AY: Anyone else wonder...


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AY to my knowledge doesn't keep up with modern trends apart from the shows, and the huge amount of products she has to try out at home. Most therapists I know keep up to date with the latest things, certainly in Scotland, I can't speak for anywhere else.

Alison is considerably younger than me, so perhaps she doesn't know that contrary to what she says with increased frequency, SBC may have been developed 'only for the beauty trade' in recent years, I can assure Alison and anyone else who reads this, that in my home town in the late 70s and 80s there was a very good holistic shop in town, selling everything - and that's when I first bought SBC which was freely on sale, so sorry Alison but on this occasion you are wrong.
I flicked over and caught a shot of her with curly hair and thought that she looked very 8o's but then that might be trendy at the moment together with the shoulder pads for all I would know!
I flicked over and caught a shot of her with curly hair and thought that she looked very 8o's but then that might be trendy at the moment together with the shoulder pads for all I would know!

I had a shock when I saw her big hair, sticking out in some areas
Only if I am on a promise ; )
But as a mum of a 3 and 5 year old... not a chance. Too knackered to pick up my bottle of perfume :)

If I am on my own and actually just sleeping in bed I wouldn't wear fragrance as it would give me a headache and I don't find most of them soothing enough. However I have a Neom organic spray I was given which is supposed to be for the pillow but as it's only essential oils, have been known to spray in my nightwear...

If I have 'company', sure I may wear *only* perfume ;) ( Which makes me sound like a tramo and I can assure I am not - more's the pity!

Isn't there a Marilyn Monroe quote about only wearing Chanel # 5 to bed?
I notice she was too heavy handed with the shimmer brick again during the L`Occitane show. Surely to goodness she can see her face in the monitor and how it makes her resemble the tin man. I`d raid her makeup bags and throw the darned shimmer bricks away and as a supposed beauty expert she should know better.
Yes, I noticed the shimmerbrick is back with a vengeance.

On the perfume boards some do like to wear certain fragrances going to bed, they say if comforts them. Not me, I would be smelling it and thinking about it. Even It Works Pillow Spray, which is suppose to help you relax and sleep annoys me.
I'm not a fan of Ultrasun. It never goes matte on me and takes an age to rub in. Also l know Gobalmighty Abbey says you can put your usual skincare over the top but l just don't believe her. Sorry

I rush for the off button every time Gobalmighty appear. I don't watch much qvc this time of year ...Abbey and the garden gnome seem to be on most days, sometimes for hours. I don't worry about sun cream as I hate the heat and spend very little time outdoors when it's hot. I use Alpha H daily moisturiser with spf50+. I did buy ultrasun years ago but found it rather gloopy and hard to rub in....
I only use sun cream if my skin is exposed to the sun for more than about an hour or so. And I mean proper hot sun not just a pleasant spring day! I never sunbathe and work indoors so I need all the vitamin D I can get. I find just one or 2 ultrasun bottles will last the family 2-3 years assuming we don't go on holiday for 2 weeks in which case I will buy more.

