was that summer?
Jabba, you have no idea how happy we are that you're still with us, even if the sensory stuff is not quite what it was. Shop away :mysmilie_14:
I am buying loads as well , but then since my subarachnoid haemorrhage , I've had my driving licence taken off me as Imnow need to wear 2 hearing aids , as the nerve damage post bleed had left me deaf and similarly the nerve damage has left me with only 4 % tunnel vision.
We live in a rural area with no public transport , so I have to get my shopping hit some how
If only I had so little in stock! I think I've got 4 or 5 C&Ps and the same number of Instant Boost and Eyebright. I do get through it but I need to stop amassing so many products. Anyone know if there's a code stamped on the bottles anywhere which would tell me which is oldest so I can make sure I use that first? (There are numbers on Leighton Denny bottles which appear to be sequential, which helps.)