Is everyone else as bored as I am?


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If we had smellyvision, you'd literally smell QVCs desperation oozing out from the TV to get sale, after sale, after sale.
Unfortunately I think we are suffering a cumulative malaise where QVC's Christmas season is concerned.

I think it is getting worse year by year... particularly as the ranges they offer narrow further and further. I don't care how many new brands they bring in... they are invariably in the same departments. The number of proprietary brands has increased... give them a raft of different names if you want but essentially you are shopping QVC own brands, not "big name brands"... no different to the range of different brands the supermarkets sell. They want to sell, but they want the proportion of your money they don't have to share with outside companies to increase.

I know there are umpteen different departments they used to have which have fallen by the wayside, and no doubt the sales was the decisive factor in deciding to pull the plug, but it just contributes to a monotonous diet of beauty, fashion, jewellery rinse and repeat.

Remember when they did Tiffany style lighting? Did they replace it with any other lighting brands? No... bye bye lighting department... and no, you cannot claim Bethlehem lights are a true replacement.

They don't do any quirky collectibles either... in addition, this year has also seen QVC curiously silent on music acts compared to previous years.

There are brands that don't seem to appear except at holiday time and then only as TSVs (Hays luggage, for example)... but sometimes people want different items of luggage to give as gifts at other times of the year. Not in QVC world.

At present I'm just waiting for the LED torches to reappear in some form or other... and the portable chargers... bound to be just around the corner.
Tarketta, I agree, I think it's got far worse this year. It's relentless, and I can only think it's psychological torture to beat us down. They'll be hypnotising us through the TV screen any day now, probably by repeating "It's nearly Christmas, I must buy gifts for the whole world".

Maybe I blocked it out, but I don't remember it being quite so bad last year on Q?
that's right, may, I'd forgotten about the musical acts, flogging someone's latest CD and so on. They used to have a number of those hours, but I cannot remember the last time I saw one. They also used to have some really pretty silver and gemstone jewellery for reasonable prices, but that's all gone out of the window, too. As for the LED lights - I've had leaflets put through the front door from 2 local garden centres in as many days, and guess what? Each one is making a big promo. of.......LED lights!! I just screamed loudly and chucked the leaflets in the recycling - if I don't see any more LED lights for the rest of my life it will be too soon.
In my minute of watching today did I hear DF say there was a Christmas channel? OMG is this as well as the main channel offerings OR are they missing my purchasing so much that they have banned all mention of the C word and all the gifting treats to their own special place?
qvc want to talk us into submission and making wild elaborate claims. they dont mind the odd lie if it will help sell more stuff. the problem is unless its a shop brand the reality is often a huge disappointment wjen it arrives sadly
In my minute of watching today did I hear DF say there was a Christmas channel? OMG is this as well as the main channel offerings OR are they missing my purchasing so much that they have banned all mention of the C word and all the gifting treats to their own special place?

Yes I heard DF saying they have a Christmas channel, I thought at first she was joking but seems not, I have had enough of it all already and hardly watch Q at all now, it's becoming tiresome,and I like Christmas, what about all the viewers who don't or may be of a different faith, it must be even more of a turn off for them, it's getting more and more irritating.
When you look at the to guide, it's the same old shows, similar Tsvs, boring items and bargain hunters that are no bargain.
I know they still seem to be reeling in new customers but surely they must lose more than they gain with their over priced postage and slow delivery, they need a major shake up, but I can't see that happening soon
yup... im bored! very very bored...
i used to love qvc and was totally taken in with the beauty ramble of 'oh how wonderful this super rich luxurious cream is'...
"its age deifying lip plumping bust lifting eye bag removing neck tightening formulas" ... how utterly utterly fabulous and there is 100 buyers on the now....your life depends on it!!!!
Well you just have to look at the beauty specialists and presenters to know if any of them worked then none of them are using it :mysmilie_50:
I actually used to have qvc on in the background as i am a lonely old woman and it felt like a bit of company but in the end i ditched the telly and now listen to radio so i must be getting on a bit :sad:
The only time watch qvc now is if i flick on the laptop and have a look at the tsv of the day but nothing really has taken my fancy lately its a lot of the same and overpriced! thats my ramble cheers :mysmilie_11:
I always used to have the morning show on, but I have not watched in months, the few times I have switched on I have almost immediately switched off again!
In my minute of watching today did I hear DF say there was a Christmas channel? OMG is this as well as the main channel offerings OR are they missing my purchasing so much that they have banned all mention of the C word and all the gifting treats to their own special place?

The way they are going, surely the Christmas channel is the normal one! Is there another, dedicated one? Surely not. If there is, please tell me where so I can avoid it.
I found it!!! I looked on the Q website but fortunately it is only on Sky, Freesat or channel 35 using connect TV. Well I don't have any of those so no risk of stumbling upon it.
If I hear another presenter suggest an item as a stocking filler, only to see it costs £15+ with a further 4 quid p&p I will close my account !

Or suggesting that we buy a kit of what essentially are tester size beauty products and split them up as gifts. I've got a drawer full of the small bottles of freebie shampoo and shower gel you find in hotel rooms, maybe I could pop a couple of them in my sister's stocking ?

As for that 'computer' game thingy with the flashing circles and colours - the sound effects would drive me bonkers. Can you imagine the din if as they suggest, you buy them for everyone in your family between the ages of 3 and 103 ? They've been flogging it for years.
Tarketta, I agree, I think it's got far worse this year. It's relentless, and I can only think it's psychological torture to beat us down. They'll be hypnotising us through the TV screen any day now, probably by repeating "It's nearly Christmas, I must buy gifts for the whole world".

I think it is worse this year too - I turn over to see what is on - and within a very short time - Christmas is mentioned. Gifting, words made up around the word gift, giftable presents, stocking fillers, presents for all and sundry. Buy a gift for that woman who beat you to that parking place the other day, and who smirked whilst she did it, doesn't matter if you don't know her. How about that motorist who gave you the finger - give them a giftable gift. I just turn over. I am so fed up with it all. Blooming Christmas trees in the background, Christmas music. It is October for goodness sake. It is over and out now for me unless I really want to watch a brand that I like and am prepared to try to blank it out.
One thing that has rather annoyed me this year is on shows that are not overtly Christmas shows, when they go all coy and say of course it is far to early to mention the C word.... simpering laugh! Well don't mention anything at all then!
Tarketta, I agree, I think it's got far worse this year. It's relentless, and I can only think it's psychological torture to beat us down. They'll be hypnotising us through the TV screen any day now, probably by repeating "It's nearly Christmas, I must buy gifts for the whole world".

Thanks historymystery - I'm tempted to alert Charlie Brooker to this thread, I'm sure there's material for another Black Mirror episode in Q's endless pushing of Chrimbo
I found it!!! I looked on the Q website but fortunately it is only on Sky, Freesat or channel 35 using connect TV. Well I don't have any of those so no risk of stumbling upon it.

I don't have these either--narrow escape, no temptation to torture myself.
Who the hell doesn't know how to split things up as gifts they treat us like imbeciles ,but no wait we won't want to split them up because we are so going to fall in love with everything and selfishly keep everything for ourselves,thank heavens I have no need to be buying a gift for anyone,my money will be sent to the dogs home.:mysmilie_48:

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