyl acetate, Retinyl palmitate - this link explains it better than I could:

Retinyl acetate lies between retinol and retinyl palmitate and is the vit A included in Alpha H's new serum launched this week.
i think all cosmetics have stuff in that we all abhor/allergic to/just dont like. but alpha-h really does agree with me and overall i can i have skincare that enhances my skin rather than working against it.

not one skincare line is perfect even the most celebrated or most expensive, but most people that use this range have had relief from skin issues that other more expensive ranges have made far worse.:mysmilie_8::mysmilie_8::mysmilie_8::mysmilie_8::mysmilie_8:

i think all cosmetics have stuff in that we all abhor/allergic to/just dont like.

ofc this is absolutely true but alcohol in a product isn't about being some people possibly being allergic to it is a given that it will dry your skin.
I suffer from rosacea and have broken capillaries...a friend of mine sent me this email this morning (apologies for long post) :

"They're recommending something called Kalme Day Defence SPF25 at £19.99 from www.skinshop.co.uk It says "Capers are a super-antioxidant food and have natural anti-inflammatory properties so they're great for calming redness, blotchiness, and even rosacea when used in skincare products. In clinical trails caper buds have been found to reduce redness by up to 65%. As well as caper buds, this face cream contains indentyl, a plant substitute for hyaluronic acid, which keeps skin plump and tackles the dryness associated with uneven skin tone. Plus natural sun protectors derived from zinc help guard against further redness." Then there's an endorsement from a Woman's Own reader who tested it - "I was diagnosed with rosacea 4 years ago and I've tried a number of products all to little or no avail. This cream was lovely and smooth to apply and had no fragrance so didn't irritate my skin. After 10 days I noticed the redness was minimised and my skin was less bumpy."

hope it's of interest to fellow rosacea sufferers
I suffer from rosacea and have broken capillaries...a friend of mine sent me this email this morning (apologies for long post) :

"They're recommending something called Kalme Day Defence SPF25 at £19.99 from www.skinshop.co.uk It says "Capers are a super-antioxidant food and have natural anti-inflammatory properties so they're great for calming redness, blotchiness, and even rosacea when used in skincare products. In clinical trails caper buds have been found to reduce redness by up to 65%. As well as caper buds, this face cream contains indentyl, a plant substitute for hyaluronic acid, which keeps skin plump and tackles the dryness associated with uneven skin tone. Plus natural sun protectors derived from zinc help guard against further redness." Then there's an endorsement from a Woman's Own reader who tested it - "I was diagnosed with rosacea 4 years ago and I've tried a number of products all to little or no avail. This cream was lovely and smooth to apply and had no fragrance so didn't irritate my skin. After 10 days I noticed the redness was minimised and my skin was less bumpy."

I emailed this place to ask them some questions and here are the replies:

Thank you regarding information you require for the Kalme Range
> > > - please find as follows:-
> > >
> > > a) The Moisturiser is light in texture (that's the day SPF)
> > >
> > > b) We recommend you do NOT use the day cream around the yes
> > >
> > > c) The Kalme Range does not offer any anti ageing benefits.
> > >
> > > d) The Kalme cleanser is not recommended for removing eye makeup.
> > >
> > > e) The tinted moisturiser comes in one shade only - to cover all ranges of skin tone.
> > >
> > > f) Wearing the day cream and moisturiser is no heavier than normal make-up.
> > >
> > > g) If you are not happy with any products we have a no question asked returns policy
> > > if not required send it back to us and we will refund.
> > >
> > > h) We use royal Mail as courier.
> > >

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