AY: Anyone else wonder...


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I think my friend is one of those naughty people (to AY and Abbi Cleeve) who doesn't always wear SPF. She was shocked to find she had this deficiency, as she's out in the fresh air at every opportunity, come rain or shine. You're right that it's dangerous to completely avoid the sun the way we are told to by the purveyors of SPF products. It's like most things in life, isn't it? Moderation in all things is better than excess of some and an absence of others.
I could scream at Alison Young, for what she says. I got diagnosed with Vitamin D Deficiency last week, I don't like sitting in the sun anyway, but Alison banging on at people to stay out of the evil sun. The doctor told me I need to get 20 minutes of sun on my skin between 12 and 5pm. So her and Abbi Cleeves preaching the fear into people not to go in the sun unprotected, the doctor said that Vit D deficiency is getting more and more common in this country because of sun care. Obviously she said not to burn and protect yourself the rest of the time, but you do need sun on your skin at some time during summer so your body can make the Vit D, I'm just letting people know what the doctor said and what has happened to me. It makes you tired all the time and your bones and muscles ache, just because I lack Vit D. I'm on tablets now but I just wanted to let you know, that protecting yourself all day, every day is just as bad as getting some sun on your arms.

I totally agree with you. I was diagnosed with vit d deficiency and I think it is a growing issue. We need the sun for vit d and sun block and lotions are being overused I feel. The air time that is devoted on Qvc with the sun lotion company Ultrasun is bordering on irresponsible and they are scaring people to buy the products and use them all the time. I have read that you cannot absorb vit d through sun lotions, you need to allow yourself a bit of sun without the spf factors. Vit d deficiency is painful.
Gosh that is interesting.

Unfortunately I doubt that I would get 20 mins of sun per day. We don't get much here and I work all day so that doesn't leave much opportunity.

Is there anything else I can do, such as diet or supplements.
Gosh that is interesting.

Unfortunately I doubt that I would get 20 mins of sun per day. We don't get much here and I work all day so that doesn't leave much opportunity.

Is there anything else I can do, such as diet or supplements.

Are you able to get outside - maybe at lunchtime? I'd pop and see your GP if you're worried, or maybe call NHS111 or equivalent (depending on where in UK you are) for advice. NHS info on sources etc: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/vitamins-minerals/Pages/Vitamin-D.aspx
Gosh that is interesting.

Unfortunately I doubt that I would get 20 mins of sun per day. We don't get much here and I work all day so that doesn't leave much opportunity.

Is there anything else I can do, such as diet or supplements.

Best check with your doctor LATI, she told me oily fish, eggs and some margarines have fortified Vit D, so do some cereals, your doctor will always do you a blood test if you think you might be have Vit D deficiency.
I posted about the balancing cleanser on the Alpha H thread, it is really good, I'm so pleased that I ordered the duo.

I'm fed up of seeing Ultrasun on Qvc, it's on far too often.
It has even been reported that Ricketts has been diagnosed in a few children recently. They are being over protected from the sun, and are lacking in essential Vit D.
I've got some surplus of 200 ml Balancing cleanser from various TSVs as I'm not keen on creamy cleansers.
Whitesnake - I tried Liquid Gold over a year ago and sent it back as I was expecting the tingle. It never came so I thought I didn't need it - and to be honest my skin's in pretty good nick as I've looked after it over the years.

Well, I was reading more and more on here how good the range was so I bought a TSV (the one before last, I believe), but this time used it religiously. By the end of the 30 days I was hooked. I couldn't believe how good my skin looked. I started using it on my OH and his skin looked so much better, too. I bought quite a few items in the last visit (free P&P) and have been even more impressed with the results we're seeing with them.

So, again, big thanks to the Alpha H fans here who rec'd it (I do believe I have Ellaa to thank for rec's, too).

I'm well aware of the vitamin D problem in this country - largely blamed on spf overuse. I'm careful, using higher spf on thinner skin like face/neck/hands etc., but lower on my legs. I burned very badly as a child quite a few times (no spf in those days, just cooking oil to achieve a deeper tan!), so am aware that my cancer risk is higher. However, I do now try to make the most of the sun on my arms and legs in the warmer weather and not at midday, but even that has left me D deficient. I'm a BIG dairy consumer, sometimes going through a few pints of milk a day so I did wonder if I needed to go outside a bit more - clearly I did. I'm on supplements at the moment but wasn't warned by my GP that D needs oil to be absorbed by the body (though my pharmacist did mention "something" to OH, who was doing his usual not listening properly thing!). So, anyone else taking D, make sure you're on D3 (many brands don't use D3 and this is the type we need), and make sure that, just like iron needs vitamin C to be absorbed, D needs oil to be absorbed, too.

