Jill Franks looking haggard


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QUOTE: No shame or loss of glamour in that.[/QUOTE] When you compare how she looks now with photos of her years ago, she was very attractive then. Ok, like all of us she's aged, but she could look so much better with some flesh on her bones; her skin and hair would be healthier, too, and she'd gain some credibility for the "miracle solutions" she's flogging, which she totally lacks at present.

But she definitely needs more flesh on her bones to help protect against osteoporosis, if nothing else. Another thing - my OH couldn't understand why I was always so cold while he was hot - until he lost 3 stone and now he suffers from the cold more than me, so this could be why she's always complaining about the cold. Just wrap up, Jill. No shame or loss of glamour in that.
Slight change of topic - still JF but not her weight, her nails. The last couple of shows I have seen her on, including the Diamonique TSV launch last night, she is NOT waering Porchester Square on her nails! It looks like a white sort of colour. Not sure I like it but it does make a change.
Exactly. She is not anorexic. She makes a conscious decision to be very thin. That is her prerogative, and nobody here would think that they had the right to tell her to think otherwise. The reason we make remarks about her extreme thinness is because she makes a virtue of it when selling juicers, telling us how healthy she is because she lives on green juices. And if ever on a programme featuring food she makes gagging faces and remarks that she would not let such stuff pass her lips, showing a belief that she is superior to people who enjoy normal food.

We are quite entitled to say that we do not think that a diet leading to such extreme thinness does her appearance any favours, seeing as she is trying to sell us things by stating the opposite. If she were truly anorexic we would be very sympathetic, and she would not be working at QVC for long anyway as she would not have the energy or mental capacity to do so.

This is spot on. She uses her orthorexia to promote 'her' allocated QVC products. It's difficult to argue how this is healthy, desirable, ethical or efficacious. Moreover, if the Q were being entirely even-handed about it, shouldn't we be seeing some of the fatties stuffing their faces and groaning with orgasmic delight to increase sales? Say, get Rosa stuffing on some Real Pie company products live on air, pastry flying in all directions. But of course that wouldn't fit the QVC business model customer of aspirational, size 0 (=in control) Notting-Hill dwelling yummy mummy.

It's vicious and destructive.
Slight change of topic - still JF but not her weight, her nails. The last couple of shows I have seen her on, including the Diamonique TSV launch last night, she is NOT waering Porchester Square on her nails! It looks like a white sort of colour. Not sure I like it but it does make a change.

I noticed that over the past few days but as I'm not into nail colours I wasn't 100% sure.

This goes quite against a statement only a month or so ago that "I can't bear any other colour on my nails if I HAVE to put something else on I can only bear it for a few seconds before it must come off " all said whilst hyperventilating at the very thought of it.
My goodness - she must have little to bother her in life if different nail colours make her panic!!! I wonder if the management have said something. Wearing Porchester Square all the time is a good advert for Nails Inc but does not say much for the other brands.
Ahh we have all had our say lets draw a line under this one for Christmas.

LOL! No let's spin it out and analyse her some more! Or let's not! It doesn't matter. She seems to be a vapid shopping telly persona. I'm sure she's not the worst, though. There are far worse people on QVC than her.
LOL! No let's spin it out and analyse her some more! Or let's not! It doesn't matter. She seems to be a vapid shopping telly persona. I'm sure she's not the worst, though. There are far worse people on QVC than her.
You started this thread and seem to be obsessed with ageing women .By all means analyse her selling techniques,her silly sayings,her vapid personality even her lifestyle etc but why go on and on about her ageing looks.We are all ageing .Its a fact of life .Even you won't be able to hold back the tide forever.
My goodness - she must have little to bother her in life if different nail colours make her panic!!! I wonder if the management have said something. Wearing Porchester Square all the time is a good advert for Nails Inc but does not say much for the other brands.

I don't think it's even a good advert for Nails Inc. Why would we buy a TSV with possibly five different colours of polish and four AD drops so twenty different colours in total from someone who only uses one colour?
You started this thread and seem to be obsessed with ageing women .By all means analyse her selling techniques,her silly sayings,her vapid personality even her lifestyle etc but why go on and on about her ageing looks.We are all ageing .Its a fact of life .Even you won't be able to hold back the tide forever.

Hear hear, age creeps up on you really fast.
I just wish she could relax on screen and be herself instead of churning out what her autocue is telling her. She always seems very tense to me.

Not forgetting the hair styling, though. That would do more good than a hundred make-overs.
Agree. I watched her briefly the other day and the hair is so ageing. A good cut does wonders for us all - and I badly need one at the moment (hairdressers appt. next week!).
I just wish she could relax on screen and be herself instead of churning out what her autocue is telling her. She always seems very tense to me.

Not forgetting the hair styling, though. That would do more good than a hundred make-overs.
She is on air right now...............all I can say is eyebrows!! :mysmilie_11:
I know, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, she looked like a fusion - or should that be CONfusion of a fishbone, Mona Lisa and Liam Gallagher! Maybe she's road testing a new product - RyvitaBrow. Next week we'll no doubt hear of her girlfriend's praise and adulation.
Reading this just made me imagine them trying to get us to believe it's the new fashion to have extreme pubic hair. 'Revitabush'.

I bet they have already brainstormed the idea. LOL

I bet Sarah Griffths would be the first to go for it.

Probably not particularly on topic with the thread but that's how my mind was working and thought some of you may giggle at the idea.

Not sure I can imagine Joan Collins doing her own cut price version though. Not even if there is money to be made.

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