Is Jill Franks Pregnant?


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OMG! I only started this thread because I noticed something different about Jill. It wasn't meant to be an attack on Jill personally. If she is pregnant then big congratulations to her because to have a baby at any age is a blessing.

Reading all the stories on this thread has been heartbreaking and uplifting. I'm deeply sorry for anyone on here that's suffered a loss of a child or have failed to concieve. Thank you for sharing your stories. I hope you get at least a small crumb of comfort from the kind words of others.
Hello Pumpkin and Allivee.

I read through this thread yesterday and found myself becoming very emotional. What an uplifting and moving thread this became. My heart goes out to all of you who have not been able to conceive or suffered the heartbreak of a lost child.

welcome to Pumkin and Allivee, this has been a very moving and thought provoking thread. I have had four pregnancies and only one of these resulted in a birth, making me a proud mum of one. Reading some of these posts has made me even more grateful for what I do have, love to all of you Xxx
Thank you to all those who have shared good-news stories about people having children in their 40s and after illness/difficulties conceiving. It is very difficult to hear people say things like "after 40 your chances are zero" and your stories have put heart back into me. Childlessness is far from being the worst thing that can happen to someone and I accept that in life what will be will be but sometimes you can't help sad feelings getting the better of you, can you?

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