I was brought up by an older mum who remembered Rickets being common when she was a child so I'm sort of familiar with it. Looking at the kids in my street, I do feel that it seems more likely that the majority of kids are not D deprived because of loving, careful (but misguided) parents, but more because they're inside playing with technology all day.
Whitesnake - I tried Liquid Gold over a year ago and sent it back as I was expecting the tingle. It never came so I thought I didn't need it - and to be honest my skin's in pretty good nick as I've looked after it over the years.

Well, I was reading more and more on here how good the range was so I bought a TSV (the one before last, I believe), but this time used it religiously. By the end of the 30 days I was hooked. I couldn't believe how good my skin looked. I started using it on my OH and his skin looked so much better, too. I bought quite a few items in the last visit (free P&P) and have been even more impressed with the results we're seeing with them.

So, again, big thanks to the Alpha H fans here who rec'd it (I do believe I have Ellaa to thank for rec's, too).

I'm well aware of the vitamin D problem in this country - largely blamed on spf overuse. I'm careful, using higher spf on thinner skin like face/neck/hands etc., but lower on my legs. I burned very badly as a child quite a few times (no spf in those days, just cooking oil to achieve a deeper tan!), so am aware that my cancer risk is higher. However, I do now try to make the most of the sun on my arms and legs in the warmer weather and not at midday, but even that has left me D deficient. I'm a BIG dairy consumer, sometimes going through a few pints of milk a day so I did wonder if I needed to go outside a bit more - clearly I did. I'm on supplements at the moment but wasn't warned by my GP that D needs oil to be absorbed by the body (though my pharmacist did mention "something" to OH, who was doing his usual not listening properly thing!). So, anyone else taking D, make sure you're on D3 (many brands don't use D3 and this is the type we need), and make sure that, just like iron needs vitamin C to be absorbed, D needs oil to be absorbed, too.

I was brought up by an older mum who remembered Rickets being common when she was a child so I'm sort of familiar with it. Looking at the kids in my street, I do feel that it seems more likely that the majority of kids are not D deprived because of loving, careful (but misguided) parents, but more because they're inside playing with technology all day.

Yes, I'm on Adcal-D3 I think that's what doctors automatically prescribe because it's what you take for Vit D deficiency. I agree about kids being inside playing on technology, but they're also at school Monday to Friday and play out for a total of two hours a day, it's a mixture of things why Rickets is returning, I think the fear of the sun being one of them, quite rightly so, but not to an extreme level of denying your body what it needs, I bet Alison Young and Abi Cleeves are catching their sneaky twenty minutes on the side :giggle:
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certain people are at more risk of vit d deficiency than others. fatter people are at more risk. black skin blocks out the sun so are at a higher risk as in britain there is not always a lot of sun.

its interesting re ultrasun. which? did suncream best buys and avon came out top. it was expensive but still good value compared to the others tested. i have a ultrasun tsv from last year and hate the textures. glimmer being the worse. glitter on sun sensitised skin...ouch
Very Interesting

I think my friend is one of those naughty people (to AY and Abbi Cleeve) who doesn't always wear SPF. She was shocked to find she had this deficiency, as she's out in the fresh air at every opportunity, come rain or shine. You're right that it's dangerous to completely avoid the sun the way we are told to by the purveyors of SPF products. It's like most things in life, isn't it? Moderation in all things is better than excess of some and an absence of others.

I was concerned about conflicting advice too. There is no doubt that skin cancer is on the increase and we should all be aware of protecting ourselves. However, I am one of the people who is at risk of osteoporosis and the advice for that is 20 minutes exposure to the sun from May to September - that's according to my specialist. I actually emailed UltraSun and asked for their opinion and the response was exposure for 20 minutes is ideal but not when the sun is at its strongest. I would say that was just plain common sense. By the way, "expose" means arms and legs. Thank goodness for that. I was half expecting to be told to take a stroll to Sainsburys in the nude! Now that would have frightened the neighbours!
I've been housebound for a long while now as a result of illness (I must be one of those very vulnerable people needing friends that others have posted about - NOT!) so I was vitamin deficit and sun exposure not an option for me (though I loathe heat anyway and get a migraine instantly I see the light even when not ill!). Least of my problems but I have supplemented with d3 for years in any case...
They think it plays a role in many conditions not just obvious ones such as rickets, such a MS and osteoporosis and so on. Also if you can't absorb oil because of bowel disorders then you can't absorb vitamin d very well either.

