Join Clothes - you cannot be serious!


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Feb 16, 2015
Just finished watching a bit of the Join Clothes hour - the Q prices don't get any better, do they? £125 for a pair of creased-looking cut-off trousers, choice of colours = bright blue or white! Well, really basic shades, aren't they? Go with anything. White I can understand, but bright blue as the only alternative - what's that all about?? And of course there was the usual uncertainty about the colours of the tops they showed - with the guest asking "is this forest green?". Well, if you don't know, love, how the hell should anyone else? Give me strength - professional it 'ain't.
It's funny isn't it, sometimes you hear them struggling what to call an orange or blue top when it's clearly orange colour or blue colour, now I'm going to be controversial here and say why not call colour or blue colour :mysmilie_17:

As for the prices. :mysmilie_15: :mysmilie_15: :mysmilie_15:
Price wise its just as bad as YK and the designs are practically interchangeable. The so called dresses with the short front and extra long back fascinate me.Who on earth would wear them apart from grungy teens. I think they should be done under the trades description act .No way are those things dresses.
I have to agree with both of you. I often wonder what market they aim for - I wouldn't pay over the odds for any of the clothing ranges they feature, particularly YK and Join :mysmilie_15::mysmilie_15::mysmilie_15:
I saw Debbie in the Kipling hour wearing what I assumed to be a Join dress. You could see her bra through it. I dread t think how much it cost. Not my thing at all.
She has stated on Twitter that she plans to wear it to her brother's wedding in Cyprus this June. I don't think a long sleeved dress is a good choice for Cyprus in June!
I wouldn't wear the Join or YK 'fashion garb' even in the house, imho they look ridiculous, I can't imagine anyone wearing them. I do know they must sell,or qvc wouldn't keep them, but my mind boggles.
I saw Debbie in the Kipling hour wearing what I assumed to be a Join dress. You could see her bra through it. I dread t think how much it cost. Not my thing at all.

Yes i saw her too and thought she looked ridiculous. I the dress was far too small and tight for her. You could see her bra and her upper arms looked like they were a couple of fat sausages. It looked dreadful.
She has stated on Twitter that she plans to wear it to her brother's wedding in Cyprus this June. I don't think a long sleeved dress is a good choice for Cyprus in June!

Definitely not, seeing as the temperature will be well in the 80's by then. Just hope I don't bump into her there!
I saw Debbie in the Kipling hour wearing what I assumed to be a Join dress. You could see her bra through it. I dread t think how much it cost. Not my thing at all.

I saw it and she looked awful It was too tight across the bust and looked like a pair of curtains. It cost a few pence short of £200.00
I am pretty sure she would not go for it if she actually had to pay for it!
I thought I was in the minority with regards to my thoughts about Join clothes and YK "fashion." I'm glad to see that I'm not.

Hopefully I won't cause offence, but I don't understand why anyone would spend £150 plus on shapeless and/or creased clothes. There are far better things to spend money on.

I'd never heard of either brand until I got Freeview and QVC appeared on the listings. You could get just as good a look by buying cheaper clothes and screwing them before wearing them or by buying clothes that are five sizes too big.

And I agree about DF's attire last night. I only caught the show for a few minutes as I don't usually watch when she's presenting, and the dress did nothing for her.
Shock! Horror! Gasp! Do I hear you say call an orange!! What can you be thinking of, shopperholic? These maverick tendencies of yours must stop - you know this is the Land of Q, where Common sense has no bearing on anything, for gawd's sake :mysmilie_17: Off-topic: I've just had the pleasure(?) of seeing the Q Fashion Friday advert - Julia Roberts' dress is so tight her stomach is literally bulging, especially when seen briefly at the end of the ad. in a sideways view.. I just wonder when this woman will ever wear a dress that is the right size and why nobody told her that she looks ridiculous?

It's funny isn't it, sometimes you hear them struggling what to call an orange or blue top when it's clearly orange colour or blue colour, now I'm going to be controversial here and say why not call colour or blue colour :mysmilie_17:

As for the prices. :mysmilie_15: :mysmilie_15: :mysmilie_15:
Shock! Horror! Gasp! Do I hear you say call an orange!! What can you be thinking of, shopperholic? These maverick tendencies of yours must stop - you know this is the Land of Q, where Common sense has no bearing on anything, for gawd's sake :mysmilie_17: Off-topic: I've just had the pleasure(?) of seeing the Q Fashion Friday advert - Julia Roberts' dress is so tight her stomach is literally bulging, especially when seen briefly at the end of the ad. in a sideways view.. I just wonder when this woman will ever wear a dress that is the right size and why nobody told her that she looks ridiculous?
I agree & posted a comment last night under YK prices that JOIN can join the AWFUL 'fashion'( NOT) club.This was after seeing a full length dress on a 5'11" model, creased' uneven hem which on the shorter of us would have pockets at knee level--a snip @ £105!Just a joke.Then I looked at the reviews of garment & many 5*, so I shut up!But in my defence I have enough history to comment on value for money & this is nothing to do with taste & style suitability on a personal level.Both Join & YK (IMO & experience) are way over priced, can't watch anymore!
I'm afraid my opinion is that I just do not believe many of these reviews are from genuine buyers unconnected to Q, so I wouldn't for one minute think you are alone in your views on YK & Join. According to the presenters, it seems that nearly everything is "five star reviews" - yeah, right, whatever. I presume they must sell enough to make it worthwhile to show the clothes, but I cannot believe many people come back to place repeat orders, and I wonder just how many get sent back when people realise how much they have paid - and actually see the items in the cold light of day.

I agree & posted a comment last night under YK prices that JOIN can join the AWFUL 'fashion'( NOT) club.This was after seeing a full length dress on a 5'11" model, creased' uneven hem which on the shorter of us would have pockets at knee level--a snip @ £105!Just a joke.Then I looked at the reviews of garment & many 5*, so I shut up!But in my defence I have enough history to comment on value for money & this is nothing to do with taste & style suitability on a personal level.Both Join & YK (IMO & experience) are way over priced, can't watch anymore!
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That is why these threads keep coming back because its unbelievable that practically every garment gets a five star review.I know some who post here love YK but I'm at a loss to get it.
Before back to you became a closed group on FB, you could have a look and if anyone dared to say anything negative about YK, the bin lids were there in their droves, saying the posts should be taken down. They even posted pictures of themselves in their YK, all saying how people thought it was lovely and wanting to know were they had bought it.
Lord knows where they get their prices from. I like long length dresses and I`m tall so I have no problems with longer lengths but I`d never pay their ridiculous prices. I recently bought this one , it`s already in a sale but with code RE226 I got another 15% off and free delivery. It`s jersey fabric, a lovely fit, there`s a video of it besides the photograph and I ordered a size bigger because I didn`t want it to cling. If and when we get some good weather I`ll get a lot of use out of it, I have a short sleeved crop cardie I`ll wear with it and the dress has cost me the grand total of £8.50 delivered.

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