Is Jill Franks Pregnant?


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Oh, Spooky, I'm so sorry to hear about your traumatic experiences, and I'm sad that they were made even worse by what followed, in that you were surrounded by expectant mums during your most vulnerable times. I think you are absolutely right in your assumption that it's all sadly down to cost, and this is one of those areas where the patient pays an emotional price for the sake of saving material costs.

I am absolutely sure that your puppy will help to heal a lot of your pain, and his love, affection and loyalty will bring some much needed happiness to your life.

All the best to you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
When I lost my much wanted baby at 14 weeks pregnant I elected to be cared for by the Midwives on the Ante Natal ward.
For me ,I couldn't bear the thought of being on a Gynae ward or Day Surgery Unit where women were having elective terminations.
Being cared for by pregnancy specialists sensitively and gently made the very painful experience more tolerable for me, and although I was in a single room I could see other pregnant women on the ward and hear the heart monitors it just gave me a sense of hope for the future and reassurance that I was in the right place.
Furry babies are fabulous and will love and need you forever...... hope your puppy brings joy.

Thank you!!! I am soo excited but can I hold you to that when he chews everything in sight, lol. Having had my baby days totally taken away from me I am desperate for a baby to love so roll on Friday when my eight week old Lhasa Apso "Alfie" comes to live with us.
Oh, Spooky, I'm so sorry to hear about your traumatic experiences, and I'm sad that they were made even worse by what followed, in that you were surrounded by expectant mums during your most vulnerable times. I think you are absolutely right in your assumption that it's all sadly down to cost, and this is one of those areas where the patient pays an emotional price for the sake of saving material costs.

I am absolutely sure that your puppy will help to heal a lot of your pain, and his love, affection and loyalty will bring some much needed happiness to your life.

All the best to you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thank you!!! All the very best to you too, huge cyber hugs come your way from me!

Having had my baby days totally taken away from me I am desperate for a baby to love so roll on Friday when my eight week old Lhasa Apso "Alfie" comes to live with us, I am sooo excited.
Thank you!!! I am soo excited but can I hold you to that when he chews everything in sight, lol. Having had my baby days totally taken away from me I am desperate for a baby to love so roll on Friday when my eight week old Lhasa Apso "Alfie" comes to live with us.

Even when Alfie is caught chewing up your favourite shoe or has just swallowed your engagement ring, he will only have to look at you and you'll forgive him - that's the way it is.... they steal your heart... but are truly worth it :happy:
i shouldnt have made stupid comments about feeling sick. i know baby/gynaecology stuff is a very emotive subject and not to be made fun of so i'm sorry if anyone was offended :O(
i shouldnt have made stupid comments about feeling sick. i know baby/gynaecology stuff is a very emotive subject and not to be made fun of so i'm sorry if anyone was offended :O(

It's OK, Burlz. I feel sick anyway so I'm glad of the company. :puke:

I'm so sorry for all the ladies here who have shared their heartbreaking stories. Like I said, I'm pregnant with my third, still early days, and I feel very grateful that it's all been very easy for me (not without complications during actual pregnancies, though).

Cheers, CountessK.
Thank you!!! I am soo excited but can I hold you to that when he chews everything in sight, lol. Having had my baby days totally taken away from me I am desperate for a baby to love so roll on Friday when my eight week old Lhasa Apso "Alfie" comes to live with us.

Do you have a picture of him?
Thanks everyone who was brave enough to share their experiences here, I've been quite moved. I’m so sorry to those who have found themselves on maternity wards when losing babies or requiring gynae treatment, that just isn’t acceptable. I underwent pretty gruelling fertility treatment to have my son four years ago (problems with ovulation etc rightly highlighted on this thread) and will never cease to be humbled by the strength of the women and men who I met at the clinic and who were not as lucky as I eventually was.

I totally understand what people are saying about the pressure of other people’s expectations, I remember the people at the clinic talking of how hard it was to be asked 'when are you going to make us grandparents' etc, especially when you might not want to let people in on the fact you were undergoing fertility treatment, both to avoid a whole host of other questions, or to have to then deal with other people's disappoint when/if that treatment failed. Although as someone with a same-sex partner, I faced an opposite problem with many people stunned that I wanted to become a mother so badly. (It always surprises me that people see non-heterosexuality and baby hunger as mutually exclusive, I suppose it is a bit counter-intuitive, as the relationship you’re in isn’t going to produce a child naturally, but I’ve known I wanted to be a Mum longer than I’ve known about my sexuality - and that I’ve known about since I was five.) My desperation for my baby turned me into someone I didn’t recognise –bitter and jealous - and so I’m incredibly impressed with the generosity of spirit shown by those who have posted on this thread their good wishes to those who have managed to have the family that has eluded them. I’m in your awe, and really hope I would have been able to be as big-hearted if it hadn’t worked out for me.

My very best friend is facing the realisation that she’ll never become a mother at the moment. She is currently on to cat number two, they are her babies, and at times I think they cost her as much money and cause her about as much worry – as well as bringing her as much joy - as my son does for me :giggle:

Whatever the case for Jill, I hope she’s happy with her life in this regard :nod:

Apols for long post, this stuff is just very close to my heart :blush:

i shouldnt have made stupid comments about feeling sick. i know baby/gynaecology stuff is a very emotive subject and not to be made fun of so i'm sorry if anyone was offended :O(

BurlZ as far as I’m concerned there was no need for this - your posts amused me no-end - but your apology was one of the sweetest things I’ve read in a while, and much appreciated :star:
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I was deeply moved by your post, Art Deco, and it never ceases to amaze me that so many people put their fellow human beings into pigeon holes in terms of their sexuality, somehow missing the basic fact that wants/needs/desires/instincts etc are universal, and not limited to those whose sexuality conforms to what others perceive as 'the norm'. I wish people would open their minds to the endless possiblities out there, and realise how many permutations of 'the norm' actually exist.
I'm glad that you were able to eventually have your longed for baby, and know that your little boy will be loved and cherished and nurtured by you, perhaps all the more since you had a period of struggle and anguish before you were able to hold your baby in your arms and finally feel the fulfilment that had eluded you until then.