It makes a real difference if you're deficit so good to those starting on their supplements. But just to be aware that it really is a case of moderation in all things (including vitamin D) as over-dosing/excessive intake is as bad as the deficiency according to my doctor and what I've read. I was on a high dose for long time but was told to reduce it. Too much can cause kidney stones and cardiac issues etc.

Other thing to bear in mind is that, as with all most nutrition, it's preferable to get vit d from food and limited sun exposure if you can...
Here endeth the lesson ;)
I posted about the balancing cleanser on the Alpha H thread, it is really good, I'm so pleased that I ordered the duo.

I'm fed up of seeing Ultrasun on Qvc, it's on far too often.
It has even been reported that Ricketts has been diagnosed in a few children recently. They are being over protected from the sun, and are lacking in essential Vit D.

Glad I'm not the only one who is sick of Ultrasun shows - ugh! I find Abbi so earnest and it feels like a lecture every time she's on (I shouldn't really talk after my vitamin d lecture!) and I do appreciate it's an important subject and that she's passionate about a great product but my word!
certain people are at more risk of vit d deficiency than others. fatter people are at more risk. black skin blocks out the sun so are at a higher risk as in britain there is not always a lot of sun.

its interesting re ultrasun. which? did suncream best buys and avon came out top. it was expensive but still good value compared to the others tested. i have a ultrasun tsv from last year and hate the textures. glimmer being the worse. glitter on sun sensitised skin...ouch

I like Avon suncreams but to let you know, the Which? report has just been updated and a few days ago they issued a new list of Best Buys which were ones by Garnier Ambre Solaire, Morrisons, Nivea, Sainsbury's and Tesco, not Avon. The full report is out next month, I think.
There`s too much scare mongering in order to sell more, not just of sun creams but other things too. They play on peoples insecurities whether it`s fear of skin cancer, fear of wrinkles, fear of identity theft, weight gain, dirty houses with germs or bacteria, and so on and so on. They always spout worse case scenario when in reality 99.9% of people wouldn`t even fall into their catagories.
Most people know that 20 minutes to half an hour of bare arms and legs in the Sun isn`t likely to cause skin cancer but is enough to top up their vitamin D, most people know their face isn`t likely to collapse if they don`t use brand X or Y on their face, most people know their houses are clean enough and have enough of the right bacteria with or without every brand of hoover, steam mop and other gizmos and most people know if they eat more then they gain weight and there`s no magic gadget which will change that.
I find Q`s sales techniques border on the irresponsible and nothing but underhand but people still fall for them, hook, line and sinker.
I'm not a fan of Ultrasun. It never goes matte on me and takes an age to rub in. Also l know Gobalmighty Abbey says you can put your usual skincare over the top but l just don't believe her. Sorry
I use Amber Solaire clear protect + and find that for me it is the best I've ever used. Dries completely clear and. I only put it on once per day and never burn. BUT I don't swim or sun bathe, just sightsee and walk a lot so I can't comment how it would be under those circumstances. The only down side is the blinking top and spray mechanism could be improved, I spray it on to my hand and rub in rather than spray directly to get around this.
I don't sunbathe got fried as a child also it bores me to death. I only put sunblock on my face and just merrily let the hands etc out in the sun when walking around. Funny, someone said to me mid week, you have caught the sun on the top of your chest. I got burnt some years back there, so the moment the sun comes out it does seem to catch that bit really quickly.

At this rate we will be a nation of those with skin cancer from sunbeds or those with deformed bones. There should be a happy medium for all things.
On L'Occitane hour AY said that Alexis puts the Leg Reviver Cream on her leg area :mysmilie_15:
I'm now used to the eye area but this was new to me.
Edit: AY later said that an X fragrance was nice to wear to bed (???) I find that wearing a fragrance would prevent me from sleeping.
Do people wear fragrance to bed?
On L'Occitane hour AY said that Alexis puts the Leg Reviver Cream on her leg area :mysmilie_15:
I'm now used to the eye area but this was new to me.
Edit: AY later said that an X fragrance was nice to wear to bed (???) I find that wearing a fragrance would prevent me from sleeping.
Do people wear fragrance to bed?

Only if I am on a promise ; )
But as a mum of a 3 and 5 year old... not a chance. Too knackered to pick up my bottle of perfume :)

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