Jill Franks looking haggard


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I don't really buy the 'comparable' to guests/presenters issue with fillers - is Ali Young filled to the brim ? I think not, yet she's around the same age and doesn't look unhealthy, Kathy Taylor ? Pippa is slender without looking haggard - and remember Jill must be at least 10lb thinner in real life than she appears on tele, because we all know tv puts the weight on, so she must look even more leaner.

As for being an 'armchair critic' - absolutely ! guilty as charged ! isn't everybody ? even those on here who profess to be holier than thou.

:clapping::up: Absolutely spot on, if anyone says they've never said anything negative about someone/something, ever, well I've got to say I don't believe them.............anyway, it's better being an "armchair critic" than standing in the back garden doing it, it's *$*#*%**>! freezing out there! :mysmilie_17:
I think we are none of us in the spotlight, except among our families and friends, whereas these presenters are, and well paid for it too I should think, but seriously I can never understand women who look like Jill, and you're right if we sat in the same room with her, I'm sure she will look very thin and scrawny.

I worry for her because she is so full of herself, I fear a shock coming her way in the years from 50s and beyond, because very thin people look old and haggard, long before folks like me with a wee plump to the body and face, she will not therefore be a happy bunny.

In her defense the only good thing about exercising to the max as she says she does, is that if she ever has to have major surgery, she will recover from it much quicker than someone who does not workout or exercise, I know this for a fact.

I still don't like her, isn't it awful how we form opinions like mine and some others, yet we've never met the person - sad really.
I think we are none of us in the spotlight, except among our families and friends, whereas these presenters are, and well paid for it too I should think, but seriously I can never understand women who look like Jill, and you're right if we sat in the same room with her, I'm sure she will look very thin and scrawny.

I worry for her because she is so full of herself, I fear a shock coming her way in the years from 50s and beyond, because very thin people look old and haggard, long before folks like me with a wee plump to the body and face, she will not therefore be a happy bunny.

In her defense the only good thing about exercising to the max as she says she does, is that if she ever has to have major surgery, she will recover from it much quicker than someone who does not workout or exercise, I know this for a fact.

I still don't like her, isn't it awful how we form opinions like mine and some others, yet we've never met the person - sad really.

It's ok not to like her, not everyone will like everyone that's just life. It's not JF you don't like its her job, her persona, it's the Jill Franks she wants the viewers to see, that's what you're basing your opinion on and there's nothing wrong with that, don't let the self righteous tell you otherwise, don't worry about it, it's human nature.
A friend of mine has been super skinny her whole life compared to me and I've always envied her for it. However, once the 40's and 50's crept in, should I post a photo of both of us anonymously and said "guess our ages" I can put my house on most folk saying she is in her 60's and me in my 40's. I'm not being mean, she's my friend but has aged hugely in the face whereas my fat has kind of saved me and plumped out the lines.

JR also has some fat and looks great. I believe she's nearly 10 years older than JF.

Absolutely - if JF likes to read this forum, good for her - but there's no reason whatsoever to think she might be "hurt" by it! She works on TV, and I doubt she's a fragile shrinking violet, liable to be upset by our comments; most people in the media are pretty thick-skinned or they wouldn't be in the media! Therefore accepting people's criticisms is par for the course, especially when they are fair ones. She is way too thin, it's not healthy to be that skeletal, IMO she looks rather unhealthy, and yet she stands there talking to us (some might say preaching) about healthy lifestyles and "wonderful" beauty products, so she is totally up for criticism! Pretty hypocritical, I'd say. No one is being obscene or vitriolic, we are just not that gullible - and you'd have to be gullible not to question whether what she says equates (or doesn't equate) to her own appearance.
On the contrary, she makes a very good living indeed persuading gullible women to part with huge amounts of money to buy products to get rid of their wrinkles and make their hair look good. She does this by gushing that she uses every product. In which case, unless she is misleading us and is guilty of false advertising, she ought to stand up to scrutiny as to whether or not said products create good results for her.
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Blimey, if that's what running and juicing do, I'll reach for another after-dinner mint and glass of vino!!
Exactly! I would be more inclined to keep my negative thoughts to myself if she wasn't so smug and vain with her ( I run every day,I juice every day) comments! She brings it on herself I'd say!
A friend of mine has been super skinny her whole life compared to me and I've always envied her for it. However, once the 40's and 50's crept in, should I post a photo of both of us anonymously and said "guess our ages" I can put my house on most folk saying she is in her 60's and me in my 40's. I'm not being mean, she's my friend but has aged hugely in the face whereas my fat has kind of saved me and plumped out the lines.

JR also has some fat and looks great. I believe she's nearly 10 years older than JF.