For me by far the most useful ultrasun product are the factor 50 sports sprays. They are perfect for applying very quickly to wriggly children when getting them ready for school or nursery in the morning. I just spray some on my hands to apply to their faces. It does not dry their skin and they are not sensitive to it. They prefer it far more to the thick cream that gets in their eyes and makes them water :(
I thought I wouldn't mention the roots but yes, not good for someone who works on the telly and it was worse the other day when her hair was flat and looking greasy lately. I guess she is a busy woman doesn't have the time to wash her hair or do the roots.
I know some of our comments might come over as sounding bitchy at times but if someone can`t stand the heat of their job then they need to get out of the kitchen. As a supposed beauty expert AY should be seen to be on top of her game and yes just like any career it`s hard work and tiring when you`re working full time and keeping a home and family. She needs to always look her best, keep on top of latest trends, products and techniques and look and act the part and not just wing it which is how she sometimes comes over.
In any profession there are always expectations, whether you`re selling face creams on telly, mortgages in a Bank, dental implants in a cosmetic dental surgery, cars in a show room or a million other scenarios. You wouldn`t buy implants from someone with manky teeth or a car from someone who doesn`t drive or a mortgage from someone who can`t tell you the best deals and why and so on and so on. Yes I know she has a thyroid issue and I know she also lives on a farm and has horses but so do many other career women who have health/family/home commitments but still manage to keep on top of their game.
It`s time for her to up her game or move over.
I do think that AY has run her course now.
There must be other reputable beauty experts out there, someone who is knowledgeable and pleasant to listen to, and who doesn't hog the whole show.
Tom and Michelle from Alpha H are perfect examples of experts who are a pleasure to listen to. Obviously they represent there own brand, but there must be someone out there who could bring us the beauty shows with a similar feel to how they are on screen.
It must be so stressful for her, dragging those three children under five to Asda, coming home and doing the housework. No wonder she had no time to look after her appearance.:mysmilie_17:

She works in an industry where a groomed appearance is everything. If she worked at a Boots counter looking like that they would send her home for giving the brand a bad name.
Thats why I've never understood why a self proclaimed "beauty expert" never got her teeth sorted, you can see her in every show trying to hide them when she smiles, and spouts the same old head of Clarins crap every time. Her advice is dated now.
I enjoy Ali Young's shows, and I like her sense of humour and the fact that she's unpredictable - I'd hate for her to go. But I cannot disagree that for her role it is particularly important that she looks the part whenever she's on air. Most of us can get away with not looking well-groomed, but I'm afraid she cannot do so. I don't want her botoxing or resorting to surgery, but there is a lot she could do to make her life a lot easier in the grooming department.

If she were to go for a warmer and more streaky blonde, roots would be less of an issue. And don't get me started on the dreadful-looking hair pieces she wears from time to time...
If she wants a glow to her skin, she's better with one of the products that give an illumination (like the Elemis illuminating balm, or Gatineau active-eclat), rather than that wretched Shimmerbrick. Please, please, please, Ali, leave it at home! Every single time she is on screen with a makeup range that doesn't include a shimmer, she looks so much better: her skin looks younger and fresher. The Shimmerbrick does the opposite of what she is probably aiming for. As an advert for that particular product - she's an epic fail.

I also really don't understand why she hasn't sorted out her teeth. They have always been a little wonky, but were much less so in the past. I even had a look through some photos on the internet to make sure I wasn't imagining it...

I know it must be difficult growing older under the unforgiving studio lights and our critical scrutiny, and having health issues to contend with as well means you'll have up and down days, BUT, clinging to a look which was suitable for a young woman in her 20's and 30's is actually more ageing, not less.
She mentioned her thyroid problem a while back whilst presenting a hair product that was either meant to encourage hair growth or give the appearance of thicker hair. She said that she would not buy the product now but would have bought it a few years ago when she had viral thyroiditis. That made it sound like her thyroid problem was not an ongoing issue.

I do think that in her job she does need to be well turned out all the time and she doesn't always manage this. A lot of QVC customers will fall into the same age group as Alison so she could be a really good advert for the products but she needs to up her game.
Interesting about the thyroid, as many do come out with the but she has thyroid problems. This is the cause for everything eye bags, dark circles, looking puffy when people comment on AY. So it really is just middle age
maymorganlondon!!!!!!!! I love shimmerbrick'!!!!!!!!!!!! And I am older than AY, sadly. Still, I am not under studio lights so perhaps it looks OK, lol.
maymorganlondon!!!!!!!! I love shimmerbrick'!!!!!!!!!!!! And I am older than AY, sadly. Still, I am not under studio lights so perhaps it looks OK, lol.

I've friends who use it and in real life, it gives just enough lift. I suspect AY trowels it on (like her eyeliner) and ignores or has never heard that "less is more"... You carry on with my blessing :mysmilie_378:. AY can where it anywhere else but the tv studio as far as I'm concerned...

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