I'm sorry to hear about your friend, but I know that her cats will provide her with love and affection, not to mention worry, over the years, and I hope that will prove worthwhile and fulfilling to her. My nurturing nature also goes into animals, and I seem to live in a house of waif and stray collection, in which all manner of misfits enter my motley menagerie.
I'm amazed and very heartened by how this thread has developed into a caring and supportive thread. We are all strangers to each other yet (or perhaps because of) we have shared very personal details of our lives without fear of being judged, and might even have had some momentary comfort from the replies .

Sorry if I sound sentimental or mawkish, my depression makes me over-sensitive to this sort of thing. :blush:

Linda xxxx
Tears are rolling yet again, so many of us have stories to tell and hopefully will give support to others.
I've suffered loss and at the time found myself whilst bleeding awaiting surgery on a ward with others undergoing terminations heart breaking.
Then following fertility treatment gave birth three months early with my daughter weighing 2lbs fighting for life in Special Care, me surrounded by mothers with their new healthy full term babies.
Luckly once I was well enough I was allowed home to get strong enough to visit my daughter with eventually her coming home 3 1/2 months later.

Lets all have a very big hug including that cheeky bear.
You never quite know in which direction a thread will go on here, and that's what makes it so fascinating. It's heartening as well, that though we are capable of having a right old ding-dong, we care enough to post when people have let down barriers and told us something deeply personal and affecting. I'm often moved by the experiences posted by FMs on here, and I know from my own situation that sometimes posting about a dire worry or happening, can make all the difference in getting through another day more or less intact.
Geez what an odd thread for a shopping forum! Im moved to tears by all your stories and for once sensitivity shown to other posters/presenters!

I'll share my story too if you dont mind- i spent my 20's never wanting kids and my 30's with the right man desperately wanting them! Last year alone i went through 3 unsucessful cycles of fertility treatment and im rapidly approaching my 38th birthday where fertility makes a rapid decline. Im turing into a desperate baby obsessed nut job! if Jill is pregnant i wish her well - i know all too well how you can hide behind others things in an attempt to disguise our innermost desires!!
Geez what an odd thread for a shopping forum! Im moved to tears by all your stories and for once sensitivity shown to other posters/presenters!

I'll share my story too if you dont mind- i spent my 20's never wanting kids and my 30's with the right man desperately wanting them! Last year alone i went through 3 unsucessful cycles of fertility treatment and im rapidly approaching my 38th birthday where fertility makes a rapid decline. Im turing into a desperate baby obsessed nut job! if Jill is pregnant i wish her well - i know all too well how you can hide behind others things in an attempt to disguise our innermost desires!!

Niki I'm sending you a huge hug I can perhaps know a little about what you are going though right now.
I know about the desperation and dire for a baby having suffered loss and with each period in my mind was another baby lost.
Its not easy but my advice is to try to stay calm and as relaxed as much as possible taking on board all the tips on lifestyle you'll be given some do swear they do help.
I was working as a nurse and once becoming pregnant would be lucky enough to finish work.
At the time I cut my hours slightly and worked out so I could have my days off together at what would be my fertile time and again at the time of my period.
Also funny as it seems I became an Avon lady it got me out with Hubby helping we were busy together and partly took my mind off what was going on.
I hope I don't sound preaching too much.
Sending you strength with a mega cuddle.
Take care Bags x
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Niki I'm sending you a huge hug I can perhaps know a little about what you are going though right now.
I know about the desperation and dire for a baby having suffered loss and with each period in my mind was another baby lost.
Its not easy but my advice is to try to stay calm and as relaxed as much as possible taking on board all the tips on lifestyle you'll be given some do swear they do help.
I was working as a nurse and once becoming pregnant would be lucky enough to finish work.
At the time I cut my hours slightly and worked out so I could have my days off together at what would be my fertile time and again at the time of my period.
Also funny as it seems I became an Avon lady it got me out with Hubby helping we were busy together and partly took my mind off what was going on.
I hope I don't sound preaching too much.
Sending you strength with a mega cuddle.
Take care Bags x

Bless you and thank you bags - i'll kindly take your help and support! Its not easy to relax through it all but DH is great at organising wee outings and things to distract! I never thought it would be so physically and emotionally draining!! xox
Puss, I really feel for you over this. I hope it doesn't happen theses days but 40+ years ago, when I was having my babies, women who had miscarried or had a stillbirth, were routinely put on maternity wards to recover where they could watch new mothers cooing over their babies. It was a damned disgrace.

That happened when I was in hospital in November after having had my twins. They had put the lady in a side room but to still be able to hear the babies crying must have been awful. 6 years ago when I had my first, I was put in a bay with 2 other new mothers and a lady who was in the middle of miscarrying at around 16 weeks. An absolute disgrace!
Do you have a picture of him?

I think this will work as Ive never put piccies on before xx

Alfie 006.jpg
I think this will work as Ive never put piccies on before xx

View attachment 6062

OMG! He is gorgeous! Very jealous! Alfie looks adorable. I love the puppy/kitten stage when their all clumsy and bounding around! Enjoy Spooky! I love my wee black and white pussycat very much, although she is a bit of a terror at times but I would be lost without her soft purrs everyday when I come home from work!

I think there is nothing quite like the unconditional love that animals give you, they are happy to see you all the time and when your sad they can't help but put a smile on your face!

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