Or as Eamon Holmes said recently, having been teased about his weight but complimented on his lack of facial lines, "there are no wrinkles on balloons".
JF has not long come back from Florida so she should be glowing and put on a few pounds after the fab food:thinking:

food in florida is dire lots of fast food,grease and stodge. i suspect she ate very little ....maybe the oranges
For me it isn't so much the age wrinkles but the hardness of her features, it's the facial equivalent of the way she clenches those claws of hers. It's all so manic
in all honesty being overwieght is far less healthier than being really thin. thinner people live longer unless they are true anorexics. jill does look very underweight but thats how she wants to be because she has more than likely been told she will live longer and have a better quality of life. its not a look i would advocate but its a weight she works hard to maintain. its her choice
Just seen this photo of JF on Bare Minerals QVC FB page.......................she looks ridiculous pouting like that

She's also out of luck because she's standing next to Babs, who has killer bonestructure and looks very attractive.
QUOTE: "As for being an 'armchair critic' - absolutely ! guilty as charged ! isn't everybody ? even those on here who profess to be holier than thou".[/QUOTE]


I don't really buy the 'comparable' to guests/presenters issue with fillers - is Ali Young filled to the brim ? I think not, yet she's around the same age and doesn't look unhealthy, Kathy Taylor ? Pippa is slender without looking haggard - and remember Jill must be at least 10lb thinner in real life than she appears on tele, because we all know tv puts the weight on, so she must look even more leaner.

As for being an 'armchair critic' - absolutely ! guilty as charged ! isn't everybody ? even those on here who profess to be holier than thou.
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QUOTE: "thinner people live longer unless they are true anorexics". Hmmn....anyone remember the late, great, Karen Carpenter of The Carpenters singing duo? Dead at about 32 even though she was apparently eating normally. Her heart gave out, reportedly due to damage done to her body by failing to eat properly for years previously.
in all honesty being overwieght is far less healthier than being really thin. thinner people live longer unless they are true anorexics. jill does look very underweight but thats how she wants to be because she has more than likely been told she will live longer and have a better quality of life. its not a look i would advocate but its a weight she works hard to maintain. its her choice
I watched the Autopsy programme about Karen Carpenter. Her heart gave out because she was downing bottles full of diet pills and laxatives whilst outwardly appearing to eat normally. In fact the day she died she`d been out with her family , had eaten 2 shrimp salads and her parents were convinced she`d turned a corner. She then went home and downed a handful of diet pills and laxatives. The diet pills made her metabolism work faster and hence her heart beat faster, her blood pressure rose dangerously high and the laxatives had a very obvious effect too. Her heart literally burst. Very interesting tv series, if only to show the way people can outwardly appear to be eating healthily and yet behind closed doors it`s a different story. Very sad.
QUOTE: "thinner people live longer unless they are true anorexics". Hmmn....anyone remember the late, great, Karen Carpenter of The Carpenters singing duo? Dead at about 32 even though she was apparently eating normally. Her heart gave out, reportedly due to damage done to her body by failing to eat properly for years previously.

i did say unless they are anorexic...being overwieght is a major cause of premature death. think of john candy dead in his forties. add the smoking and you are halving your lifespam potentially.
Jill looks skinny, but not anorexic. In fact I doubt she is even the famous size 0 that all the celebs aimed for, more likely a size 6. There is a minus 0 it seems not in La La Land.
Jill looks skinny, but not anorexic. In fact I doubt she is even the famous size 0 that all the celebs aimed for, more likely a size 6. There is a minus 0 it seems not in La La Land.

Exactly. She is not anorexic. She makes a conscious decision to be very thin. That is her prerogative, and nobody here would think that they had the right to tell her to think otherwise. The reason we make remarks about her extreme thinness is because she makes a virtue of it when selling juicers, telling us how healthy she is because she lives on green juices. And if ever on a programme featuring food she makes gagging faces and remarks that she would not let such stuff pass her lips, showing a belief that she is superior to people who enjoy normal food.

We are quite entitled to say that we do not think that a diet leading to such extreme thinness does her appearance any favours, seeing as she is trying to sell us things by stating the opposite. If she were truly anorexic we would be very sympathetic, and she would not be working at QVC for long anyway as she would not have the energy or mental capacity to do so.
But she definitely needs more flesh on her bones to help protect against osteoporosis, if nothing else. Another thing - my OH couldn't understand why I was always so cold while he was hot - until he lost 3 stone and now he suffers from the cold more than me, so this could be why she's always complaining about the cold. Just wrap up, Jill. No shame or loss of glamour in that.
Jill looks skinny, but not anorexic. In fact I doubt she is even the famous size 0 that all the celebs aimed for, more likely a size 6. There is a minus 0 it seems not in La La Land.

exactly what i am saying. she eats but chooses that thinner lifestyle. i dont think its appealing but thats her choice

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