Not exactly a good advert for the brand, is she? She looks totally washed out - definitely not inspired by this range. AY doesn't look too good either. I'd like to see a really glamorous beauty expert in the same way that I like to look at glamorous images when I open a glossy magazine. I know it's not realistic but I do like a bit of escapism - AY's look doesn't do it for me!
Alison didn't seem happy when she found out all the models had false lashes on when she was selling the mascara!!!
At least she was honest about it and seemed genuinelly suprised!
Ha ha. That was so funny. Mascara being demonstrated. AY asks - "Are any of the models wearing false lashes?" Obviously expecting to being told No. "Yes" says Corben? make up artist. Which one? asks AY. "All of them" he answers. "in the corners". She recovered pretty quickly and said, "yes but there are no false lashes on the bottom".
I couldn't believe how awful that brown plum purple glittery eyeshadow looked on the gorgeous blonde model. If that's how bad it looks on her when applied by a makeup artist how flaming awful is it going to look on me!! I shall look like someone has smacked me in the eye with a Christmas bauble.
Alison didn't seem happy when she found out all the models had false lashes on when she was selling the mascara!!!
At least she was honest about it and seemed genuinelly suprised!
She didnt have much choice about it! And I bet she was not happy about it either. Its a bit of a con putting false lashes on them, when you are trying to flog mascara.
I couldn't believe how awful that brown plum purple glittery eyeshadow looked on the gorgeous blonde model. If that's how bad it looks on her when applied by a makeup artist how flaming awful is it going to look on me!! I shall look like someone has smacked me in the eye with a Christmas bauble.
I thought exactly the same thing, Tinks! It looked so cheap - like the eye shadow we used to buy from the 99p shop when I was 13. The guest was wearing the beige version and she looked awful too.
Just why did the guest presenter keep saying "these products are for real women with real lives"? If I'm not a real woman living a real life then who the hell am I and what have I been doing all these years..............:wonder:
Faked misrepresentive mascara ads really bug me - but even they have to tell us in tiny print that CGI, lash extensions and lash inserts have been used. I never buy anything I've seen advertised in this purposely dishonest and misleading way.
So I was very pleased that Corben owned up immediately to the false eyelashes, because I'd spotted them again (same as last time) and I was waiting for them to start flogging us Jemma Kidd Lash Xtension mascara without mentioning it like they did last time.
They were really skilfully applied though. :sun:
I think Jemma Kidd make up is one of the brands like Bobbi Brown that works better in real life than onscreen. (i've got loads of both. :happy
The funniest thing for me was Jemma Kidd saying "For what I call orange" and for what I call paler skins" just like Patricia Hodge as Miranda's mum in "Miranda" :rock: